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    Everything posted by heusy68

    1. The State of Counani existed in 3 lapses from 1886 till 1912 https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/République_de_la_Guyane_indépendante There is much more info on the french version, than on the english wikipedia. Several Medal were instituted, all are seldom seen. Regards to all. Emmanuel
    2. Hello Daniel, Hello Gentlemen, The Orders & Medals of Counani were mostly awarded by those involved in the history of this territory , among themselves, but not in Counani itself. Actually France moved back when the Republic of Brazil raised concern that the occupation of this territory by miners & logger (at the right edge of french Guyana) was done completely illegally. But those who have been to Cunani have perpetuated the history of this chimera long after....Often you found medal, in bronze, silver (silvered), or gold (gilded). Ounce I was shown the Order ( I did not bought it ), but I kept the photo. So now I can share it with you. Best regards to all. Emmanuel
    3. I have been 2 times to Panama City ( November 2016 & January 2018). Those who knows me in the real life, knows that I travel for multiple purpose, one of them, is to grab and bought Orders & Medals in every country I visit, to increase my collection, but also to share the knowledge I can learned, and the make it more easily accessible for all. In Nov 2016, I visited the manufacturer which supply to the Chancellery of Panama, and I have been able to bought a Grand Cross of General Omar Torrijos Herrera with sliver breast star, in its case of issue. From the same shop I bought a sash badge of Order Amador Guerro & a Commandor of Amador Guerrero. But prices for Order Amador Guerrero were far from being equivalent of those mentioned above by 1812 Ouverture ( 1200 Rmb = 120 €). Price were around 1200 US $, and believe t or not, they were not manufactured in China, but in Firenze in Italia, by a family member of the middlemen who own the shop in Panama. If Arnaud Gailleurd rememebers, I told to him directly on that topic, when we met in late march or early april 2018, in Ritz Carlton Singapore. Best regards. Emmanuel
    4. On 13 July 1995, the Republic of Panama reinstitute the Order of Omar Torrijos Herrera as a 3 Classes Order Grand Collar Grand Cross with a Golden breast star Grand Cross with a Silver breast star
    5. Hello Megan, Hello Gentlemen, The Order of Omar Torrijos Herrara which was instituted by Act N°23 on 14 December 1982, was then a single class military awards, instituted by the Republic of Panama, from the Noriega era. According to manufacturing (3 separated parts), it is likely that this award, was the manufactured in the Republic of China ( Taiwan ), as on that time, Panama was recognizing the Republic of China, as the onliest China. Only in 2017, Panama switched to recognize the People's Republic of China as the onliest China. Reverse of the Order is blank. There were others military awards that were instituted during this era, but only the Order of Omar Torrijos Herrera was later revived (Executive Decree N°336 of 13 July 1995), because the General Omar Torrijos Herrera is still considered as a National Hero in Panama, for having started the process of the return of the Panama Canal Zone to the Republic of Panama, in 1977. Process that was completed in 1999. It is interesting to note that General Omar Torrijos was never President of the Republic of Panama, but was Lider Máximo de la Revolucion Panamea from 1968 till his death in an airplane crash on 31 June 1981. Best regards. Emmanuel
    6. A few years later, it appears that the Medal of Legislative Merit saw another evolution, to become a more elaborated neck medal (with what seems to be an enameled rim near the edge). The neck ribbon is now in a shape of a collar, with a larger rosette on one of its side. If anyone on this forum got better photo, he's most welcome to post any relevant information. Best regards to all. Emmanuel
    7. The Medal of Merito Legislativo has seen its first evolution (from a small breast medal to a larger neck medal ), somewhen around 2012/2013 And the award to Brazilian Minister Paulo Bernardo, in 2012. Regards to all. Emmanuel
    8. An exemple of the award document from the Medal of the 1st Type. A Medal awarded in 2002. Regards to all. Emmanuel
    9. The medal within its case of issue.
    10. Hello Gentlemen, In 1983 the Republic of Brazil had created a new medal, the Medal do Merito Legislativo ( Medal of Legislative Merit ). Since 1983 the shape of this medal has evolved from a breast medal, to a similar (but much larger) neck medal, and finally to a nowdays neck medal, but larger, and with a collar ribbon, with a large rosette on the neck ribbon. The 1st Type Medal was 35 Millimeters in diameter, and made of gilt metal. The ribbon which is 35 Millimeters width, is equal width green/yellow. The manufacturer is : H.Stern (from Brazil). On its obverse side the building of the National Congress in Brasilia, with the words "CONGRESSO NACIONAL BRASIL" On its reverse a view of the inside of the National Congress, with the words "CAMARA DOS DIPUTADOS - MERITO LEGISLATIVO" Regards to all. Emmanuel
    11. In year 2010, Ana Maria Braga, was awarded the Medal of Merit of Touristic Merit in Silver. It is barely the onliest photo from a person who was awarded the medal, who is actually wearing the medal, that I have been able to get from the net. Regards to all. Emmanuel
    12. Here there is 2 more Awards Document for the Medal of the Touristic Merit of Portugal, One for the silver Medal, awarded to : " Café Majestic " in year 2000. Café Majestic is one very iconic Café Belle Epoque from Porto. One for the Gold Medal, awarded to : "Geopark Naturtejo" in year 2010 As long as I understand the award, most of the awards, are to Association, Restaurants, Museum, Place of Historical & Natural Conservation Interest. No idea if some awards made during the period 1969 to 1974 were to institution. If anyone got clues, he/she's most welcome to post more information here. Best regards to all. Emmanuel
    13. The Gold Version of this Meda, even by browsing the web, it's not that easy to catch one. This award to a "Center of Professional Formation from the Food Sector" But here it is. Regards to all. Emmanuel
    14. Here a Medal of Touristic Merit in Bronze, awarded to Rita Nabeiro in 2018.
    15. Now (since 1982), the Medal of Touristic Merit is awarded as a neck badge. That one was awarded in 2018 to Association ALEP. I have travelled 6 times to Portugal for Medal Hunting, and the modern version (neck badge of the Touristic Merit), I have never ever seen it for sale. Eventho, the breast medal that I bought in 2019, I sourced it from Barcelona. The modern neck version does not seems to be made of silver any more. And if ribbon colors remains the same, the white central stripe is now much narrower than the 2 outer yellow stripes. Regards to all. Emmanuel
    16. These side photo, to allow you to see better the feature of this Medal. Regards to all. Emmanuel
    17. Hello Gentlemen, In these difficult time, I would like to introduce the Republic of Portugal Medal for Touristic Merit. This award was created in 1969 ( Decreto Lei 49265 of 26 September 1969 ). And it was reformed in 1982 ( Decreto Lei 316/82 of 11 August 1982 ). It's a 3 Classes award. No idea if any awards occurred during the period from 25 April 1974 ( Portugal Revolution ), and 1982. The photo below is an insignia from the 1st type ( Silver Medal : Medal do Prata ), it was then a breast badge. From my further investigations on the web, this medal is currently still awarded, but as a neck badge (whatever the category Bronze, Silver ( Parta ), Gold ( Ouro ). The medal is silver & enamel. Beautifull quality. The diameter is 45 Millimeters, and the weight is 39 Grammes. The ribbon is 30 Millimeters width, with 3 equal stripes of yellow, white, yellow ( 10 Millimeters each ). The pasador on ribbon is original and on reverse there is the safety pin to attach to the jacket. On reverse, there is the inscription : " SECRETARIA de ESTADO da INFORMAÇÃO e TURISMO --- PORTUGAL ---- MÉRITO TURISTICO" Best regards to all. Emmanuel
    18. heusy68


