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    Everything posted by JapanX

    1. Original newsreels and chronicle (in italian) in two parts http://www.aeronautica.difesa.it/archiviovetrine_news/Documents/Arturo%20Ferrarin%20parte%20I.mp4 http://www.aeronautica.difesa.it/archiviovetrine_news/Documents/Arturo%20Ferrarin%20parte%20II.mp4
    2. Some additional info about this flight. Excerpt from book review "Italian Aviators Rome to Tokyo in 1920 by Lt. Gen'l. (Ret.) Domenico Ludovico" Jim Schubert Gabriele D'Annunzio, soldier, hero, poet and erstwhile aviator of WW1 presented the idea of a Rome-to-Tokyo flight in a speech to "fellow" aviators at Rome's Centocelle airfield in July of 1919. It was his intent to lead the flight with his favorite pilot, Natale Palli. Palli flew their Ansaldo SVA-9 leading seven SVA-5s on the celebrated 620 mile round trip, leaflet "bombing" raid on Vienna of August 9, 1918. Lamentably, Palli froze to death walking out of a crash site in the Alps before D'Annunzio's stirring speech. D'Annunzio, himself, withdrew from leadership of the adventure in September of 1919 to dedicate himself to the liberation of Fiume, as the Italians called Rijeka in the Carnaro province of NW Croatia. My Grasp of Italian history is insufficient to know why the liberation of Fiume was so important to D'Annunzio. After much hard lobbying, of the holders of the purse strings of the war-weakened Italian economy, a plan was finally approved and funded. The plan was to send two SVA-9 two seat trainers, each with a pilot and mechanic, ahead as route provers, pathfinders and "Hares" for a formation flight of three Caproni Ca.3 tri-motor bombers and five additional SVA-9s to follow. In the event, only the two "Hares" made it all the way to Tokyo; all the others having either crashed or broken down. The logistics of such an undertaking were, and still are, enormous; spare parts, fuel, oil, spare airplanes, and even places to land all had to be organized, procured, transported, built, staffed, and protected. The crews of the "Hares" were: Lt. Arturo Ferrarin and mechanic Gino Cappannini and Lt. Guido Masiero and mechanic Roberto Maretto; all Italian Air Force veterans of WW1. They left Rome's Centocelle airport on February 14, 1920. The flight as, far as Delhi, was quite uneventful. They had flown via Bari, Valona (Albania), Thessaloniki (Greece), Izmir, Aydin, and Antalya (Turkey), Aleppo, Baghdad and Basrah (Mesopotamia), Bushehr, Bandar Abbas, and Chah Bahar (Persia), an unscheduled repair stop in the wilds of Baluchistan, Hyderbad, another repair stop at an unnamed place in India, to Karachi and Delhi. Arriving behind Masiero, and after dark, Ferrarin made a hard landing at Delhi and damaged the undercarriage of his plane. Whilst Ferrarin's plane was being repaired Masiero took off for Calcutta but suffered engine failure on climb out and crashed heavily destroying his plane without injury to himself or to Maretto. Ferrarin, his plane repaired, flew on to Calcutta while Masiero and Maretto continued on to Calcutta by train. After a fuel stop at Allahabad and a diversion to Agra to see the Taj Mahal from the air Ferrarin and Cappannini arrived safely in Calcutta. The Italian ground crew severely damaged Ferrarin's plane while servicing it and both he and Masiero were forced to take spare SVA-9s pre-positioned against just such an eventuality. On final into Rangoon, the next stop, Ferrarin's overheated engine seized forcing a dead stick landing and another delay for an engine change. Masiero went on ahead to Bangkok where he was joined a day later by Ferrarin. The next leg to Ubon and Hanoi was uneventful. Enroute to Canton from Hanoi they both got lost and landed in Portuguese Macao to wait out the weather. The next day they continued on to Canton. Due to the weather and flooding the takeoff from Canton for Foochow was extremely difficult. Ferrarin made it but Masiero crashed in the attempt destroying the airplane; again with no personal injuries. Masiero and Maretto continued on to Shanghai by boat. After the difficult take off from Canton Ferrarin's flight to Foochow was fairly easy. His departure from Foochow for Shanghai was, however, delayed for seven days by a typhoon, which flooded the racecourse they were using for a flying field. With the team safely reassembled in Shanghai, the Chinese laid on a seven day celebration to mark the event. Having picked up and prepared another spare airplane for Masiero and Maretto the four airmen left for Tsingtao (yes, the home of the beer,) then held by Japan as a mandate of the Treaty of Versailles. Enroute they encountered another typhoon, the turbulence of which induced the first air sickness of the trip. The Japanese laid on four days of celebrations before releasing the aviators to continue their journey. To ensure the Italians stayed for the fete, the Japanese refused to give them fuel for the next leg of the flight to Peking until the partying was over. Seven more days of celebrations were held in the capitol before