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    Daniel Murphy

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    Everything posted by Daniel Murphy

    1. Here is another. Stamped steel with a gold wash or plate. The back plate is missing due to some the prongs being broken. It has been sewn to the backer and the rust has discolored the thread. Had this one about 13 years. Obverse.
    2. Don, Here are mine. This one is a alloy piece (Zinc?) with a similar back plate. There is just a hint of the original gold wash and is a sort of riveted construction. There is no maker mark that I can see and I have had it approx 20 years. Obverse.
    3. I would say it is the OZL. It must be to hold 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th classes. So you probably already have the 1st class set or a deal is in the works. Dan Murphy
    4. Chris, That is a beauty. The MAN ones are not often found. I wish we could have them like that in the states. Here you have to torch cut the right side plate, which cuts down on the displayability. You can have a fake sideplate put on but it has to be made thick, so the lock cannot be inserted. Here is a link to a Place you may have seen. IMA has a lot of parts and accessories for the 08/15 including the drum hanger and drums. They are repros, but are used at events and are very nice quality. Dan Murphy IMA
    5. And the bottom seal. This is a different type without the wax paper. C'mon, you don't think I would cheat and show the same filter twice do you?
    6. Which open to reveal the filter. Notice that this one was carried out of the can which accounts for the paint chips and dings.
    7. ....and another set of flaps. Notice the buttonholes were done with red ochre thread.
    8. As you unbutton the top strap, you have the makers mark on the inside....
    9. The back. The belt strap was supposed to be slipped through the loop underneath to form the belt loop. This one was never worn that way.
    10. Chip, Is the Atemeinsatztasche M17, the single filter carrier? I know nothing of the German names for these. If so, that is next up. This was originally dark grey, but has faded out in several areas. Not the greatest condition, but these are very hard to find. I have only seen two for sale including this one in over 20 years. Dan Murphy
    11. Chip, Thanks for the kind words. Yes the bag is marked, but it is weak. Here you go. When I got the bag, I had a choice between this one and a nice heavy canvas red ochre 1916. I liked that this one was earlier (and a little less expensive because it was cut) Dan Murphy
    12. The rubber lining is still soft and everything is like new, including the filter.
    13. Upon opening the large can, which has all straps intact, we have the mintest Gummimask I have ever seen.
    14. With all contents removed you can see it is a 1915 converted to a 1916 by cutting out one divider. Note the ragged edges it left.
    15. The idiot I got the filter and can from removed the seal. He did not destroy it and I was able to gently put it back in place.
    16. I agree with Mike on this one. Those guys are great and can give you a second opinion. I do have a couple issues with the helmet. The way the rear spine is bent upwards could be an attempt to replace the original spine with one that was a larger size and did not fit properly. The chinscales appear to be too long and hang too far down the front brim. This to me looks like another indication, it has been altered. All of the parts look original and in the same condition which is a good sign. The brass has been polished at one time which removed the frosting from the front plate. Basically, IMHO, a good helmet, but not a great one. Just make sure the price is consistent with the condition. Dan Murphy
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