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    Everything posted by Herman

    1. and the reverses. Sorry for the small pictures. Herman
    2. This is the Bronze Lion (Bronzen Leeuw), instituted in 1944. It is the second highest bravery medal of the Netherlands. Lastly awarded for actions in Afghanistan in 2010. This are three different versions. From left to right; WW2 version of Garrard, London, Post WW2 by Rijksmunt and post war by Koninklijke Begeer
    3. This is the Dutch campaign medal for the Balkans 1992. Among others it was given for serving with SFOR. In 2001 this medal was abolished and a new medal (the one in above topic #42) was instituted with the clasp SFOR. The second medal is the NATO medal with the clasp 'former yugoslavia' which came with the tour. regards Herman
    4. This is a picture of the latest Dutch campaign medal instituted in 2001. The same medal is also pictured in posting # 8. The clasp ISAF is given to military personell serving for at least 30 days in the Afghan Theatre of Operations. At the moment some 30-some different clasps for this medal are issued. Other clasps are: EUMM, UNFICYP, ENDURING FREEDOM, SFOR, UNMEE-DJIBOUTI, MIF, AMBER FOX, EUFOR, KFOR, UNTSO, WEU MAPE, VN OPERATIES, NAVO OPERATIES, STABILISATION FORCE IRAK among others. regards Herman
    5. From 1979 on new medals are awarded to Dutch military personell serving abroad. In general they are all awarded hanging from its ribbon. A few exceptions are to be seen and the medal in posting 32 is an example of that. I have seen several other examples but they are scarce. Lets say 90 % of the Dutch single medals made in the so called 'Prussian style' are privately made by several Dutch private medal firms as 'van Wielik' etc. All of the medalgroups are put together by the same firms. One example of a single decoration made in the Prussian style upon its awardance is the Officers Long Service Cross for 15 years.
    6. The last campaignmedal awarded in this way was the New Guinea Cross (Nieuw Guinea Kruis) of 1962. Unfortunately i do not have a picture of the reverse aswell.
    7. In 1951 a new medal was created for Dutch personell serving in Korea. Again the Dutch firm Koninklijke Begeer at Voorschoten got the order. Realising that the profit is higher when you do the whole process from start to end, the medal was completely fabricated by Begeer as the reverse will show. Herman V
    8. This is the Dutch medal for the police actions in the former Netherlands East Indies. This medal originates from 1947. The awardance procedure from the WW2 medal was copied from the procedure used with this medal. The yearclasps are given to somebody who was actually in armed combat with the terrorists. Herman
    9. Hello ilja559, I am afraid that don't have a picture of the backside of this medal. I do have a picture of another Dutch medal, front and back for comparison. This one is the Dutch WW2 cross (Oorlogsherinneringskruis). It was awarded in large quantities from 1948 on in this form. The medal and the bar were struck with Koninklijke Begeer, Voorschoten. The company Fa. Tack, Breda put it all together on the ribbon. After this procedure the medal was personally awarded or sent by mail. Herman
    10. Thought i gave this topic another push. This medal was rewarded to personell aiding the disaster in Haïti in 2010. regards Herman
