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    Old Contemptible
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    Everything posted by webr55

    1. This might be a new one: Lt dR Stumpf from Bentheim From Münsterischer Anzeiger, 5.11.1918 Just a thought: Any chance that this is the later Flak Oberst Paul Stumpf (born 1893)? In the 1914 RL, there is a Lt dR Stumpf in FAR 25.
    2. Not sure what this is: Oberzollkontrolleur Wölle? We have a H dL aD Wölle in the list, yes. Or is that a mistake, should it read "without swords" rather? From Münsterischer Anzeiger, 2.11.1918
    3. Chance find: a number of Finnish awards nicely together From Kölner Local-Anzeiger, 2.6.1918 Second one: Lt zS Bruno Blank From Arnsberger Zeitung, Okt 1918
    4. Two more Zähringen not listed: Lt Hugo Droll Lt Hermann Strub (we have his brother Josef only so far) Both from Freiburger Zeitung, October 1918 One of the Webers, Hptm and Bataillonskdr, not sure this helps anything: Die Presse, 30.10.1917
    5. Another Zähringen chance find, I think we don't have him yet (or at least adds a first name): Lt dR Dr. August Keller From Freiburger Zeitung, 18.11.1918
    6. Julius Baader got submitted to HHOX, but most probably didn't get it anymore. From Freiburger Zeitung, 12.11.1918
    7. Another chance find: I think Lt dR Hermann Ellinger is not yet listed as a Zähringen awardee, neither in Roth nor in the additional lists from Rick. From Freiburger Zeitung, 2.11.1918
    8. Chance find, something not very common: Turkish Lifesaving Medal, to Schreibersmaat Georg Gloge on SMS Goeben (Die Presse, 15.12.1917)
    9. This is strange: The first issue of this Burschenschaft journal from 1914 lists an Eggers as Hptm already, also from IR 77. Period mistake? Ah ok, the same issue mentions his promotion to Hauptmann:
    10. The same source also has info about another member of the same Burschenschaft, a Hauptmann Eggers. The Jan/Feb 1918 issue mentions his HHOX: This is not Hptm Friedrich Eggers, he got his HHOX already in 1916. He also got the ÖM3K, which is mentioned in the May/June 1917 issue - but still no first name: ok, so he was Hptm dR in RIR 232, at least when the Sep/Okt/Nov 1916 issue came out: In Jan 1915, he was Olt dR in IR 77. Still no first name.
    11. not much, but some more info on Hptm W. Würtz Die Presse, 17.1.1918 One of the Hoffmanns, Hptm Hoffmann from Bromberg Die Presse, 16.1.1918
    12. just a chance find, Waldeck is not very common: Unteroffizier Kurt Schwarz from IR 83 is listed in the Waldeck lists, though without first name: From Die Presse, 19.5.1918
    13. Another Schmidt, Major Georg Schmidt from IR 61. As I understand, this cannot be the Georg Schmidt who was commander of IR 82. From Die Presse, 28.5.1918 This might be the same Schmidt, published by a different (his former?) regiment, but not sure. His career would have to be checked. Die Presse, 24.5.1918 yes, indeed the same one, confirmed here (Die Presse, 23.5.1918):
    14. This doesn't look like a new one at first, but it might still be: Olt Kurt Lange. Yes, we have the later GM Kurt Lange in the lists, but if I read correctly, he was not promoted to Olt until 1923. From Die Presse, 26.7.1918
    15. Here we have one of the Grassmanns (spelling might of course elsewhere be Graßmann): Hptm Konrad Grassmann from an FAR: (and btw he seems to have a brother Curt, also FA Hptm) From Die Presse, 1.9.1918
    16. Lt dR Bernhard von der Marwitz was submitted to HHOX, but no guarantee he got it: From Die Presse, 18.9.1918
    17. No HHOX here, but a very interesting description for an EK 1 award: Lt Artur Gdanietz destroyed two tanks with direct hits from a Minenwerfer: (Die Presse, 31.10.1918)
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