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    Old Contemptible
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    Everything posted by webr55

    1. More info on one of the Sippels, Lt dR Hermann Lion Sippel: From Börsenblatt für den Deutschen Buchhandel, 01.04.1937
    2. From the same volume: a first name and more info about Kurt Feller: More info on Heinrich Post, same volume:
    3. Ahh yes - you are right! Here is the proof, we just need to look at the following page of the Deutsche Wirtschaftsführer volume that Mattyboy found: no HHOX for Wilhelm! (I would bet he would not have left that out.) De
    4. Alexander and Wilhelm (certainly brothers) were two different ones. The Wilhelm in the list was born 1875, while the Alexander found by Matty was born 1881. Wilhelm is this one: https://www.deutsche-biographie.de/pnd143521683.html
    5. Paul Plohmann died 1940, he was "Sportschriftleiter des Königsberger Tageblattes". Source: Deutsche Presse, Band 30 (1940)
    6. This mentions a Hans Roth (1896-1958) with HHOX who was a pastor in Oldenburg, so different from the Generalmajor Hans Roth: https://www.kirche-oldenburg.de/fileadmin/Redakteure/PDF/rittner_roth_bultmann.pdf
    7. The Hptm dR Laubert in our list seems to be the later Professor Manfred Laubert (1877-1960): https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Manfred_Laubert
    8. Great source! Alexander Oldenbourg and Franz Ullrich seem to be new ones. Ullrich might be spelt differently in other sources.
    9. Not sure: are we looking for Komture too? Asking because GL George von Engelbrechten is not listed, but he cannot be a new case: https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/George_von_Engelbrechten
    10. Saxon Lt dR Konrad Kayser, death notice (with other awards) from Dresdner Nachrichten, 7.11.1918
    11. I think we don't have him yet: Dr. h.c. Willy Eiselen (1896-1981) https://www.leo-bw.de/detail/-/Detail/details/PERSON/kgl_biographien/101257752X/Eiselen+Willy Some more info on Paul Sommer, including death date: https://www.eppli.com/de/l/184163/nachlass_des_oberst_ad_und_luftverkehrsdirektors_ir
    12. Another first name: Lt dR Helmuth Frers Neue Hamburger Zeitung, 21.5.1918 Lt Max Beckmann Neue Hamburger Zeitung, 18.9.1918
    13. Death notice, some more info on awards of Hptm Friedrich Eggers: Hamburger Nachrichten, 21.4.1918 A first name: Lt Rudolf Zacharias-Langhans Hamburgischer Correspondent und neue hamburgische Börsen-Halle, 5.10.1918
    14. Hauptmann v. Kalckstein, Lt dR Knabjohann, Lt dR Würfel were from IR 163. And there is a Lt Hans Voß. Hamburgischer Correspondent und neue hamburgische Börsen-Halle, 6.6.1918 Lt dR W. Puttfarken was from PiBat 9. Hamburgischer Correspondent und neue hamburgische Börsen-Halle, 31.5.1918
    15. A first name and more info on Dr. Ernst Paech: From Königsberger Hartungsche Zeitung, 3.4.1918
    16. And another new White Falcon, from Austria: Georg Freiherr Skrebensky von Hrzistie Grazer Tagblatt 7.5.1917
    17. This should be a new one: Hptm Otto Hasenclever From Neues Grazer Tagblatt, 28.3.1920 Some more info on Hptm dR Walter Schellhase Völkischer Beobachter 8.8.1944
    18. A first name for Maj aD Gerhard Krantz: Deutsches Offizierblatt, 11.3.1922 First name: Lt dR Gerhard Gillmann Deutsches Offizierblatt, 11.12.1921
    19. One of the Walters, Maj aD Ernst Walter, from FAR 241 From Deutsches Offizierblatt, 1.10.1921 Either a new one, or at least a first name: Dr. Hellmut Wieland From Deutsches Offizierblatt, 1.9.1921
    20. A first name: Olt dR Georg Peterson Königsberger Hartungsche Zeitung, 20.6.1918 Some more info on Oswald Baumann, from myheritage:
    21. Here is an interesting case, we don't have him so far. Got the data from myheritage: Johannes Goblau, 1893-1966 Ah wait, typical Fraktur mistake: the name is Goßlau. So still, a new first name and dates. And he was from IR 155
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