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    Everything posted by hucks216

    1. The part that relates to how he died is at the bottom of the casualty card - IG K (Infanterie Geschoss - Kopf). According to Lexikon, there are two books about this division: Fritz Kammerer: Pilzdivision im Einsatz/205. Infanterie-Division Oberrhein-Frankreich-Rußland, Selbstverlag, Müllheim 1969 Walter Gruber/Emil Geier/Otto Wößner: Die 205. Infanterie-Division. Bildbericht vom Schicksal einer deutschen Infanterie-Division 1936 - 1945, Hrsg. vom Kameradenhilfswerk d. ehem. 205. Inf.Div. e.V., Podzun-Pallas-Verlag, Friedberg 1981
    2. His body won't have been shipped back to Germany. Volksbund states that it hasn't been transferred to a war cemetery so it's most probably still in a long lost field grave. Here's the Volksbund link for the modern war cemetery where the other soldier is thought to be buried. https://kriegsgraeberstaetten.volksbund.de/friedhof/duchowschtschina
    3. That's a good book but considering how long the Rzhev campaign went on for and the size of the area it covered, it doesn't cover every unit. There is a new book about the campaign out later this year: Meat Grinder: The Battles For The Rzhev Salient 1942-43 by Prit Buttar. Beljajewo would have been his unit cemetery so won't exist now. Duchowschtschina is the modern war cemetery and is listed on his Volksbund entry.
    4. On the same day that Riepertinger was killed, 5.Kompanie in Inf.Rgt 335 lost a man at Nowo-Niwy and was buried in the unit cemetery at Beljajewo. He is now thought to be buried at the war cemetery at Duchowschtschina (which is to the east of Welish/Velizh) as an unknown soldier. Riepertinger's body is probably in the same field grave that he was placed in and lost to time.
    5. NARA has a copy of the division's war diary for that period. They are cataloged under T-315 Rolls 1588, 1589 & 1590.
    6. And this is the area as it looks today with Welish (Velizh) to the top right (Ssurash (now Suraz) is just off the map in a SW direction.
    7. The first image is the 02-June-1942 Lage Ost map showing 205.ID's location. The second image is a 1943 dated Russian map of the area that 205.ID was situated in with Surash in the bottom left and Welish in the top right (the main hub for the various roadways) and the river Dwina following the main transport road/track between the two main locations and which bisected 205.ID's positions. And just down from Welish is a place called Niwy although whether this is the place he was killed is far from certain as a few places have the word 'Niwy' in their name. You will need to find the location of the regiment itself to see where they were.
    8. Very interesting and well produced. I take it you have been able to get a digitised copy of the original Dachau document? I'm sure you have seen these but for anyone else, here are some WW-1 roster lists for Georg Wagner.
    9. Korvettenkapitän der Reserve Heinrich Engel Born: 22 Aug 1898 F.d.S Ost, 2.Admiralstabsoffizier und Adjutant Führer.d.Minschiffgruppe West, 2.Admiralstabsoffizier Stab Führer.d.Minenschiffgruppe West, 1.Admiralstabsoffizier Kdr Maasflotille Führer d. Motorbootsverbände MVO zu Heereseinheiten DKiG: 02 Oct 1944
    10. Korvettenkapitän z.V. Kurt Franz Josef Adolf August Eduard Opolski (sometimes listed as Curt) Born: 05 Jan 1887 Kommandiert nach Ostende, Paris, Den Haag, Hoek van Holland und Rotterdam Kdr Maasflottille Kommandiert zur 1.Sperrbrecherflottille, 11. Landungsflottille bzw. 4.Räumbootsflottille
    11. Flieger-Bataillon Döberitz Feldflieger-Abt. 17. Führer Feldflieger-Abt. 35 Führer Landflieger des Flugparks 9 Führer Armeeflugparks 9 Kdr Flieger Süd Fliegerbeobachter-Schule Köln Kdr Fliegerbeobachter-Schule Jüterbog FHK Elbing FHK Stolp RLM Erg.-Offizier (Luftwaffe) Leiter der Verbindungstelle Stuttgart des Luftkreis-Kdo. V, München, to Wehrkreiskdo. V Offizier d.Lw. beim Gen.Kdo. des V. Armee-Korps and concurrently stellvertretender Kdr d. LuftgauReserve 15 stellv. Kdr Luftgau 15 Lw.-Attaché bei der Deutschen Vertretung bei der Nationalspanischen Regierung Offizier z.b.V. des RLM und Ob.d.L. Gruppenleiter Luftwaffe bei der Wehrersatz-Inspektion Nürnberg Kdr des Wehrbezirkskommandos Ingoltadt Flughafenbereichs-Kdt. 3/I Offizier z.b.V. des RLM u. Ob.d.L. (Source: Luftwaffe Officer Career Summaries - Henry L. deZeng IV and Douglas G. Stankey)
