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    1. Hi, Great picture and yes, he is certainly an Egyptian Policeman and the photograph probably dates somewhere between the late 1930’s to 1950’s. Very nice and thanks for posting. Zob.
    2. Chris, I think you could possibly be right, there must have been something on that barnet that didn’t want to come out and play. Still a pretty impressive performance from his hat though – hanging on that tight. Best regards, Zob.
    3. Such a terrible shame to find one’s self injured in such an unfortunate way, and have your career brought to such an abrupt end. I’ve had a bit of experience of this myself. I confess though, I’ve always had a great desire to visit Texas, albeit much further south. Well, San Antonio to be precise, and the Alamo, as I have always had great weakness for a good “Western”, particularly those shot on location using the old technicolour cinematography. Oh, and a nice bit of acting helps as well. I had to hand it to Randolph Scott the other day in something or other that I was watching. He never lost his hat once despite being hit with everything from a bottle to a bar room chair. What a performance – that hat should definitely have won an Oscar. Best regards, Zob.
    4. Peter, Thank you, I’m glad you like these. My partner and I had loads of fun that afternoon trying to find anything she could on the French involvement in the Boxer Rebellion, and of course I on Samori Ture and his cohorts. The illustrations on the front covers, as I’m sure you already know, are works of art in themselves, and would look great framed on anybody’s wall. Ulsterman, Now that’s a pretty ominous place to meet anybody. He wasn’t carrying an old dilapidated manual on the 6.5 mm Carcano model 91/38 rifle – was he? You never know, you may have just inadvertently solved one of the most enduring mysteries of the 20th century? LOL. Regards, Zob.
    5. Hi Ulsterman, I had to look this one up I’m afraid “The Voulet–Chanoine Mission”, a fascinating read and not something that I was familiar with at all. I suppose that’s the problem with the smaller colonial campaigns from other European countries, that there is very little in the English language that’s actually available, unless gleaned from other sources such P.C. Wren or internet chit chat. Still it’s all riveting stuff. I thought I’d attach a scan of a few souvenirs picked up in Paris a few years ago whilst wandering along the banks of the Seine, scouring through endless copies of the “Petit Journal”.
    6. Hi Chris, Many thanks for this; I do occasionally have a shuffty at this terrific site as it is always interesting to read the deliberations of other likeminded enthusiasts. Best regards, Zob.
    7. Hi Brett, Just as a point of interest the 2nd Bn. K.A.R. are a Central African Regiment and not as quoted earlier East African. Both the 1st and 2nd battalions of the K.A.R. were raised in British Central Africa later re-named Nyasaland and now modern day Malawi. Best regards, Zob.
    8. Having been away from the forum for some time I am saddened to hear such news. R.I.P.
    9. That’s really interesting, I too hadn’t realised that there was so much controversy over whether or not P.C. Wren actually saw any service in the Legion. It all makes very interesting reading on the net; although I have to confess it does look highly unlikely considering his age etc. What also sparks fleeting aspects of interest are the other books in the trilogy - Beau Sabreur and Beau Ideal neither of which have I had the opportunity to read. I only wonder if I still have stamina after all these years for all that sand, sun and of course - Le Cafard? Regards, Zob.
    10. It’s funny, I first came across that expression many years ago when I read that brilliant classic by P.C. Wren, Beau Geste, and have often excused my moments of silliness since then (of which I seem to have many) as “Cafard”. Although, I distinctly remember that that particular edition had about four hundred pages or so, and it wasn’t until the very last page that I finally had my suspicions confirmed as to who actually stole the “Blue Water”, which was enough to give any potential reader a good bout of “Le Cafard”! The only problems is that nobody knows what you’re talking about – even me? Regards, Zob.
    11. Hello, What a fascinating piece. I think that the clue to the Unit identification rests within the date East Africa 1917-1918, suggesting that the original recipients were either late participants or possibly a war raised unit who didn’t step into the affray until the last two years of the war. Quite a logical assumption I would hope considering that Anthony Bakers book: Battle Honours of the British and Commonwealth Armies., lists the battle honour for this campaign as: East Africa 1914-1918. Already mentioned as a likely candidate: The Rhodesia Native Regiment are a quite logical choice - all previous points considered, although I note that their first engagement during the East African campaign was slightly prior than that embroidered on the flag with the occupation of Songea in September 1916, which possibly puts them in the area of active operations three months earlier than expected. Of course this doesn't rule them out, but it would be interesting to know at what point this regiment was demobilised and or absorbed/amalgated under post war establishments - as it would appear that most regimental colours seem to have been approved/presented during the mid to late 1920’s-30’s., so you are probably looking for a unit that was still on its feet during this period. Other points that I think should also be brought in to play, are as already mentioned the last known source and the likely relevance of this whilst trying to determine a positive identification. My gut feeling here is that the passage of time has probably swallowed up any true potentialities considering a genealogical military lead - If indeed there was ever any in the first place. Although, it might be worth attempting to contact the Royal School of Needlework directly, as they are still in operation today I understand, and who knows - they may even hold records of their past needlepoint. Finally, Rhodesian units notwithstanding, it may also prove useful to take into consideration those battalions of the K.A.R. that were raised after 1916, along with those of the Cape Corps, Nyasaland, South Africa and India who also saw service in East Africa during the Great War. Best regards, Zob123 This incredible item was brought into me on Christmas Eve by a chap who had brought it from Rhodesia. (Zimbabwe). His Father had been resident in Rhodesia and also served in the S.A. Army. Amongst his late Father's possessions was this Regimental Colour - with Battle Honours for East Africa - 1916-1917. We have no idea which Regt. held the Colour - or, what happened to them. The chances are that they were raised to fight in SWA or, East Africa - continued with this Colour until 1918 - and were then disbanded. They could have been Rhodesian, Sth. African or, East African. Colours are usually hung in Churches - where the silk disintegrates and then they are encased in netting. This is how this one has been preserved. Private collections do NOT have Colours , they are regarded as too precious - however, I would like to see this one go to a home where it will be preserved and honoured. I will ensure that the price allows this. Should anyone have an interest in a WW1 Colour - please IM me. You all know that I do not sell from our Forum - however, this needs to find the right 'home'. p.s. The lettering that shows through is where the silk has gone. I only have a photo of one side - will add more if anyone is interested. You will see from the sewn standard holder on the left, that it was carried in ceremonies. Size wise - the two hands on the top corners will give an indication. I look forward to your comments - and, any help you can offer with identification.
    12. zob123

      Old Kepi

      Hi, Interesting Kepi - it looks like an Artillery piece that's obviously seen better days. Although, a bit of straightening out and a good brushing to tidy it up would probably breath a bit of new life in to it.. Date wise - difficult to say but sticking my neck out a bit here, I would say late 1920’s - 30’s or possibly a little earlier. Perhaps some of our French collectors maybe able to get a better fix on it. Many thanks for sharing it with us, as it is always nice to see such intriguing pieces. Best regards, Zob123
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