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    Everything posted by ColinRF

    1. Not much new to the collection of late but picked up this Iron Cross II certificate signed by GM Alexander von Pfulstein while GOC Infanterie Division 50 in July 1944. From Empire Medals - Alexander von Pfuhlstein (born December 17, 1899 in Gdansk, died December 20, 1976 in Bad Homburg) was a German Lieutenant General during the Second World War. He served with the Prussian Army during the First World War, and was awarded both the Iron Cross 1st and 2nd Classes, along the Wound Badge in Black. In the inter-war years, he served with both the Army and the Air Force. During the Second World War, after his participation in the Polish campaign, he was named First General Staff Officer of the 58th Infantry Division on January 10, 1940. After his participation in the invasion of France, he took over the 2nd Battalion of Infantry Regiment 18, on April 1, 1941. In June 1941, he was with 6 Infantry Division in East Prussia, confronting Soviet troops. In July 1941, he commanded the 77 Infantry Regiment of the 26th Infantry Division and was appointed Colonel on February 1, 1942, receiving the German Cross in Gold two weeks later. On May 1, 1942, he became commander of Infantry Regiment 154 at Wolchow, assigned to the 58th Infantry Division. In this capacity, he was awarded the Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross, on August 17, 1942. Pfuhlstein led the Division "Brandenburg" Division from February 12, 1943 to April 10, 1944. On July 1, 1943, he was named Major General. On April 14, 1944, he was in the Führerreserve and displaced, having to give up his division. By May 9th, he was leading the 50th Infantry Division during the retreat on the Romanian border and was later wounded, on July 18th. Effective August 9, 1944, he received a new command in Hohenstein/Szczytno, entrusted with defence trenches in East Prussia. In the aftermath of the assassination attempt on July 20, 1944, he was arrested for treason on September 1st, taken to Berlin and held at the Reich Security Main Office, where he was detained and questioned. He was first demoted to Major, then expelled from the armed forces on September 14th, followed by his transfer as a political prisoner on November 24th to the fortress prison at Küstrin. Due to the rapidly advancing Red Army, the fortress prison at Küstrin was evacuated on January 30, 1945 and von Pfuhlstein was released. He was given a chance to re-establish himself in the Armed Forces, initially taken in by his cousin, the Prince of Lowenstein-Wertheim-Freudenberg at Schloss Kreuzwertheim. Rather than going to Würzburg and assuming a command, he chose to go underground, and with the help of his cousin, hid in a forester's house in Spessart. On April 2, 1945, he was at Wertheim am Main, where he was captured by the Americans. He was taken to England on April 20th and placed at Trent Park, a stately home north of London, that acted as a Prisoner of War Camp for German and Italian Generals and Staff Officers, remaining there until August 30th.
    2. Note the Hardenburg above was misattributed. It’s actually Freiherr von Hardenburg rather than Graf Hardenburg....both served in 20. panzergrenadier Regt. Returned to the auctioneer for a refund.
    3. For sure Chris. I was in a room with Christopher Plummer and 20-odd others a few years ago In the VIP room at the Stratford Festival (I’m no VIP but i was there with one). My wife said “come and meet Mr. Plummer.” I said “why would Christopher Plummer want to meet me?” She responded “he probably doesn’t want to meet me either but he’s going to.” I thought about telling him how much I enjoyed his portrayal of Wellington....not in Waterloo but in Patrick Wilson’s “Witness to Yesterday” historical interview show. Didn’t happen. Oh well...Carpe Diem isn’t my motto.
    4. I have been after this for a long time. I finally found a signature of General de Division Francois Fournier (later Fournier-Sarloveze). The painting by Baron Gros is one of my favourite Napoleonic uniforms. Fournier fought about 30 duels with his nemesis General Dupont (of Baylen surrender fame) during the course of the Napoleonic Wars. He was the inspiration for Gabriel Feraud in Joseph Conrad’s short story “The Duel.” This was later filmed by Ridley Scott in his first feature film “The Duellists.” The document is a large format post-Waterloo permission for a Lt. in the 9e Chasseurs a Cheval to retire To Tarn & Garonne. A nice summary of his war service and signed by his Colonel and Fournier as Inspector General of Cavalry. Bonus - the doc came in a bundle with 3 other similar documents and several letters signed by various officers. Lots of research fun ahead.