    11. This is another set in my collection. Bought it 1 1/2 year ago.
    12. Here is a trio of Dutch medals from my collection. It starts with the Cross of Merit, then the War Merit Cross with clasp: 'Nederland Mei 1940' and ends with the Officers Cross with year marking 'XX'. The Cross of Merit, in Dutch: Kruis van Verdienste' is an award for bravery 'in face of the enemy'. This example is made bij Koninklijk Begeer after WW2. Herman
    13. Sigh......... if i look at the pictures of him in this topic i can only sigh. Apart from all his badges, pins, wings and other goodies. In picture 4 he starts with his full size Dutch medals. Then a UN Korea medal, 2 Korean medals, than back to his Dutch sportsmedals. (He wears two variations of the same NOC / NSF medal. And again no Nijmegen medal). Row two starts with his US medals- Slver star, Bronze star, a Vietnamese Gallantry medal, back to the US Vietnam campaign medal, then back to the Vietnamese Vietnam campaign medal and fnally ending with 2 medals of which the last one looks like a UN medal of wich i do not recognize the ribbon. I repeat my earlier conclusions. This is over the top, incorrect and a lot of added fantasy. Herman
    14. As you can read at the site, you have to partner up. A team of 2 is necessary to compeed in the trials. If a team exists of 2 women, the standards are a bit lower. Also for personell with an age of 45 years and older the lower standards apply. But if a woman or an elder man partners up with somebody of 44 years or less than both go for the whole heavier lot. I participated 21 times now and hope to reach at least 25 participations. Well just do it as a famous commercial says. For all you boys and girls in the military: Please participate. Its fun...... as my buddy says: "I love the TMPT 363 days a year. The 2 I participate are not that funny." Anyway: Nobody has one in his/her collection?? best regards Herman
    15. and this is the one given when you succeed in 25 times passing the Two Days Military Endurance trials. Red enamelled arms of the cross. Only 7 are given sofar. The last one in 2003. Herman
    16. The cross also exists in silver with blue enamelled arms. This means 10 times passing the tests of the two days endurance trial. Around 100 have been issued. The first was issued in 1963. The last one was given this year in May. Herman
    17. Edmund, at the marktplaats site just type in 'nassau' and all will show up. At the moment there is 1 knight with swords for sale but the vendor asks a berserk price (eur 390,-). Don't buy that one. This guy always asks the jackpot. He has some really nice stuff though ....... but it is really too much. New ribbon can be bought at the dutch firm 'van wielik'. Their site is (www.vanwielik.com). They also sell the original decorations, ...... maybe as a foreigner and asking nicely........ one never knows.... One thing with the latest sold ribbon of the Oranje Nassau by this firm. The orange center of the ribbon is really orange and not orangeyellow as the old ones issued in the 40s till 70s of the last century. Sadly i don't have any spare ribbon left for you. And yes, your Dutch typing of the name of this order is perfect. regards and good luck. Herman
    18. Hello Edmund, Unfortunately there is no company officially reproducing the Orange Nassau medals. The Order of Orange Nassau, as well as other Dutch official orders, are invested by the crown and upon death of the recipient must be returned to the Chancellery of Dutch orders. If desired the family of the deceased can buy the medal. This is not cheap. The higher the grade, the higher the price. About 60 to 70 % of the medals are returned. The remaining percentage is bought by the family, forgotten to be returned or simply went with the deceased in his coffin as his or her wishes were. A certain percentage of these medals reach the open market. What is also sold here are the extra medals bought by the recipients. They bought them in a few shops allowed by the government to sell them. One can only buy such a medal upon showing your official medal certificate. Even if you want to buy a spare campaign medal you must show your award certificate. Fortunately there is ebay and the Dutch marketsite Marktplaats (www.marktplaats.nl). At marktplaats in the directory 'militaria' everyday a few Dutch orders are for sale. They don't come cheap, especially the scarce ones, but in the end you have an original medal. In your case a Knight in the Order of Orange Nassau with the swords comes around EUR 200,-. The swords make it more expensive as this represents the military division of the order. Without the swords (the civil division) is more common. Hope my answer has some value. regards Herman
    19. Thought I gave this one another push. So, who has seen one or own one. Please post the picture. best regards Herman
    20. An EK 1 1914 with this marking at the six o'clock position. True or repro/fake? Comments please regards in advance. Herman
    21. Or does anybody has nice pictures of this cross and wants to share them in this topic. Anyone ?? regards Herman
    22. Hi, I am enclosing a picture of the Dutch TMPT cross. It is an official Dutch medal since 1952. TMPT means: Two days Military Physical Endurance Trials (in Dutch: Tweedaagse Militaire Prestatie Tocht). When you pass the trials at the end of day 2 you are awarded this cross. The organiser of the trials and the issuer of this cross is the Dutch Reserve Officers Association (KVNRO). I am looking for fellow collectors with this cross in their collection. If you do, please post a nice detailed picture of it of the front and back. At the moment i am studying this cross, the variations, the different makers and its history. FYI. The first crossed were issued in the Netherlands in 1936 till 1939. In 1940 and 1941 a Netherlands East Indies version of te trials were held. After WW2 in 1955 the trials were restarted till now. Once a year the trials are held. The picture i enclose is a 1937 version from my own collection. Thanks in advance. Herman
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