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    Old Contemptible
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    Everything posted by webr55

    1. This is one with a fascinating background story: I came across this article in the Hamburger Nachrichten (18.8.1931) written by an "A. Agricola", who mentions that he got the HHOX as Nachrichtenoffizieru while being involved in the armistice between Austria and Russia. Some research turned out that this name was only an alias for the real name Alexander Bauermeister (translated into Latin), who became famous after WW1 for writing about his secret service activities, both in German and English ("Spies Break Through: Memoirs of a German Secret Service Officer", https://books.google.de/books/about/Spies_Break_Through.html?id=wYcCAAAAMAAJ&redir_esc=y). He was originally from KürR 5, ended WW1 as Olt aD.
    2. Very interesting! I think this might be easily resolved: It is Franz, but the award was a posthumous one, which had been in process already. The death notice appeared before the papers were processed.
    3. First name for Olt Rudolf Röder, KIA 1918: http://www.denkmalprojekt.org/2012/randersacker_lk-wuerzburg_wk1_wk2_bay.html Lt dR Karl Heine from IR 56: http://www.denkmalprojekt.org/2017/gedenkbuch_burschenschaft_germania_wuerzburg_1wk_2wk_bay.html
    4. This is at least a new first name, from the Eberbacher Geschichtsblätter: H Franz Külp, KIA as a flyer 1917: http://www.denkmalprojekt.org/2012/eberbach_rhein-neckar-kreis_wk1_bw.html At least a first name: Lt Gerhard Anders, from Jagdstaffel 73, KIA 1918: http://www.denkmalprojekt.org/2014/berlin-neukoelln-frdhf-columbiadamm_brl.html
    5. The "Ehrenbuch der Burschenschaft der Bubenreuthia" lists a Lt dL Hans Otto Leyh, so at least a first name: http://www.denkmalprojekt.org/2017/burschenschaft-der-bubenreuther-ehrenbuecher_1wk_2wk_bay.html Lt Ludwig Neuhaus was KIA 1918: http://denkmalprojekt.org/2019/verlustliste_deutsche-bank-1918_wk1.html
    6. Great addition! What I have from the Luftwaffe sources: CANSTEIN, Richard, Freiherr von. (DOB: 24.02.95). 01.04.34 RDA as Hptm. 02.04.35 Hptm., b.d.Offz.z.b.V.d.R.d.L. (Sonstige-Offz.) attended Infanterie-Lehrgang Königsbrück (to 28.05.35). 09.39 Maj./Obstlt., Stab/JG 3. 1940 in Stab/JG 51 and then Stab/JG 3. 01.09.42 provisional Kdt. Fl.H.Kdtr. 35/XI, promo to Obstlt.(z.D.). 05.12.42 appt Kdt. Fl.H.Kdtr. Rheine. 08.03.44 Obstlt., appt Kdt. Fl.H.Kdtr. A(o) 10/VI, Bonn-Hangelar (still 02.45). But I cannot find him either before that. Must have come in during WW1 as a Reserve Officer.
    7. Some more info on Lt dR Prahl from Pioniere and Lt dR Hermann Heesch. From Hamburgischer Correspondent und neue hamburgische Börsen-Halle, 11.9.1918
    8. No new names here, but an interesting find: Hamburgischer Correspondent (14.12.1924) published this comment with some statistics about decorations (including HHOX) when the first Reichswehr rank list with awards was published:
    9. A first initial for Olt W. Bier From Hamburgischer Correspondent und neue hamburgische Börsen-Halle, 24.9.1918
    10. I have looked through the RK lists, and it seems that GL Friedrich Weinknecht also had the HHOX: http://www.ritterkreuztraeger.info/rk/w/W131Weinknecht.pdf https://www.tracesofwar.com/persons/8591/Weinknecht-Friedrich.htm Just a typo: GM Ernst Dreschel seems to be listed as "Drechsel": https://www.oocities.org/~orion47/WEHRMACHT/LUFTWAFFE/Generalmajor/DRECHSEL_ERNST.html Also, it looks as if we don't have GL (Lw) Alfred Gerstenberg yet: https://www.oocities.org/~orion47/WEHRMACHT/LUFTWAFFE/Generalleutnant/GERSTENBERG_ALFRED.html And are we listing famous flyer Wolfgang von Gronau's rare Hohenzollern without swords or not?
    11. Wow, an Oakleaves winner we don't have yet! For Jobst v. Hanstein, we can add: 1887-1968, RK, DKiG
    12. Lt dR Paul Löhlein is on the list already, but here is much more info about him: From Hamburgischer Correspondent und neue hamburgische Börsen-Halle, 6.10.1918
    13. This is really interesting, I thought Navy was complete already, but it seems we don't have Kapitänleutnant der Seewehr Johann Wahlen on the HHOX list yet: From Hamburger Nachrichten, 15.12.1938
    14. More info on Rudolf Loeffel, who went on to pursue a career in SS/Gestapo and became Polizeipräsident: From Hamburger Nachrichten, 4.12.1935 More info on the later Polizeioberst Oskar Beltz: From Hamburgischer Correspondent und neue hamburgische Börsen-Halle, 6.2.1933
    15. The v. Ludwigers, we've got them already, but here they are together: From Hamburger Nachrichten, 1.2.1939
    16. This might be a new one: OTL Quido von Schoenebeck, from IR 76 From Hamburger Nachrichten, 7.4.1938
    17. I did some research, others will have more career info: This is Major Wilhelm Ritgen (1870-1918), so he was 48 when he was KIA. Born 22nd April 1870. In 1914, he is listed in FAR 70. His father was Hauptmann Hermann Ludwig Aloysius Ritgen (1834-1870), KIA at Colombé near Metz, 14th August 1870. He had just married Charlotte Buschendorff (1845-1920) in 1869, so Wilhelm was the only child. Wilhelm had three children, Liselotte, Ilse and Wilhelm.
    18. Not sure if this is a new one, or just different spelling: Major Henck, from IR 160 and IR 65 From Emser Zeitung, 26.3.1917
    19. A first name: Hptm Walter Peschke from FR 37 From Weilburger Tageblatt, 31.5.1918 Another first name: LtdL Anton Emter From Kreis-Zeitung Bad Homburg, 21.8.1918 Yet another first name: Hptm Hugo Wasmuht From Diezer Zeitung, 15.5.1918
    20. A bit more on Dr. Albert Schmidt, 1885-1951, Landgerichtspräsident Bremen 1942-45. Including other awards. From Bremer nationalsozialistische Zeitung, 28.11.1942 and a book called "Neuanfang auf Trümmern: Die Tagebücher des Bremer Bürgermeisters Theodor Spitta 1945-1947", 2014.
    21. One of the Eggers': Bernhard Eggers, HdL and Gauamtsleiter, died 1937 at 55. From Bremer nationalsozialistische Zeitung, 29.10.1937
    22. Another White Falcon, Prof. Dr. Robert Marc (1876-1918): From "Ehrengedenkbuch des Vitzthumschen Gymnasiums zu Dresden", Dresden 1922.
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