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    Old Contemptible
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    Everything posted by webr55

    1. New one or more info: HdR Wallmann from IR 61 From Die Presse, 22.12.1918 Die Presse, 11.12.1918:
    2. This might be a new HHOX: Olt Kaspar Gerlach from IR 98, 1887-1917: From the Verlustliste of the Hessischer Volksschullehrerverein: http://www.denkmalprojekt.org/2013/buch_hessische-volksschullehrerverein_wk1_teil1.html
    3. Here are several ones for the White Falcon list from the Eisenach Gedenkbuch: http://www.denkmalprojekt.org/2010/eisenach_gb_wk1_A-G_thuer.htm Willy Baacke, Arno Bliedner, Rudolf Böttger, Armin Brockmann, Max Büschel, Hermann Coch, Richard Ebert, August Engelhardt, Curt zum Felde, Theo Foltz, Hermann Fürbringer http://www.denkmalprojekt.org/2010/eisenach_gb_wk1_H-Q_thuer.htm Kurt Harseim, Arthur Henning (new first name), Wilhelm v. Holleben, Hans Kleinsteuber, Rudolf Kleinsteuber, Egon Kürbs, Gustav Liess, Alfred Limbach, Fritz Loosch, Willi Mattheus, Hugo Mattig, Walther Ohnesorg, Dr. Hermann Osske (new first name) http://www.denkmalprojekt.org/2010/eisenach_gb_wk1_R-Z_thuer.htm Hermann Rosendorf, Max Sommer, Fritz Walther (new first name), Martin Wernick (more info), Carl Alexander v. Wurmb, Hans Lutz v. Wurmb http://www.denkmalprojekt.org/2013/buch_hessische-volksschullehrerverein_wk1_teil1.html August Vole (new first name) http://denkmalprojekt.org/2019/verlustliste_deutsche-bank-1918_wk1.html Felix Seidler http://www.denkmalprojekt.org/2019/verlustliste_deutsche-bank-1917_wk1.html Fritz Bodenschatz
    4. Would make sense. I find a Wilhelm Rudolf Claus Gloyer, born 1893 in Itzehoe, died 1968 in Düsseldorf.
    5. Another new one: Lt dR Wilhelm Glover from Itzehoe: From Hamburgischer Correspondent und neue hamburgische Börsen-Halle, 1.6.1918 New first name: Lt dR Theo Normann From Hamburgischer Correspondent und neue hamburgische Börsen-Halle, 28.5.1918
    6. And just for a break, isn't this a nice message: The Kaiser personally allowed the seven soldier sons of the widow Kosow to go on holiday to visit their mother. (Hamb. Corresp., 12.1.1918)
    7. This seems to be another new one: Flyer Lt Joachim Mörner, born 1895. This link provides access to all his documents: https://www.europeana.eu/de/item/2020601/https___1914_1918_europeana_eu_contributions_12853
    8. Here comes one of the Schmidts: Olt dR Ernst Schmidt From Hamburgischer Correspondent und neue hamburgische Börsen-Halle. 9.7.1918 There are no HHOXs here, but this is such a nice listing of many different awards I wanted to post it here anyway. Many different states, and even the Finnish Medal of Liberty to Unteroffizier R. Burmeister and Maschinistenmaat Max Krause. From Hamburgischer Correspondent und neue hamburgische Börsen-Halle. 19.7.1918
    9. Not sure if this is a new one, or just a new first name: Lt Otto Carstens, plus other awards From Hamburgischer Correspondent und neue hamburgische Börsen-Halle, 16.7.1918
    10. Yet more info on Hptm Friedrich Eggers: we had the death notice before, but here is a full obituary: From Neue Hamburger Zeitung, 8.5.1918
    11. More info on awards of Lt (Johannes) Leistikow: From Hamburger Anzeiger, 10.3.1917 By coincidence, also found the death notice of his father, from Hamburgischer Correspondent und neue hamburgische Börsen-Halle, 30.10.1917
    12. Another first name Olt dR Egger Rasmuß from a FAR, along with Helmut Frers (we had him already): From Hamburger Anzeiger, 29.5.1918
    13. Jensen was from Schottsbüllfeld, here mentioned together with Dr. Wolff and Matthiessen, who we already have. From Hamburgischer Correspondent und neue hamburgische Börsen-Halle, 30.5.1918
    14. I don't think we have him yet: Lt dR J. P. Jensen: From Hamburgischer Correspondent und neue hamburgische Börsen-Halle. 5.6.1918
    15. Happy new year! We continue: More on Olt dR Werner Triebner: From Hamburgischer Correspondent und neue hamburgische Börsen-Halle, 08.09.1927
    16. I was also trying to sort out the Kaltenborn-Stachaus, I think they were already discussed here. In the RL 1914, we have: 1) a Hptm in IR 64, M aD that must be Hans Carl Friedrich Rudolph von Kaltenborn-Stachau, 1877-?, he is the one who got the HHOX 2) a Lt in GG1, KIA 1914 that must be Friedrich Heinrich Rudolf von Kaltenborn-Stachau, Olt, 1885-1914 Both 1+2 were sons of GdI Hans Carl Georg von Kaltenborn-Stachau , 1836-98, Prussian Kriegsminister 1890-93 3) an Olt in FR 80 that must be Joachim Bertold Gustav Franz, (char) M aD, 1884-1972, 1941 Oberst, son of GL Ludwig v. Kaltenborn-Stachau, 1846-1931 4) a Lt in FußArt Schießschule, kd z Sem. f. orient. Sprachen, H aD from Schutztruppe DOA that must be Roland Rudolf, 1884-1934 5) another Lt dR in IR 82
    17. Not sure we have him already: flyer Joachim v. Schröder (1885-1929), died in a crash as a Lufthansa captain. From Hamburger Nachrichten, 20.12.1929
    18. Looks like a new first name: Flieger Lt dR Alfred E Petersen Death notice from Hamburger Nachrichten, 4.1.1930
    19. Stellv. Polizeipräsident Zenke, I guess this is the LtdR Zenke in our lists: From Hamburgischer Correspondent und neue hamburgische Börsen-Halle, 27.4.1933
    20. Another new one: Lt Leopold Ganser From Hamburgischer Correspondent und neue hamburgische Börsen-Halle, 15.10.1918 Some more info on Oberst aD Carl Will: From Hamburger Nachrichten, 12.6.1934
    21. But how about GL Lw Ernst Krüger, originally from FR 86? Again, Luftwaffe sources credit him with HHOX, and there is this picture of him, which very much seems to have the HHOX on the bar:
    22. I definitely agree about Weinknecht, it should be listed in one of the RH lists, and those RK sources are too unreliable. Gerstenberg - I guess you are right as well, but he dropped out of RH after some years to leave for Moscow, so there might be uncorrected mistakes in the lists. He is listed with HHOX in Hillgruber, I just wonder from where he got that information. The pictures I found of Gerstenberg are too blurry to be useful.
    23. Btw, it seems that the later General dF Helmuth Förster is missing on the list: https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Helmuth_Förster GM Leopold Graf Fugger birth/death data: 1893-1966 Some Lw sources credit Generalrichter Egon Koepsch with HHOX, but the attached picture of him shows he got the Princely one.
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