Alan, They still look great!!! I only have one ORB. It's a screwback. I have a mounted group with two ORBs and three Red Stars on the way. I'll post them when I get them. Doc
Established in 1951 as an award for long and faithful service. Since 1968 It comes in three classes: 1st class Gold/20 years service, 2nd class Silver/15 years & 3rd class Bronze/5 years. Ther were changes made during the 1960's for length of service.
I need to find out the safeest means of preserving Award certificates like the one attached. I need to know both short term and finally when mounted in a frame. Doc
Thanks, Ed!!!!! Very Nice indeed. Please let me know about the Tamgha-i-Khidmat (Military) / Medal of Service (Military). I'm still interested in it. Doc
Yeah Ed, Pakistani medals. My collection is diverse. By the way...Have you found that Tamgha-i-Khidmat ? I'm still interested. You have some very nice always!! Doc
Dudeman, I missed the second from the right part and went straight to the 50th Liberation of Ukrain badge which I have document. I just got back from driving 2000 miles round trip for a paralyzed veterans Bass tournament in Georgia and my minds still out of wack!! LOL!!! Doc p.s. I placed 4th
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