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    Everything posted by Vatjan

    1. A whole series of police NIB First off: 60 anniv Police of Bayankhongor aimak.
    2. Not really NIB, but 2 variations of the War Participant Veteran Badge C06
    3. Another (apparantly) Military Academy Variant
    4. Variant of the R55 Military Academy badge (TsNDS instead of TsYeDS)
    5. I have indeed never seen one with an old state crest, although Battushig's R46 is presumedly an old one
    6. This one is very nice, although I have no idea what it is
    7. Have a look at fellow forum member Hendrik's website, he has an interesting article about Tuva Orders and medals http://users.skynet.be/hendrik/index.html
    8. Here is a (sub-)series of badges with the SN on the 11 o'clock position
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