      Here is some photo from the CISM 73rd Congress in Dominican Republic in 2018. Regards to all. Emmanuel
    19. heusy68


      Thanks to Karhu, It is the CISM International Military Sport Council Award, it's a 6 Classes Awards. Being myself mostly specialist in State & National Awards, I had few clue to identify this one.
    20. Hello Gentlemen, We all know that there is a UK & a Canadian issue of the Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Medal 1952-2012. Few people know that in 2012 was also instituted a Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Medal 1952-2012 for the Caribbean Realms. It was a surprise to discover that Papua New Guinea also issued a specific medal for this Jubilee. I have not been able to see one, and I bet this medal was only issued to citizens of Papua New Guinea. I found evidence that 400 of this medals have been awarded in the Central Province of Papua New Guinea (the Central Province is the Province around Port Moresby, the capital of Papua New Guinea). It's population is about 300.000 inhabitants. https://emtv.com.pg/400-in-central-province-awarded-queen-elizabeths-diamond-jubilee-medal/ No idea what might be its dimension, but its diameter seems larger than the UK & Canadian issue. If any member of this forum has better information concerning this medal, he's most welcome to post it here. From the 1st photo, I bet the manufacturer could be ELM of Singapore, or its spin off company from Sydney : T & S Signcraft Pty Ltd . Regards to all. Emmanuel
    21. heusy68


      Hello Gentlemen, This Most Courteous Order of Lesotho, from Lesotho was for sale in a german auction house in June 2016 It's a First Class set. By the way, the sash badge of this set is NOT enameled. As this set was from the Ernst Blass Collection, I can bet that he was not bothered to put a 2nd Class neck badge on a sash badge. But I have no evidence to support it. As I witnessed this set, I can state that the reverse of both breast star and sash badge, were hallmarked by Skinner of London. Sadly this sash was cut short on reverse, and glued on a board frame. Ilja has posted on 31 August 2013, a photo from a Commander of this Order, with a different ribbon. That is because in 1987, Lesotho decided to change the ribbon colours, so both are correct. Regards to all. Emmanuel
    22. heusy68

      The Gambia

      Hello Gentlemen, We would need a lot of good photo from Gambia General (the first photo is General Lang Tombo Tamba ) The 3rd photo was posted by another GMIC Member some years ago, unfortunately I do not found the post. But if he recognize himself, I hope he won't be angry on me for this borrow. According to the very similarity of qualification badges on upper of his medal bar, I could bet, that the Officer on the left hand side of this photo is also General Lang Tombo Tomba. We still miss a good photo of the General Service Medal, and from the Medal next to it (often a medal is seen as a pair at right of the GSM). From all these photo, it seems that Gambian general likes very much, Military School, or Qualification badges given to them by foreign entities. Regards to all. Emmanuel
    23. heusy68

      The Gambia

      Hello Gentlemen, Sadly there seems to be not that much good photo of Major General Yankuba Drammeh, from the Gambia Army. He also served in various post, incl some diplomatic, as he was Ambassador to Turkey, and later Consul General in New York. On his first row : Member of Order of the Republic of Gambia ( M.R.G. ), then Officer of the Order of the Republic of Gambia ( O.R.G. ) On second row : ECOWAS Operation Liberty Medal (in Liberia 1989-96), UN Medal, UN Medal for UNMIL ( Liberia ), AU ( African Union ) AMIS Medal (for Sudan). On third row : General Service Medal (likely), Medal of the Order of the Republic of Gambia ( R.M.G. ), Gambia but what ?? , ?? unknown but could be a Republic of China Medal The "larger" medal which seems to be a fourth row, seems to actually be a kind of qualification badge, or from a military school. If any one on this forum get better photo of these medals, feel free to post. Regards to all. Emmanuel
    24. heusy68

      The Gambia

    25. heusy68

      The Gambia

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