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    Old Contemptible
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    Everything posted by webr55

    1. Just saw this ---- WOW! I have only been following this bar for about 4 years...
    2. I wish I knew -- he was "Amtmann" and formerly a high ranking Beamter in the administration of the Technical University of Hannover. The university also gave him a "honorary citizenship". The medal for this honor was included in the lot; I can show them later.
    3. Many thanks for showing the pictures, very attractive indeed! My Nothelferzeichen belonged to a Gustav Klee from Hanover, but I have no docs. There is an SA Reserve pin that came with it.
    4. Here's something I bought some time ago: A golden TeNo needle. What was it awarded for actually? And are they rare?
    5. TeNo Organization and Landesf?hrer Details on the organizational structure of the TeNo and the names of the Landef?hrer were posted by someone at the AHF a couple of years ago. I thought it would be good to add them here, as this information seems hard to find. There are probably typing mistakes in the names, but I quote them as they were posted. The ranks must be Polizei ranks. I have added additional info in brackets, but could not find much on most of these. They are not in the ranklists I have. I Ost Oberst Ehrbar to 1941 Oberst Schriever II Nord Hermans to 1940 SS OStubaf Ernst Schilling to 4 44 Hauptbereitschaftsf?hrer Langjahr III Mark Brandenburg Gen Maj Josef Foroni to 1937 Gen Maj Helmuth Gerloff to 1939 [maybe Prof. Dr. Helmuth Gerloff, SS-Brigadef?hrer und Generalmajor der Polizei, 1894-?] Oberst Schroder [schr?der?] to 22.1.43 Gen Maj Josef Foroni to 8.5.43 Oberst Schroder [schr?der?] to 1945 IV Ober-Elbe Gen Maj Richard Burban V S?dwest SS Stubaf Ernst Oelker VI Westfalen-Niederrhein Oberst Friedrich Prussner VII Bayern-S?d Oberst Dull VIII Schlesien Berger VIIIa Oberschlesien Oberstleutnant Haust 1943 -1945 IX Hessen-Th?ringen Oberstlt Hopker X Nordwest Curtze to 1942 Oberstlt Maack to 1943 Kollmeyer XI Mitte Schlager to 1942 Major Langjahr XII Westmark Gen Maj Franz Wenzel XIII Nordbayern-Egerland SS Stubaf Leo Meier to 1943 SS Stubaf Hans Zimmer XVII Ostmark-Nord Gen Maj Walter Junecke to 17.1.43 Oberst Carl Stauss to 7.44 then ??? XVIII Ostmark-S?d Carl Stauss 1939 - 1945 XX Danzig-Westpreussen Willibald Kamm XXI Wartheland Oberstlt Adalbert Schulze
    6. I think the most senior ("dienst?ltere") General?rzte were given the rank of Generalmajor.
    7. Very good thread about a relatively unknown organisation! Recently, pictures and docs of a high TeNo leader have been sold on ebay: Gustav Curtze, 1914 Hptm der Pioniere, HHOX and several other awards during WW1, until 1942 TeNo-Landesf?hrer X Nordwest, died 1.1.1946.
    8. Dr. Georg Glogau, Dr. med. from the University of Berlin in 1888 (Dissertation on "Zur Casuistik der Oberschenkelamputation im unteren Drittel nach Gritti"). Listed in the DOA 1908/09 with RAO4 and ZM, as OStA in IR 74 (Hannover). In 1914 Generaloberarzt (Divisionsarzt) at the 20th Division (Hannover). A.D. as Generalarzt.
    9. For a change: This is a GENUINE one... almost forgotten how they look like:
    10. well I think this is open fraud: "nach Angaben des Vorbesitzers aus Pour le Merite Trägernachlass" (PLM wearer according to previous owner) ... and it went for 84 euros.
    11. I agree it's probably Kieluch --- but rats! Can't find him among the Arbeitsf?hrer, nor among the Oberstfeldmeister (Hauptmann rank) or the Feldmeister (Leutnant). It SEEMS that he might have been an Oberfeldmeister (Oberleutnant rank) in 1938, though that would have been a quick promotion, two ranks up to Arbeitsf?hrer in 4 years. Promotions seemed to have been rather slow in the RAD. So the problem is: The Oberfeldmeister volume (vol. 3 of the list) is the only one I have NOT been able to obtain...
    12. Very interesting, thanks! My mini bar has got exactly the same backing color! Maybe they were in the same administrative branch or civilian occupation... btw any chance he might be in the Prussian State and Court Handbook recently (re-) discovered?
    13. Ahh Heiko! That one comes close yes - though it's not him. Any idea who yours belonged to? And - what was the backing colour??
    14. Thanks! It certainly looks --- classy. Someone with style. I'm wondering whether - with the St. Michael - there will be a chance of narrowing him down....
    15. I would guess a Prussian official - the combination could be to a Marine official. The backing colour is not easy to make out, not sure whether dark blue or black. Seems more black after all.
    16. My recent purchase: A quite tiny (0,8cm ribbons) miniature ribbon bar - probably from the 1920s. No EK, no Hindenburg. An unusal non-com combination: War Aid Cross, RAO, KO, King Ludwig Cross, St. Michael (!!, probably 4th cl), Saxon KVK, Oldenburg NC, and a Spanish MVO non-com (CORRECTION: Ottoman medal of the Red Crescent, see below).
    17. Great find! Very interesting!
    18. Guess you may have seen this already, but here it is in a quite good resolution: 30th July 1938, Henry Ford getting his Grand Cross of the German Eagle Order from Karl Kapp, German ambassador (or consul?) in Cleveland; to the left Fritz Heiler, German ambassador/ consul in Detroit.
    19. First let me say what a WONDERFUL grouping!! He was quite a high Post official. Abteilungspr?sident - that should equal to at least Oberst rank, maybe more. I will see what I can translate.
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