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    Tim B

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    Everything posted by Tim B

    1. Hi Kev, I did wonder if it was a price guide initially but seen the breakdown of Army/Air Force and Navy and then thought against it. Were the items different for the various services? Tim
    2. That would be cool! Hopefully some more light can be shed on these. Does the JOMSA still sell back issues and if so, how far back? Tim
    3. Based on the reference by Eric R. Schena, I think MonDvor only manufactured the 1st and 2nd Class awards that were made in the early higher quality metals. Some additional information that I've found out since last posting and will add here for those interested: The Order was instituted on 9 July 1945 to be awarded to officers of the People’s Army or Ministry of Internal Affairs for heroic acts and exemplary leadership in wartime. The first examples were made by Goznak, probably at the St. Petersburg (then Leningrad) Mint. The authorship of later models, such as this is not known for certain as they are unsigned but other Albanian Orders of the time were made by by PräWeMa (Präge Werkzeug Machinen) of Markneukirchen in eastern Germany, maker of many of the best East German (DDR) awards. Tim
    4. Hello again, Yes, very hard to find information on Portuguese awards. Any clue on how many maker's might be involved here? I would also be very interested in seeing different manufacturer versions of the Victory Medal if you have any. Thanks for adding to the thread! Tim
    5. What else could I add here...an exceptionally nice group and with a personal family history as well. Tim
    6. Hi Rob! Thanks for joining in here and adding those PIC's! Yes, totally agree on the quality of the strike on this maker. By chance, do you have the Arthus Bertrand example and a close-up of that mark to show here? Tim
    7. Hi Kev! Thanks for posting those!! So, there are more makers than originally thought here and still another "Ellas" version with no dates. I didn't realize there were that many different versions. Version 112.08 (a; b) is curious. 112.08 has six-feathers but, (a) and (b) both have seven. Minor die differences/changes from the same maker? Looking at the last group of PIC's showing the attachments, I see the numbers awarded and can now understand why we don't see many of these awards around. I found a so-called ELLAS version with no dates (pictured below). Thanks again! Tim
    8. Very nice! So, do you attribute the differences to different makers/manufacturers, or are these differences perhaps differentiating between the colonial pieces you mentioned earlier? Regards, Tim
    9. Hi Kev! Can't wait to see what you got to show! Tim
    10. Hugh, So, it appears your piece is of the 1946 type and as you correctly suspected, would have been the current version when you purchased it in the '60's. Tim
    11. Finding some new information here and will post for discussion hopefully. The War Cross was established by Decree No. 2870 of November 30, 1916 to reward acts and deeds of bravery performed in the campaign. The award received notoriety during World War I and during the Portuguese Colonial War. Divided into 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th grade, in descending order of importance. The War Cross, slightly inspired by the French Croix de Guerre (mainly in the colors of ribbon suspension), had, throughout its history, three different types or models, respectively legislated in 1916, 1946 and 1971. So, it appears there are three different variations in the medal itself and I now believe the sample posted in post #2 above is a 4th Class award of the 1946 type or model, based on a similar example I've seen offered. Then, based on the information above, the style shown in Post #3 must be the 1971 example? What are the differences in the four grades or classes? Are there differences in the suspension ribbon (like a rosette) or are they neck & breast type orders? Getting there... Tim
    12. Hi Rob, Yes, I had a different PIC originally posted but it just didn't show the designer and sculptor's names too clearly. Your example shows this detail much better for thread purposes. Very nice and one type I hope to add someday. It appears your similarly marked War Cross is also made by Rivaud. Tim
    13. Ahhh, and for those that simply must have one of everything, something special.... Gotta love the description... genuine synthetic diamonds Only $380. Buy-it-now---please!! Tim
    14. Hi Hugh, No worries, as the whole point of the thread was to share this type of information for all collectors, past, present, and future. Just kind of hard to have discussions if you're the only one talking. I'm trying hard to learn as well. Cheers mate! Tim
    15. Hi Hugh, Post #2: 2nd Regiments Chasseurs à Pied (Light Infantry). Tim
    16. I don't see this maker as often as the Monnaie or J&B examples. Nicely detailed, and more so when compared to the other two mentioned. Tim
    17. Boy, this thread had a short life. Okay, does anyone have a clue on the maker here? Tim
    18. I meant to ask if there were any good online reference sites for Portugese awards? I haven't found any.
    19. Well, you guys don't talk much here, do you? Thought I would put up my first pickup in this area: Cased 4th Class by ANAGNOSTOPOULOS. Virtually mint condition! It's a start. Tim
    20. Thank you for that information! Tim
    21. JM, I don't think I have ever seen these, or really noticed them before to be honest. I would have normally assumed the "breaks" to be just a play of the lighting in the PIC, but now will keep my eyes out a little more to see if I find any of this style. Is there a particular seller that is using these? Regards, Tim
    22. Tim B

      Early Rising Sun

      Hi Paul, Was there any point in time where the mint, or only "official" manufacturers took over production of these awards? This is really interesting! Tim
    23. Tim B

      Early Rising Sun

      Hi Dieter, I'm not sure either, I assume this was another Yahoo Japan auction? Tim
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