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    Old Contemptible
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    Everything posted by Bob

    1. Perhaps, but why would a seller want an award back if it was a fake? I guess in these cases it's very, very difficult to have "conclusive" conclusions... even more so without being able to present the award physically to an expert for review. The "story" beind the award is good, and perhaps I should just (try to) get the research anyway.
    2. http://www.soviet-awards.com/forum/soviet-...html#post103253 I suggest to move this thread to the fake section for now. Offered to have it reviewed (at my expense) by Alexei first but the seller was not interested in that (response: what if they replace it by a very good fake?). :speechless:
    3. http://www.mongoliancoins.com/site.php A very well designed site on Mongolian coins (of course) from a member of the Mongolian Numismatic Association. Click on Gallery and then look at the pic right above Tsedenbal... interesting, the award is on his jacket with a rosette underneath! The group picture with the first Mongolian ambassadors is also very nice.
    4. GMIC has solved this mystery: http://gmic.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=2790...mp;#entry337759
    5. Voila http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Order_of_the_Cloud_and_Banner So, 9 grades... that narrows it down:) http://www.omsa.org/photopost/showphoto.php?photo=5911
    6. Excellent - thank you so much Indeed, one little mystery solved Now to google what an Order of the Cloud and Banner actually looks like :jumping:
    7. Thanks - i'm confused though, what does "in US paperword (Order of the Cloud and Banner)." mean?
    8. I'm no expert, but there's a 1930's and a 1940's date, no?
    9. a potentially very interesting scan still missing ( ) is a photograph of a high placed Russian person actually awarding it... seller supposedly has it, but no scan for me yet :rolleyes:
    10. Relatively clueless on Soviet awards but the Mongolia link is very interesting of course. More pics... have got some offline indications but anybody here on forum is welcome to comment.
    11. First row: Commendatore dell'Ordine dei Santi Maurizio e Lazzaro / Grande Ufficiale dell'Ordine della Corona d'Italia / Commendatore dell'Ordine Coloniale della Stella d'Italia Second row: Commander in the Order of Scanderbeg / Sovrano Militare Ordine di Malta, Ordine di S. Giovanni di Gerusalemme, di Rodi e di Malta / 'Order of the German Eagle' (Nazi award) / x Third row: Bulgarian Order of Civil Merit? / 'Vatican Order of St Sylvester' / Ordine Equestre del Santo Sepolcro di Gerusalemme / Romanian Order of the Crown (knight?) =============== Great - thanks. That just leaves one mystery ribbon!
    12. Look look look! on the san giorgio aste auction a documented one! :jumping:
    13. bumped up... anybody new joined the forum with lots of knowledge on Chinese awards? :unsure:
    14. I have excellent scans of the booklet. Is there an EXPERT (so not just a "curious bystander") who would be willing to discretely have a look at these scans offline? Thanks, Bob
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