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      Japanese, Manchukou, Korean, Mongolian, Chinese, Persian/Iranian and Tunisian orders, medals and badges.

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    1. New to this forum but in desperate need to get some help in trying to establish some family history.

      This is a photo of a relative. The "family legend" tells that he served in the personal guard for the tsar family - and yes I know this can be a very wide description. There are lot's of different parts that are referred to as to tsar Nikolaj II personal guard. Nevertheless this is part of what I am trying to establish. The photo is from 1915 and he is 25 years old. It has always been said that he was highly (?) decorated and there was reference that he had been awarded the St Georges Cross in all 4 classes. Now from what I can make out from this photo - the 4 medals to the left do seem to be St Georges Cross - they are all identical from what I can see.

      What do you think - are these St Georges Crosses?

      Secondly - any guess on what the other medals might be? I make it to be 5 more medals - not sure if the last item is a medal or a symbol for the regiment?

      Thirdly - anyone talented in identifying imperial Russian uniforms and could tell/guess what regiment he belonged to?

      Finally, is there somewhere a list of who was awarded these?

      Thank you for sharing your wisdom on these,


      Peter Romanov

      img-203161755-0001 (1).pdf

      1. JapanX


        Hi Peter, 

        he was indeed one highly decorated soldier.

        1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th class St.George crosses.


        3rd and 4th class St.George medals

        one of the last three medals looks like commemorative medal "300 years of Romanov house".

        Couldn`t figure out with certainty what are the others two.


        He has a regimental badge of His Imperial Highness Grand Duke Tsarevich Alexei Nikolayevich Lifeguards Moscow Regiment .




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