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    Old Contemptible
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    Everything posted by webr55

    1. Willy von Klösterlein died 16.7.1945 in Berlin (death certificate at ancestry). Major a.D. Hugo Klemmert was born 8.10.1880 in Würzburg, died 20.7.1957 in Halle/S (death certificate at ancestry).
    2. Martin Rocholl died in Reservelazarett Heidelberg as Oberst on 6.6.1944 (death certificate at ancestry). He was born in Köln on 30.8.1883. Went into Polizei after WW1, in the Schupo RL 1933 as Polizei-OTL in Magdeburg. Also had the Hanseatic Cross.
    3. Lt Rödenbeek must be Eduard Karl Adolf Rödenbeck from IR 64, born 1892 in Coblenz (acc. to ancestry), died from his wounds 15. Nov 1918. No other active officer in the ERL who would fit.
    4. The Hptm Deutschmann in our list from RIR 227 should be Gottfried, not Georg. Originally from GrenR 6.
    5. We had the first name of Lt Bogislaw v. Dewitz gen. v. Krebs of IR 21 already. He was born in 1893 in Groß Jauth, KIA in Nov 1918: https://www.einegrossefamilie.de/egf/abfrage.pl?aktion=stammbaum_tabelle&person_id=70896&anzahl_generationen=3&sprache=da
    6. Assistenzarzt dR Wien from 4. GzF is Rudolf Wien, born 3.6.1890 in Eisleben, died from his wounds 27.9.18 (acc to Verlustlisten).
    7. Lt dR Zibis, flyer, is Georg Ferdinand Zibis, Bankbeamter. Born 22.4.1890 in Ober Lagiewnik. His marriage certificate from Oct 1917 lists him as Lt dR in Flieger-Abteilung (A) 245. Can be found in the Adressbuch Hirschberg/Riesengebirge 1927 as "Bankvorsteher".
    8. Olt Madlung is Hans Andreas Karl August Madlung from IR 116, born 10.5.1887 in Wiehe, acc. to Verlustlisten and ancestry. First name of Maj Ziegert, commander of FußAR 16, should be found in their regimental history: https://books.google.de/books/about/Das_lothringische_Fußartillerie_Regimen.html?id=qnQjlAEACAAJ&redir_esc=y
    9. HdR Siehr from FAR 93 is Max Siehr from Insterburg, formerly in FAR 37. Had the LD2.
    10. First name(s): Wilhelm Fritz Louis Oskar Kurt Allolio, born 1872 in Hannover. Lived in Pförten as OTL aD in 1928/30: http://wiki-de.genealogy.net/Kreis_Sorau/Adressbuch_1928-30/Pförten His son Kurt-Ekhard Allolio was a Lw OTL.
    11. Hermann Menzel made Kapitän zur See in 1940. Born 1890 in Blankenburg.
    12. Olt dR Zachariae from FA is Werner Eduard Lebrecht Zachariae, born 24.1.1885 in Frankfurt/Oder, Regierungsrat im preußischen Finanzministerium after WW1, Regierungspräsident in Magdeburg 1932-33. Died 7 Apr 1952 in Köln. Data acc. to ancestry and here: http://www.landesarchiv-bw.de/plink/?f=4-1475393 http://www.territorial.de/magdebg/rbmagdeb.htm His son Claus was KIA as Olt dR in 1944. And according to the book "Der Faustische Pakt: Goethe und die Goethe-Gesellschaft im Dritten Reich" by W. Daniel Wilson, dtv 2018, Zachariae was Jewish.
    13. His HHOX was gazetted on 28.5.18 in the Staatsanzeiger, 20.6.18 in the Militär-Wochenblatt. So he must have had both EKs as well. He was a Leutnant in the Garde-Grenadier-Regiment 5.
    14. yes that is the link to Munzinger archive, behind paywall. There is more info on Konrad Mommsen here: https://books.google.de/books?id=beWPO7gtXy0C&pg=PA161&lpg=PA161&dq=konrad+mommsen+1896&source=bl&ots=OGH0_TfavZ&sig=ACfU3U1KEF--kK5JTPn-kCt5Yw0Sem6tnw&hl=de&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwj9trO8u7v2AhXVlf0HHcfGDCIQ6AF6BAgWEAM#v=onepage&q=konrad mommsen 1896&f=false
    15. Hptm Kurt Moecke is Joseph Hugo Anton Curt Moecke, born 14.6.1880 in Korkwitz/Neisse, from FAR 21.
    16. More info on Lt Konrad Mommsen (1896-1973) from GGR 5, grandson of Theodor Mommsen: https://www.munzinger.de/search/portrait/Konrad+Mommsen/0/2887.html
    17. Lt dR Cleppin from IR 149 is Friedrich/Fritz Cleppin/Cleppien, born 25.7.1893 in Berlin-Schöneberg, died 7.7.1982 in Gütersloh (acc. to Verlustlisten and certificate at ancestry). Name is Friedrich Emil Ernst Johannes Cleppien acc. to birth certificate
    18. Dr. phil. Johannes Heinrich Oscar Dunkhase, Oberstudienrat in Bremen, born 14.12.1880 in Leeste, died 1963, acc. to data from ancestry.
    19. Lt dL Eisenach from PB 28 should be Franz Eisenach, Fabrikbesitzer in Küstrin. Born 1.10.1883 in Cüstrin/Küstrin, KIA 20.10.1918 acc. to Verlustlisten.
    20. Johann Edler von Kiesling auf Kieslingstein, 1873-1948, died in Santiago de Chile. https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Liste_der_Absolventen_der_Bayerischen_Kriegsakademie
    21. "Hans-Gerd Rabe" is the later art critic Hanns-Gerd Rabe, 1895-1986: https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hanns-Gerd_Rabe The Cross & Cockade Journal 1983 mentions that he received his HHOX personally from the Kaiser.
    22. Fritz von Kietzell died on 26.06.1942 as Major in OKW, according to the "Deutsche Presse" 1942. It mentions he also had the KVK2.
    23. Wasmuht is Wilhelm Rudolf Hugo Wasmuht, born 18.1.1880 in Ems, died as Ministerialrat 24.3.1934 in Berlin (death certificate at ancestry). (also received Hamburg and more)
    24. We have him in the list only with KO2X so far, but according to "Deutsche Luftfahrt", vol. 22-23 (1918), Kapitän z See (later char. Konteradmiral) Hans Gygas also got the HHOX:
    25. more info: Prof. Dr. Oskar Niemczyk, 1886-1961 https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oskar_Niemczyk His HHOX is confirmed in the Zeitschrift für das Berg-, Hütten- und Salinenwesen im Deutschen Reich 1918.
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