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    Tim B

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    Everything posted by Tim B

    1. I'm going to delete my last two posts here and start a separate thread on the "Military Medal of Merit", so this thread does not go off topic and sticks to the ribbon attachments. Should have done it initially, sorry. Tim
    2. Hi Hugh, Yes, yet another example. I would tend to agree this one is a more modern issue but, I had thought the example I posted in post #3 was also more modern when comparing to the others; based on the design. Hopefully, someone with a little more in-depth knowledge of Portugese awards will have the answers. Best, Tim
    3. Hello Kevin, Again, many thanks my friend! I like to have good file PIC's for reference and unfortunately, there just isn't that much out there in the field of Greek ODM's; not that I've found online anyway. Here's another example that has "muddied" the waters for me on these attachments. Yesterday, I thought perhaps this might be an example of one of those "last years of issue" pieces that utilized the palm (laurel branch) vice wreath but, after your clarification that the change only applied to the small ribbon (bar), I now believe this example is yet another fabrication. Thanks again! Tim
    4. Hi Eric, Yes, another example. So, are these differences related to a specific period of issue or ... ? Tim
    5. Thanks Kevin! The Medal of Military Merit 1917 only had Laurel wreath as opposed to Laurel branch on the main medal ribbon, but on the small jacket ribbon a small laurel branch was worn in gilt, silver, bronze to denote the grade. I understand now, the difference was just on the small ribbon and not the medal's suspension ribbon. That makes more sense and follows what Megan shows here as well: http://www.medals.or...e/greece017.htm So, concerning the War Cross then; am I to assume the bronze star is supposed to be noticeably larger than what is pictured in Rob's example above? Or are the silver stars supposed to be smaller than the ones shown in both Rob's and the one I show? Either way, I take it to read they should not be the same size? Regards, Tim
    6. Tony, That's definitely a differernt pattern to the Czech ribbon! So much variety in these. Tim
    7. Hi guys! Does anyone have PIC's of these laurel branches to show as examples? I take it that they are similar in appearance to "palms" on other awards? Here's some questions to anyone that may know; 1) On the WWI War Cross, is bronze the only authorized color of the laurel branch? Was there a silver or gold version? 2) How does the style of the laurel branch compare between the War Cross and that of the Medal of Military Merit? Are they the same style? 3) 4th Class : Plain ribbon. During the last years of issue a laurel branch was used as differentiation of the Classes instead of the wreath. I read this to apply only to the Military Medal of Merit and not to include the War Cross? Do we know any more information on this change? Tim Appears this one is not correct as shown: Added a reverse of the medal
    8. Here's the last one; note it has a similar suspension ball as the 1st example and the ribbon matches the 2nd example. So, are all three Portugal War Cross, or are these other two something else? Different periods? Tim
    9. Here's another one, also described as being WWI, with a citation cross on the ribbon. Note the design is similar utilizing the countrie's coat of arms but, the other side is different and there is no date on this one. Also, note the difference in suspension. Post WWI? Tim
    10. Can someone tell me the differences between these Portugal War Cross? Is there a specific timeline to which type is which? The first one has the 1917 date on it and is supposed to be WWI. Thanks in advance! Tim
    11. Another variation to the bars that I have seen (don't own it). Tim
    12. Here's my 3-place medal bar that has all four date bars to the Commemorative Medal. Tim
    13. Bison might be busy. Does anyone else have examples they want to post here? Tim
    14. I know what you mean Bob, brings a whole new definition to "funny money". I have to say though, that one is sharp with the samurai on horseback! I have a few Chinese notes (1950's era) that are really small as well. Tim
    15. That's a beautiful set Frank! I have only seen a couple of those Sacristain China 1860 medals on different reference and auction sites and your's appears in excellent condition. Congrats!! Tim
    16. Tim B

      TWM Prices?

      Murat, You are correct, you do not have to answer to, or justify yourself to anyone. Oh, the timeline is correct; it's been 24 days (today) since the initial auction ended. Have a nice day! Tim
    17. Tim B

      TWM Prices?