    12. This book pops up on book selling sites quite often: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Träger-Ehrenblattspange-Heeres-Waffen-SS-Ehrentafelspange/dp/3790902837 Cheaper options: https://www.bookfinder.com/search/?full=on&ac=sl&st=sl&ref=bf_s2_a1_t1_1&qi=KMJMwkIf3MmMQTpRYcURpOSmJk4_1649619308_1:1:1 Here's one list: https://www.tracesofwar.com/awards/145/Ehrenblattspange-des-Heeres-und-Waffen-SS.htm
    13. Oberleutnant Werner Dabberdt Highest rank reached: Hauptmann Blindflugschule 3 2./Flugzeugführerschule C 21 Lw.-Festungs-Btl. III (Source: Luftwaffe Officer Career Summaries - Henry L. deZeng IV and Douglas G. Stankey)
    14. Hauptmann Ferdinand Muggenthaler Highest rank reached: Oberst Staffelkapitän 5./Kampfgeschwader 355 Staffelkapitän 5./Kampfgeschwader 53 Kdr FFS A/B 9 Kdr KGr.z.b.V. 700 Kdr IV./Transportgeschwader 4 Kdr II./Erg.TG Kdt Fl.H.Kdtr. E 7/III (Source: Luftwaffe Officer Career Summaries - Henry L. deZeng IV and Douglas G. Stankey)
    15. Major Hermann Freiherr von Hofenfels Born: 09 Jul 1883 Died: 02 Sept 1956 Highest rank reached: Oberst Wehrbezirkskommando Wiesbaden
    16. Oberstleutnant Hans Hückel Born: 04 Oct 1891 Died: 15 Dec 1981 Highest rank reached: Generalleutnant Kdr der Fl.Ausb.Rgt. 32, Ütersen and concurrently Kdt. Fl.H. Ütersen Adjutant und IIa beim Luftflotten-Kdo Gruppenleiter with Stab/Lfl.Kdo. 4 Flughafenbereichs-Kdt Liegnitz Flughafenbereichs-Kdt 5/I Thorn Flughafenbereichs-Kdt 3/I Neuhausen Koflug Finsterwalde Flughafenbereichs-Kdt. 8/VI Pleskau Flughafenbereichs-Kdt. 10/XII Morlaix Kdr der Luftflotten-Truppen 3 Kdr der Lw.-Leitstelle beim stellvertretenden Generalkommando XII Wiesbaden Kdr der Lw. Leitstelle beim stellvertretenden Generalkommando II Stettin Kdr der Lw.-Leitstelle Nord Kom.Gen.d.Lw.-Auffangsstab Ost (Source: Luftwaffe Officer Career Summaries - Henry L. deZeng IV and Douglas G. Stankey)
    17. Oberstleutnant Ernst Denk Kdr Lw.-Bau-Rgt 6/XI Kdr Luftschutz-Abt 3 Kdr Luftschutz-Rgt 7 München (Source: Luftwaffe Officer Career Summaries - Henry L. deZeng IV and Douglas G. Stankey)
    18. Oberst Eugen von Bernhardi Born: 05 Feb 1822 Died: 15 Feb 1910 Highest rank reached: Generalleutnant 1.Jäger-Abt Garde-Schützen-Btl Garde-Dragoner-Rgt Kaiser Alexander Grenadier-Rgt Kompanieführer II Btl 4.Garde-Landwehr-Rgt Kompaniechef 9.Kompanie Kaiser Alexander Grenadier-Rgt 3.Garde-Grenadier-Rgt Königin Elisabeth Kdr II Btl 1.Garde-Grenadier-Landwehr-Rgt Kdr II Btl 3.Garde-Grenadier-Regiment Königin Elisabeth Kdr 4.Brandenburgischen Infanterie-Regiments Nr.24 (Großherzog von Mecklenburg-Schwerin) Kdr 44.Infanterie-Brigade (Kassel)
    19. Leutnant Hans Wittig Born: 27 Jul 1918 Died: MIA 11 Apr 1944 - Mediterranean Sea NE of Algiers Highest rank reached: Hauptmann 4./KG-77 Staffelführer 7./KG-77 DKiG: 19 Jan 1942 (Source: Luftwaffe Officer Career Summaries - Henry L. deZeng IV and Douglas G. Stankey)
    20. Oberleutnant Kurt von Leutsch Born: 28 Apr 1915 Died: MIA 26 Sep 1941 Highest rank reached: Major (Posthumous) Adjutant Stab K/88 Legion Condor III/KG-1 Staffelkapitän 9./KG-1 DKiG: 27 May 1942 (Posthumous) (Source: Luftwaffe Officer Career Summaries - Henry L. deZeng IV and Douglas G. Stankey)
    21. Major Hans-Josef Reichel Highest rank reached: Oberstleutnant Staffelkapitän 4./KGr zbV 107 Staffelkapitän 2./KGr zbV 108 Kdr Blindflugschule 6 IV/KG-4 Kdr FFS B 17 Kdr FFS B 5 (Source: Luftwaffe Officer Career Summaries - Henry L. deZeng IV and Douglas G. Stankey)
    22. Hauptmann Edgar Petersen Born: 26 April 1904 Died: 18 Jun 1886 Highest rank reached: Oberst KG-51 Stab 10.Flieger-Division Staffelkapitän Fernaufklärungsstaffel Ob.d.L Staffelkapitän 1./KG-40 Kdr I/KG-40 Lw.Führungsstab Kommodore KG-40 Kdr Kdo.d.Erprobungsstellen d. Lw. and concurrently Kdr Erprobungsstelle Rechlin RK: 21 Oct 1940 Wehrmachtbericht: 03 Oct 1940 & 20 Jun 1941 (Source: Luftwaffe Officer Career Summaries - Henry L. deZeng IV and Douglas G. Stankey)
    23. Hauptmann Fritz Fliegel Born: 30 Nov 1907 MIA: 18 Jul 1941 (Officially listed 01 Aug 1944) - shot down over the Atlantic Highest rank reached: Major (Posthumous) FFS A/B 42 FFS A/B 113 Staffelkapitän 2./KG-40 Kdr I/KG-40 RK: 25 Mar 1941 (Source: Luftwaffe Officer Career Summaries - Henry L. deZeng IV and Douglas G. Stankey)
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