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    Old Contemptible
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    Everything posted by webr55

    1. Amazing additional research, Dave! Happy to see it helps, Gunnar! This one looks like it's a new one: Lt dR Willi Schlöndorn, died 1939 18.8.1939
    2. Dr. Alexander Bergmann became Oberlandesgerichtspräsident: 16.12.1938 We had him already, but here is more info on KL dR Johann Wahlen: 16.12.1938
    3. The other Ernst Krüger, Hptm dR (not the later GL Lw): 8.3.1937 Lt dR Wilhelm Lindau became NSDAP Gauorganisationsleiter, plus more info. 25.4.1937
    4. Walther Schmandt died 1935. (We also had a Lt Ludwig Schmandt before.) 6.11.1935 Not sure if this is a HHOX, cannot find him in the list: Major aD Otto von La Valette St. George from UR 5, died in 1936: 30.11.1936
    5. New first name: Lt Dr. Wilhelm Rünz, RIR 68, KIA 1917 22.8.1917 First name, not sure which one in our list this is: Hptm Oskar Schulz from an IR, KIA 1917 16.7.1917
    6. KL aD Aloys Böcker died 1941: 28.12.1941 It says "submitted", but I guess the Hptm Meller in our list is Albert: 11.5.1918 New first name: Lt dR Haan is Fritz, KIA: 8.5.1918
    7. Wilhelm Buhr, Major from PB7, later Oberregierungsrat, died Köln 1941. Siegfried Krick died 1941: New first name: Ernst Stamm, died as Major, Meldeamtsleiter, in 1941. 27.10.1941 Dr. Dr. h.c. Georg Sperlich, former Mayor of Münster, died in some accident in 1941: 25.12.1941
    8. New first name: Lt dR Friedrich Schlüter, KIA 1918 (not the Hptm Friedrich Schlüter in our list) 22.6.1918
    9. Submitted: Lt dL Heinrich Ostermann (not the Ostermann in our list) 26.7.1918 Lt dR Hans Scher seems to be a new one: 8.7.1918
    10. We have Petri, but Olt Max Heyden might be a new one: 27.8.1918 This shows again why we should definitely list the submitted ones: we have Lt dR Max Pulfrich (though new first name!), but he is listed here as submitted: 26.8.1918 May have some new info on Hptm Köhler, Beckhaus, Pulkowski: 16.8.1918
    11. Three new first names: Fred Hermanns, Werner Lentz, Franz Meng 9.10.1918 Submitted: Lt dR Walter Lucas 2.10.1918 First name: Olt Herbert Veltman, KIA 1918 27.8.1918
    12. First name: Lt dR Ernst Josten, RJB 30.10.1918 First name: Hptm Wilhelm Rath 30.10.1918 A late submitted one, might well have got it: Lt dR Heinrich Bock from FAR 33 26.10.1918 Yet another submitted one: Lt dR Joseph Credé 25.10.1918 Submitted as well, not the Kolkmann we have already: Lt dR Gustav Kolkmann from IR 151 17.10.1918
    13. Ok, Kölnische Zeitung has been put online now. Here we go: New first name: Hptm Albert Otto 5.12.1918 New first name: Lt dR Hermann Kracht from FußAR7 27-9-1918 We have Schalk from IR 135, but Olt dR Gossler might be a new one. 12.9.1918 New first name: Lt Heinrich Essmann, KIA 1918 14.11.1918
    14. Hello everyone, this photo - now colorized - shows one of my relatives with his unit during WW2 in Norway. Seems to be a fjord in the background - does anyone have an idea where this might have been taken? Regards Chris
    15. Found some (a bit blurry) photos of Ernst von Weizsäcker in his diplomat uniform, with a double-row ribbon bar. Anyone has better pictures of him with his awards?
    16. And now - colorized: ...and only now did I realize that Edelmann is wearing sunglasses ?
    17. Lt Fraedrich was from IR 155 and from Ostrowo. Olt aD as per EhrenRL. From Posener Tageblatt, 8.7.1918 The Adressbuch Ostrowo 1913 lists a Hermann Fraedrich, Oberzollrevisor, probably his father.
    18. Some more info from myheritage: Helmut Yström is probably this one, Police career and Senator in Bremen after WW2: https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Helmut_Yström
    19. No. 7 might also be the (unofficial) Austrian Ehrenlegion.
    20. By the way, this Lw OTL from the very first page of this 14-year-old thread has recently been identified over at AHF. It is GM (posth.) Dr. Johann-Volkmar Fisser (1893-1940). So we can add his other awards to the list: HHOX, GSF3bX (he is in the Sachsen-Weimar list as "Walter Fisser"), Oldenburg (probably, I thought Meiningen at first, but he is not in the list) - and the last one looks to me like an Italian Crown Order, not ÖM3K. (Colorized below.)
    21. First names will always be helpful! Some more info on Bernhard Pein, later Professor and SS Officer: https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bernhard_Pein Also some more on Emil(e) Brumder, who remained in French Alsace, died 1967: https://www.alsace-histoire.org/netdba/brumder-emile-victor/ (it is the same person, I checked the birth date)
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