    5. I never got my kids into painting Warhammer. But I have to say I enjoy it. Great to have a hobby while this is all going in. Thanks for the nice words Nick. Thanks very much Brian.
    6. As some of you know I sculpt and paint miniatures. Not in the mood while under house arrest so I decided to have a bash at oil painting on canvas. Mostly done except for final touch ups and glazes. My first finished painting ever and 3rd ever attempt; based on a 200mm miniature bust by Alexandros Models (pictured). Michel Ney, Prince of the Moskowa, Duke of Elchingen. ”The Bravest of the Brave.” “Le Rougeaud.” Russia 1812
    7. As some of you might know, I recently came close to selling my collection. I’m glad I didn’t because the auction my material would have gone into had another nice collection of German Resistance material. That of Stephen Bumball and many of those pieces had appeared in Charles Hamilton’s standard reference on TR signatures. There would have been overlap and we both would have suffered. So instead I added a signature....that of Carl Hans Graf von Hardenberg. I have attached the skimpy bio from the GDW in Berlin.
    8. I got my Ney on eBay for a silly low price. Not as nice as yours of course. My special Ney is a contemporary copy of Gerard painted by Ny portrait artist Ezra Ames c. 1810. Also an eBay find. It hangs over the fire place and has the special place of honour in the house. Not sure if I posted that here before....probably somewhere. And I also add my own painting on a 200mm resin bust by Alexandros. cheers Colin
    9. Jaybo - two terrific pieces beautifully presented. Congrats. colin
    10. Thanks Hucks. I am rebuilding my presentation binders after several years of neglect and these will come in very useful. Cheers and Happy New Year. Colin
    11. An infrequent addition. GL KARL FREIHERR VON THÜNGEN June 26, 1893 - October 24, 1944 Karl Freiherr von Thüngen Karl Freiherr von Thüngen was inspector of the Selective Service in Berlin in the summer of 1944. On July 20, 1944 the conspirators appointed him as military commander for military district III (Berlin) after they had arrested the previous commander, General von Kortzfleisch. However, Thüngen did not arrive at the Army Command building until evening, too late to prevent the failure of the coup attempt. He revoked the conspirators’ orders and even participated in Kortzfleisch’s interrogation of Hans-Ulrich von Oertzen, which Oertzen finally escaped by committing suicide. Karl Freiherr von Thüngen was arrested by the Gestapo shortly afterwards, and sentenced to death by the People’s Court on October 5, 1944. By order of the Reich Minister of Justice, Otto Thierack, the sentence was carried out by execution by firing squad in Brandenburg-Görden. Note: In the photo below of defendants in the Volksgeruchtshof, the captions for von Theungen and Meichssner are reversed.
    12. Very interesting. Thanks Kevin. I think Prof. Peter Hoffmann's new bio of Tresckow will be ready this year. It will address some of the recent revisionist slurs against him. First to be published in German, it is hoped that an English version will follow. Colin
    13. Thanks Kevin. I am glad it's been of interest. My postings have slowed with my collecting but I am still picking up the odd hard to find item. I will keep posting. Jim that does looks like Speidel's signature to me. I don't think he has been heavily faked. My initial thought was that it looks post-war but I did read somewhere that Speidel preferred not to sign in WWII uniform after hostilities had ceased. Other opinions? Colin
    14. Nice to see that helmet! Seems I got the apple green colour of the Somme brodie right on the model bust I did of my great uncle (see my avatar). My Great uncle George was in the 19th LF (3rd Salford Pals) in the July 1 attack on the Leipzig Redoubt and Granatloch. I was given his last letter describing the attack by a descendent of the recipient a few years ago. So it was fascinating to see these interesting posts relating to the view from the other side of the hill in this area of the Somme battlefield. I have read and reread the 3rd Salford war diary for July 1. It has to be one of the more detailed reports of action that day.....written by battalion intelligence officer Lt. Geoffrey Bache Smith (one of JRR Tolkein's best friends). The first day attack is described in varying detail in three separate reports in the war diary. Great map included too. I just wish the Luftwaffe hadn't destroyed his file in the blitz. Colin
