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    The Prussian

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    Everything posted by The Prussian

    1. Hello! Never heard, that Rommel was in Goslar... Aftre armistice he went back to his home-company in Weingarten (Christmas 1918). In march 1919 he commanded the "Sicherheits-Kompagnie 32" in Friedrichshafen; in june 1919 he became commander of Schtz.Rgt.25. 1919 and 1920 he was in Lindau, Münsterland and Westfalia. 1924-1929 he served with 13th Inf.Rgt. No mention, he served in Goslar
    2. Hello Jerry! The blame is on the women! "Miss Understanding"... Ok, what about the name of the barracks? It was loctaed in Düsseldorf-Hubbelrath. Probably I am right with my thought of the break on their way to Austria?
    3. Hello Peter! Thanks a lot for your help! So I just need an adress where I can get it...
    4. Hello! I´ve got a Hensoldt 8x30 of the 50s. It was made for the french army (stamped: Armée Francaise) Now I need both "Okularringe". I don´t know the english word for it. Maybe eyepieces? Does someone know, where I can get them, please?
    5. Yes! Like I wrote: 8) Post-war. I´d like to know something about the cap and breast badge of the man in the middle... Any ideas?
    6. Hello! Do you read "Meidling" Barracks? To me it´s Llanelly. Or did the 12th Lancers stop there for a meal on their way to Austria? But as far as I know, the 12th Lancers fought in Italy 1943,and they were justt a short time in Austria (1945)
    7. Hello Jeryy! But what about the fact, the 8th army was dissolved after armistice?
    8. Hello Simon! That was my thought too. The key could be the date of the photo. Because of the quality I assume, it was taken in the early 50s. The 8th army had nothing in common with Germany. Do you have any ideas of formations with that cross? The colour could be bright red, green or blue too Here I´ve got a table of british patches on the continent and overseas. (post ´45; book from Guido Rosignoli: Rang- und Ehrenabzeichend der Armeen seit 1945) The allied command in Austria had a yellow cross too. The British Rhine Army had red or blue crosses. Maybe reinforcements from England stopped in Düsseldorf on their way to Austria? Please not the patches of the britush 8tzh army. They had not a straight top-line, but a "curved" one. https://www.google.de/search?client=firefox-b&tbm=isch&q=patch+british+8th+army&spell=1&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiAsJ3srPTVAhXRZ1AKHdGLDSIQvwUIIigA&biw=1680&bih=886&dpr=1 Maybe a polish unit??? http://www.warrelics.eu/forum/polish-armed-forces-west-polskie-si-y-zbrojne-na-zachodzie-1939-1947/3-dsk-1st-battalion-434567/
    9. Yes, it´s nice to find some stuff from the forefathers! I asked the entire family, but we were bombed-out in WW2, so only these two photos and the MP were left. I´ve found another coloured photo, but it´s not from my family...
    10. Oh yes! Unfortunately this photo and his Militärpaß survived the history...
    11. Thanks Tony! A friend of mine coloured my grandfather (sitting in 1st photo, served with Feldart.Rgt.43) and my great-uncle (2nd photo, Lt.d.Res. with IR155)
    12. Thanks GreyC! But how does it fit with 8th army? Note the 8th army was dissolved after armistice! They served in Italy and came straight up to Austria. I can´t see a link to Düsseldorf, i.e. Germany, but the barracks name would fit wonderfully... http://baor-locations.org/LlanellyBarracks.aspx.html
    13. BUT! As bigjarofwasps said, the 8th army fought in Itala, later in Austria... What about the 8th army signals in Austria? http://baor-locations.org/Austria.aspx.html http://www.iwm.org.uk/collections/search?f[0]=agentString%3ABritish Army%2C British Troops Austria&query=
    14. Hello! I can recognize an "y" at the end of the 1st word. Here is a list of the closed british barracks in germany: https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Liste_der_geschlossenen_britischen_Militärstandorte_in_Deutschland Here is a list of the present barracks: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_British_Army_installations#Germany Maybe: Llanelly Barracks in Düsseldorf-Hubbelrath:
    15. Hello! The barracks looks like german or austrian... Maybe Dortmund, there was a large british garrisson after the 2nd war
    16. A small one.. It´s called "Gummiwaren" without a "d" in the middle. Just a typo.
    17. Right, mates! Alfred Humbert (* 11.6.1868, + ?) used to be commander of that fieldartillerie-regiment from september 1916 until april 30, 1917
    18. Ooops, no idea of modern times...
    19. Hi Greg! Do you know from which period those uniforms were?
    20. Hello! Well, I think, "gesetzlich" could be translated with "legal" , "statutory", or "legislative", but that wouldn´t make any sense in common with 6 different handwritten dates. To met it´s still "gesehen" (seen)
    21. Hello Chip! Gesetzlich could be too, but what sense would it have? Unfortunately I can´ t read the text... He seems to write to his firm "Sehr geehrte Gesellschaft" (Dear society) One problem was, that most of the troops like in Bitsch were on german territory. So most of the soldiers used the civilian post-stations. In 1915 the Armeeabteilungen Gaede and Falkenhausen ordered, that all letters of NCOs and men had to be checked. March 2, 1915, AA Gaede ordered, that those letters don´t have to be given to the civilian post-stations, but have to be brought to the military "Postprüfungsstellen" (Post-examine-points). Probably that explains the long period, the letter was "on its way"
    22. Hello! "Gestorben" woulbe "gest." Note te stamp "Postkontrolle". "Ges." might be "gesehen" (seen). Written by the man who checked the text of the card, but the time periods are unusual. The card was written in april 16, the other dates are from june 16 until jan 17. Strange...
    23. It seems so... The card was made for the wintertime. Maybe the date is in common with the last sunday before Advent commemorating the dead. In 1915 it happened november 21.
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