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    Everything posted by HuliganRS

    1. Wild Card, With these photo's, All I can say that this is a Nevsky screwback Rusty.
    2. He's wearing an early GTO (Gotov k Trudu e Oborony - Ready for Work and Defense) badge. I'll post some pics after I get home. Rusty.
    3. Hi, I have not seen the pin-back variations before. These might me post Soviet production. Rusty.
    4. Here's the whole thing as I bought it:
    5. Here's what the box looks like. This is the expensive stuff at $25 a box I can get rounds that are alot cheaper...
    6. Rick, Brand new ammo from Poland. This is better than Russian stuff that can corrode the gun. It's available from many places. No problems in Illinois. Rusty.
    7. Surprisingly cheap. I got this one for a bit over $200 but have seen post war examples priced at $100 WWI era examples can run up to $2,000 It depends on the condition, year and if it's a import or vet bring back. Rusty.
    8. In US it's a matter of State and Local laws. Where I live, I have no problem owning any fire arm including an AK-47 Rusty.
    9. Doug, Most of these were refurbished at one time or another. Rusty.
    10. Here's the close-up of the Makers Mark:
    11. Here's the latest adition to my Soviet collection. It looks nice with a uniform and still works! Type: Double Action Chamber: 7.62mm Nagant Weight unloaded: 750 g Length: 230 mm Barrel length: 114 mm Capacity: 7 rounds This revolver was designed in Belgium by Nagant brothers (Emile and Leon) in the late 1880s - early 1890s, and was adopted by numerous countries, including Sweden and Poland, but the major user and manufacturer was undoubtfully Russia (and later Soviet Union). Russian government adopted Nagant revolver in 1895, and local production began in 1898 (first shipments were from Belgium). It was a standard russian sidearm until 1930, when M1895 Nagant was declared obsolete, but it was widely used and manufactured during World War 2, and manufacture was finally ceased circa 1950. Later, some sporting revolvers, both in 7.62mm and in .22LR were developed on Nagant platform. Intertestingly enough, the M1895 revolvers still can be seen carried by some security personnel in Russia, especially by Railroad Security and by some armed guards. Usually, those revolvers are 2 to 4 times older than men who carry these guns. From technical point of view, Nagant revolvers were already almost outdated at the moment of its adoption in 1895, since newest revolvers like S&W Hand Ejectors or Colts with side-opened cylinders were much faster to reload. On the other hand, M1895 had some unusual and interesting features, one of which was gas sealed cylinder, which made the Nagant a rare example of revolver suitable for mounting a silencer. Such a practice was known by NKVD and some Red Army special forces (recon and scouts) during WW2. Special silencer, called "Bramit device" was designed by Mitin brothers and could be mounted on the barrel. M1895 Nagand was a solid frame, seven shot revolver with non-removable cylinder. The loading and unloading was committed wia the loading gate at the right side of the frame, one cartridge by one. Spent cases were ejected by the ejector rod, which, when not in use, was concealed within the cylinder axis and swung to the side on the ejector rod link to be used. Original guns were double action ones, but Tsarists government ordered that some of M1895 should be retrofitted with Single Action triggers and issued to enlisted men, and DA guns should be issued only to the Officers and Police. In Red (Soviet) army only Double Action Nagants were issued. The gas sealed cylinder, mentioned above, was made to use all of powder gases to propel the bullet (in most revolvers some gases escape from the gap between the cylinder face and barrel breech). To achieve that, the cylinder moves ahead a bit when hammer is cocked, enclosing a barrel breech area with recess in the front of each chamber. The cartridge, unique to that design, had long case with tapered mouth and a bullet totally enclosed inside the case. When cylinder moves forward, the cartridge case mouth entered the barrel breech and was used as additional seal. This was a complicated mechanism, useful mostly when guns were used with silencer. Being somewhat complicated and relatively slow to reload, with ammunition of marginal power, Nagants were otherwise good guns, reliable, acurate and quite popular among the troops.
    12. Yes, Some were made at IKOM mint. Rusty.
    13. I just wanted to pass the saving to anyone who uses PayPal for purchases on eBay. This end November 30th: $5 off your next purchase of $50 or more. Redemption Code: C2-Holiday2005 $15 off your next purchase of $100 or more. Redemption Code: C3-Holiday2005 This is only for 1 item each and does not include shipping. The item purchased must be over those ammounts! Enjoy! Rusty.
    14. Rick, That doesn't look cast. Maybe it's me. Any more pics of it? Rusty.
    15. Gerd, Sadly this piece is not in my collection. Rusty.
    16. Yeap, That's what I was thinking. Now Rick can sleep at night. Rusty.
    17. Jan, Same size as most awards. About the size of Order of Suvorov. Rusty.
    18. God bless Russians with everything done formally and with style. Chuck, a great find! I would have suggested the plastic sleeves used for pictures (Baseball card style...) but it's your document and it's too late to ponder what if's. Rusty.
    19. Right back at ya! That's alot of gold you got there!!! You aren't planning on re-doing your teeth with all that bling? That reminds me of a story I heard about a guy buying Orders of Lenin to re-do a few teeth with the platinum from the bust. I keep telling people to buy from people you trust! These can be costly mistakes. Rusty.
    20. Bob, The Faberge shop is mainly famous for the eggs but they were the masters at working with silver and produced everything from spoons to picture frames and everything in between. Their quality is simply unrivaled! Rusty.
    21. Imperial Russia is interesting area to collect. Expensive and rare. Almost all Orders were made by private firms. Some of these firms were manufacturing by Imperial decree allowing them to place the eagle as a stamp. Farbrege is one of these, a "Jeweler to the Court". You have the Russian made pieces that are quite nice and expensive. You also have the European manufacturers that are not as nice and not as expensive. Get this: You are awarded with an Order but it's only paper decree. You would go to the jeweler or order from a catalogue based on your financial status. If you were rich, you could do gold. If you were not as rich, you can do gold plated silver or just bronze. Rusty.
    22. Rick, St. George ribbon for Military and St. Vladimir for Labor. Officers who had Order of St. George got the actual Order of St. George with XX years across the hirizontal arms. Officers who had Order of St. Vladimir got the actual Order of St. Vladimir with XX years across the horizontal arms. Naval Officers recieved an Order (can't remember which one) for 20 something voyages. Rusty.
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