    15. Me too. Expensive but a laugh to do.
    16. Thanks Frank
    17. Another happy pick up. I am not aquiring many new pieces these days but I will leap when the opportunity presents. I have been looking for an example of the signature of Axel von dem Bussche for a long time and have now found one. His autograph is first on a page from a guest book for a 1956 reception for Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands. At this time, von dem Bussche was posted with the West German embassy in Washington DC. Catalogue Entry: -------------------- Title:19 AUTOGRAPHS of EMINENT GUESTS attending a party in honor of PRINCE BERNHARD OF THE NETHERLANDS at the Dakota in NYC. Included among the autographs are those of PRINCE BERNHARD, as well as those of the American magazine magnate HENRY LUCE and the notorious CIA OPERATIVE ENNO HOBBING who, as Bureau Chief of TIME MAGAZINE, led the COUP D'ETAT in GUATEMALA. Author:(Hobbing, Enno [CIA operative]; HRH Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands; Prince Aschwin; Axel Bussche-Streithorst; Hamilton Fish Armstrong; Brooke Astor; Henry R. Luce; et al.) Your Inventory Number: Price: [New York]: October 30th, 1956., 1956.. Fine. - Nineteen autographs penned on a gilt-edged, cream-colored page, 10-3/4 inches high by 8-3/4 inches wide, removed from the guest book of Grace Bristed Jackson and C. D. Jackson at the Dakota. Dated "Oct. 30th 1956", the signatures are identified along the top as those of guests present at a "Party in Honour of Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands. 14 signatures are penned in a column along the left and another 5 signatures, including that of Prince Bernhard, are penned in a column at right. Near fine. Charles Douglas Jackson [known as "C.D."] and his wife Grace Bristed Jackson hosted parties and events at their apartment in the Dakota. Jackson worked on and off at Time magazine in an administrative capacity for many years and was made vice president of Time, Inc. in 1940. He was periodically sent on various diplomatic missions by Eisenhower. He also found time to serve on the boards of several organizations, including the Boston Symphony Orchestra, the Free Europe Committee and Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts. The signatures along the left include those of: 1) Axel Bussche-Streithorst [Axel von dem Bussche] (1919-1993). A World War II German officer who, as part of the German Resistance, planned to assassinate Adolf Hitler in 1943. Stationed on the Eastern front, Bussche had witnessed the massacre of over 3,000 Jewish civilians by the SS at the Dubno airport in Poland in 1942. Traumatized by the experience, he joined a resistance group within the army led by Count Stauffenberg. Selected to model new uniforms when Hitler was due to inspect these at his Fuhrerhauptquartier Wolfsschanze in November 1943, Bussche undertook to carry out a suicide bombing to kill the Fuhrer. His plans were thwarted when, the night before the event, an Allied air raid on Berlin destroyed the railway truck transporting the new uniforms. He volunteered to try again but was seriously wounded on the Eastern front in January of 1944, losing one of his legs. He was one of the very few who was not betrayed and thus survived the war. I still recall seeing Freiherr von dem Bussche being interviewed in the Oscar nominated film "The Restless Conscience." He spoke of witnessing the massacre at Dubno and wishing he had thought to remove his uniform and join the ranks of the Jews being executed. Truly a haunted individual.
    18. That was the Company's intent. A ungruntled late empire Boney :-) Thanks
    19. Me too. Fun to paint. By a company called Stoessi's Heroes.
    20. Definitely more to come. Here is Marshal Poniatowski, just completed. Above from top to bottom we have : Roman Aquilifer 1st C AD; General Junot Col. Gen of Hussars; Nelson; Marshal Murat King of Naples; Marshal Bessieres Duke of Istria; Von Richthoffen; Marshal Lannes Duke of Montebello; Marshal Ney Prince of the Mosckowa. All 1/9 commercial resin kits. colin
    21. Thanks for that Simon.
    22. Perry, Gringo40s, Full Battle Rattle, Stoessi's Heroes in acrylics and inks.
    23. Commercial resin busts in acrylics and inks.
    24. Well done reaching out to Professor Hoffmann. I have always found him more than happy to assist and advise someone with a legitimate interest. As you note, his history was relied on for Valkyrie. In addition, he served as voluntary historical advisor (at his own request) to ensure that the film was as accurate as possible. It was. You have a lot more here than I found in Professor Hoffmann's works and in a book on Stephen George's "Secret Germany" circle. What a shame Fahrner and your man burned that correspondance. One can only imagine what important historical documents were lost post-July 20. Kramarz and Hoffmann note in their prefaces that very few documents survived the coup artempt as the Gestapo confiscated everything they could find for evidence and others burned letters to avoid association with Stauffenberg. One wonders how many other survivors were associated with the coup but don't appear in the texts and memoirs. Colin
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