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    1. Lorenzo, If Bob is willing to do it, you can paypal the $$ to me and I'll send a check to Bob. Chris
    2. Bob, Got my copy today! YOu did a terrific job on a very big subject! It takes lots of courage to do the "second book" on iraq military stuff (Marty's being the first). Well worth the $$ it was good to get the ID of some of the insignia I didn't know. Lemme know when you start vol. 2 Chris
    3. So.I'm finally getting around to reorganizing my Iraq insignia collection and good opportunity for me to lay them out and photo enmasse as reference so I don't buy what I already have. Mostly they reside in cd album binders. Sorry for the poor quality pics at some point I'll actually get a decent camera. The first three shots are about 1/3 of my collection, first pic is iraq police and other interior ministry stuff, second is icdc and ing and third is start of the army stuff, a huge portion of this pic is specifically 8th infantry div. Chris
    4. So how does the eagle in Hussein era differ from present issue Iraq army? Chris
    5. Thanks very much Lorenzo! Chris
    6. Reviving a bit of an old thread. The belts all look legitimate with the typical synthetic leather used. Note the middle belt with canvas and plain steel buckle. These were specifically used by construction troops who were never trained for combat and weren't considered of very quality, typically alot of the construction troops would be issued poorer quality uniforms and equipment and were often made up largely of central asian conscripts, kazakh, uzbek, etc. Chris
    7. Lorenzo could you post images of the 2004 aafes sale items, I'd really like to see a comparison. CHris
    8. Superb stuff Bob! Chris aka zvez
    9. Lorenzo, Those cases are called Riker mounts and available in all sizes. Here's aplace to buy them: http://home.pronto.com/mpm/shop/riker-mounts/c-v1_4_137?adid=1258473431-6096982-0_gs&creativeid=4805181309&ref=riker+mounts&site= I've used them for years, I might suggest to jazz up the displays buy some fabric in a neutral color (I like khaki) but can use any colors you like, cut to fit and place on top of the padding, place your badges and close up the mount, looks very professional that way. Chris
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