the flyers could continue again. After a fuel stop at Mukden, they flew on to Sinuiju in Chosen (Korea; another Japanese mandate). Thence on to Seoul and Taegu before crossing the Sea of Japan to Osaka. For the last leg of the trip the two planes, freshly cleaned and serviced, left Osaka at 10:00 AM on May 31, 1920 for Tokyo, where they landed at 1:30 PM at the Yoyogi Army Field. Forty-two days of exceptional festivities, ordered by Imperial decree, celebrated the conclusion of this incredible flight. In addition to all of the wining, dining, speeches, sight-seeing, bestowing of orders and honors, etc. the four aviators were given a rare Imperial audience with the Empress as surrogate for the Emperor who was ill and convalescing elsewhere. In this person-to-person encounter it was discovered that the Empress and the Italians all spoke French, at which point she dismissed the interpreters to speak directly with the aviators. This kind of direct Imperial contact with commoners, as reported in all the Japanese newspapers, was shocking to the populace. As a gesture of friendship the Italian government presented Ferrarin's plane to the Japanese nation. The plane was immediately placed in the Imperial Munitions Museum in Tokyo, where it remained displayed until destroyed by B-29 raids in 1945. The author did not mention the fate of Masiero's airplane. Ordered home on the Italian liner Pilsna at the end of the 42 days of celebration, the aviators were greeted upon arrival at Bari with bills from the Ministry of Finance for their fares, meals, and entertainments! Ah, long live bureaucracy. The adventurers had been enroute from Rome to Tokyo for 106 calendar days, of which only 23 were flying days, due to delays occasioned by weather, logistics and celebrations. The average speed for the time actually spent in the air was 99.5 MPH. These four bright, clever, brave, self-confident, adventurous, foolhardy aviators all died young: Ferrarin at 46 in a crash at Rome in 1941, Masiero at 47 in a mid-air collision over Milano in 1942, Cappannini at 40 in action at Tobruk in 1940, and Maretto at 50 of illness in Padua in 1942; all whilst still serving in the Italian Air Force. This is a truly great, but little known, epic in the history of aviation. It should be noted as an epilogue, that in the very early 1970s Alitalia, the state owned airline of Italy, named its second Boeing 747 the Arturo Ferrarin in its name series of famous explorers; the first was named the Neil Armstrong. In my opinion this is a good pairing of colleagues in aviation. Finito! Map
    3. Hi Les, fascinating jetton! From what I see (worn spots on the crown, eagle wing, etc) it could be gold plated silver. Indeed it was one famous flight , but I don`t have any additional information about this jetton. Regards, Nick
    4. Been trying to get this job for years
    5. Phaleristical arbitrage so to speak
    6. Yea, right They found it in the Czech republic a couple of years ago. In the pound. It was awarded in May 1942 to a partisan scout for the destruction of the german train loaded with tanks, guns and ammunition. How and why this star ended in the Czech pond - nobody knows
    7. This is what gonna happen with the Red Star order after 65 years stay under water
    8. No direct evidence. It was a hypothesis
    9. If it is indeed 1850 then was quite accurate diagnosis!
    10. Most likely import hallmark. Could be french http://www.ebooksantiques.com/French-hallmarking-system Regards, Nick P.S. I am sorry Brian, but it looks like you overcompressed photos. Don`t worry about the size. GMIC automatically compresses pictures
    11. It could be year mark 1850. Here it is under right angle
    12. Sound strategy! Remember this thread? http://gmic.co.uk/index.php/topic/55429-late-taiwan-leader-chiangs-order-of-blue-sky-and-white-sun-going-on-block/ :lol:
    13. Another variant - long exposure to direct sun rays
    14. It certainly will be very interesting to find out what it is made off, because I always suspect that these medals (at least some of them) were struck in bronze (as I said earlier). Good luck! Best, Nick
    15. Brian, will it be possible for you to make a nice clear close-ups of obverse and revers? Frankly, by these pictures it is hard to be certain in this or that attribution. Regards, Nick
    16. Another example from the same time period
    17. Second variation (or subvariation of previous marks if you wish)
    18. Eagle on the upper ray KK on the lower ray Year mark (in this case 1844) on ear
    19. Hi Brian! Yes, they usually are. If I remember correctly there are three types of marks that can be found on KK pieces from [1844s - early 50s] period of time. First variation (early marks)
    20. This is because these medals (at least some of them or even all (?)) were struck in bronze and then were silvered or gilded. Best, Nick
    21. Hi Andreas! Yours is 2nd class = silver This is 1st class = gold (usually looks like bronze ) Best regards, Nick
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