      Hello Murat, Well, let me see if I got the timeline correct here. - You placed your bid on May 17th and the auction ran till completion for seven more days, ending on May 24th. Seven days and eBay couldn't help you?? They have a policy on bid retraction stated on eBay's website and all you have to do is notify them and the seller what happened and it's retracted. I know, I did this once a long time ago and it was immediately corrected. Now, if the seller is not changing something or correcting his auction because of the "mistake", then I think for a bid of $999. I would have made sure eBay got it fixed right away, but that's me. - So, the auction ends on May 24 and you're the high bidder. Then the next day when the thread is running, you post not that you are the person in question and made a mistake and have been trying to correct it, but ... you come in condeming those that pay too much for items on ebay and how you can't believe prices are what they are. - Now, 18 days later, June 11, you still don't clear up what happened, but call the item out again as relisted so people can start the process all over again. Does that make sense? AND...you wait another 6 days to finally come forward to "give your side" after knowing that most of us here have already identified you as the bidder. I'm sorry, I'm just finding it rather hard to buy your story at this point. Tim
    18. Thanks Darrell! Just what I thought, a Juncker! Wanted to make sure. They are very nice and I only have the earlier pattern version but, always thought these eagles were very strong in appearance! Congrats again on a fine group! Tim
    19. Chris, Thanks for the compliments! I don't want to hi-jack Darrell's thread here, so I'll just say it's an old ArcSoft program and the process of merging two PIC's. I do this a lot and have some real stunner's. Darrell, Can you post that RO/AG? It looks exceptional! Tim
    20. Tim B

      TWM Prices?

      ottomanmedal (is there a real name?), I do see your point, believe me. Let me say first, that I don't go out of my way to spy on other buyers. I only actively "search" this type of information when I suspect something may be amiss, as in this case. As a regular on eBay, I have seen/experienced my fair share of the deals that go slightly off, either due to the seller using the bait & switch of showing an item and sending something completely different, or showing only a partial image and then once you receive it, see what he didn't include and why. Always pays to ask questions first, even with sellers that you have done past business with. When they spell out "ask all questions prior to bidding", that's a indicator that you need to look a little closer. I also see a lot of repeat customers to certain sellers that always bid prices up fairly high, but then somehow, never seem to win anything, ever. That make me suspicious- A LOT! There are coin dealers that sell on ebay and have been ridiculed, and in a couple cases harrassed, by other "high-end" sellers that don't like someone starting auctions out at .99 and letting an auction run it's normal "auction" course. I have seen emails threatening these guys and eBay gets negative claims about them and eventually they give up and leave. These guys were legit, honest sellers and the system beat them up and down. Then, there are the guys that do actively spy on you, as Brian alluded to about the guy who knew whenever he bid/won an item. There is a member in Israel that watches my bidding on Japanese items and whenever I bid on something, he is right there within 24 hours out bidding me. I don't know him; figure I must have outbid him on something once and now he's pissed off?? I just learn to come in at the last minute if I really want something. Of course, I have caught him doing it a few times and have jacked the price up in order for him to pay a little extra for the harrassment, but as far as I know, he always honored his bid and followed through with payment. Demir mentioned these "private" guys. Experience has shown me that if someone wants to keep everything out of sight, there is usually a reason. Why? I guess it depends on the who and where they are. Perhaps some have legitimate concerns on what they are selling and fear if someone that knows them or where they live, they may have in their home broken into and robbed. Then again, it might be guys that are knowingly selling junk and don't want other potential customers to see what they sold, especially if they have multiple like items. Ebay already discontinues showing items after 90 days, these private guys drop the PIC's almost immediately post auction. Again, in the coin world, I know two high-end sellers (the ones mentioned above btw) that buy cheap (dirt-cheap) and almost immediately turn the same item around for 5-10 X the purchase amount. I was outbid on an item once by one of these guys and after seeing it listed in his auctions and not moving, asked if he would consider a lower amount. The reply was very curt and amounted to "this item is really in exceptional condition and you'll never see these selling for...". Then, I mentioned and linked the initial sale auction and showed exactly what he paid for it and when. Told him that in the future he would be smart to wait the 90 days before rolling something over. No reply but, he immediately pulled his auction. Anyway... I think you can see my point as well? On the issue of this guy who is reading and has prveiously posted here on the thread. I have already named him initially in my post on 6-14-10, but I removed his full ebay handle when Demir mentioned that he was a member and already posted in this thread. I edited my post to avoid the flame wars, as we don't need that kind of stuff here at GMIC. We know who he is and believe me, he is reading this post. My personal thoughts are that he is either directly involved in the sale of this item, or one of those guys that just likes to see other collectors get jacked around and then plays the innocent while laughing behind your back. There are a lot of them around unfortuately, but this hobby takes all kinds. Regards, Tim
    21. Mervyn, Thanks for starting this thread! I have had these notes stored away in various places and they go virtually unnoticed over these last few years, so it was nice to share them and a little piece of my dad's memory. Tim
    22. Yes, I would like to see more as well! You can still find some of these at coin shows, though condition seems to depend on the seller and what they go after at the larger shows to add to their inventory. Still, for a genuine piece of history, they are virtually inexpensive in most cases. Some notes that are near uncirculated, often go for the amazing price of .50 or less!! Some might be a whopping $3.00 but, it's nice to splurge every now and then! Now, war period coins are another matter and are also VERY nice!! Tim
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