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    Old Contemptible
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    Everything posted by Hauptmann

    1. Hi all, Forgive the copy on the left... but as a size comparison I simply couldn't resist! Dan
    2. Hi Ronny, Glad everything is cool. Yeah... as they say, time does heal all wounds. Hey, even though it's kinda if you don't mind post the KVK as well since it's the same maker. Figure all we can do to "advertise" what the bad ones look like is a good thing. Puts people on notice. Thanks! Dan
    3. Assuming mine is different... pulled the info from his original auction. But either way it's a great piece. Hey, how bout some pics of yours? Would love to see! Dan
    4. Hi Tom, WOW! You simply don't tend to find this kind of workmanship these days... haven't for ages. It's a shame really... everything now is just thrown together. Those were certainly craftsmen of the highest order... compliments to the chef! That is one I'd LOVE to have some day. You ever find a spare... puleeeeese keep me in mind! Thanks for sharing! Dan
    5. Hi Greg, Heavens no! That's what this is all about. You have no idea how thrilled I am when I light a fire under folks and things get moving. Happened the first time when I posted my "French Collection" (Starring Gene Hackman... oops, wrong movie again! ) and then this time with these and the DDR border signs. I think this is terrific when everyone jumps in and joins the party. It's great! And everyone ends up with a free show, learns alot and perhaps are motivated to begin a new aspect to their collection or perhaps a completely new area of collecting all because they see something that inspires them on one of these threads. So please, hijack away... I love what I'm seeing! Thanks, Dan
    6. Ronny, Seriously... I hope you don't have alot in it... I know that always hurts more. I was lucky on mine and it happened so long ago with a dealer that turned on me and did me dirty that I've expended all my anger over it long ago. Even though I just found out recently after making my post that it was bad it's like, oh well... easy come, easy go, life goes on... that sort of thing. It's yet another learning experience on this long and winding road of being a collector. You win some (hopefully alot) and lose a few. I don't think anyone out there has managed to not get burned at least once. Just didn't want you to think I was being at all flippant in my last post with the "not evil" bit... just trying to look on the positive side. But after a bit of reflection just wanted you to know that. Again hope and pray you don't have alot in it and it can just remain as a shining example for you and others in future as I hope mine will be. Thanks! Dan
    7. Hi Ronny, Awwww... perhaps not evil... maybe just a misunderstood wild child! Seriously thanks for the great pics. I simply have to get some of those little plastic doodads for holding stuff that I see so many of the members using... is this a club issued device? They really do a terrific job of holding stuff in just the right position for taking great pics! Compliments to the chef! Thanks! Dan
    8. Here are some more detailed shots: I don't have any more info on this sign and sadly haven't found any pictures of them in use... perhaps one of my fellow members could dig around, obtain and provide some? I'm sure there are still tons of these to be found along the old Soviet border as I can only imagine they've not had the time, money or manpower to replace them all with a newer version... so perhaps more will eventually hit the market, hopefully at a price all of us can afford. There had to be a gazillion of them and knowing the Soviets they were probably posted every two feet! So hey guys... if any of ya'll happen to be, say... walking along a particular stretch of border and happen to "find" any of these laying about and say, happen to be able to stuff a few in your handy dandy knapsacks... just don't forget old Hauptman and send me one... puleeeeeese!!!! Seriously, I do hope more turn up... it's a fine looking sign and would be a great addition to any Soviet or cold war collection. Thanks! Dan
    9. Hi all, Well, this certainly raised some interest... which is what I always hope to do in my posts. As due to some of the questions asked, and since I also didn't know much about these until I did the research in preparation for buying mine I thought I'd post a Soviet example. These were made out of thick copper... although from the pics the sign seems alot thinner overall than the DDR example. Looks like the painted much of the seal in a silver color. Wish I could have snagged this one off Ebay but it went for over $100 and at the time I just couldn't swing that, as much as I wanted to. Would have made a nice set with my DDR example.
    10. Hi Rick, Again many thanks on the help with that key/corkscrew translation! Okay... now we get into the nitty gritty... I too noticed the "plug" marks which I also assume are from the casting. However on the back it's blank except for an embedded wire for hanging. Here are two original examples: But still no signs of anything to explain those "plug holes" so must be from the casting process. However, I think it's still an excellent copy and at $25 I think a bargain in the extreme! Especially from what I hear an original costs! It's cast iron and was made in Germany and shipped over by the original owner. It's approx. 8" X 10" and weighs 4 pounds 9 ounces. The original owner painted it with a heat treat aluminum finish which looks great. He said the originals due to the poles they were mounted on were known as Parrot Poles... which if you check out the pics of the actual poles I posted originally you'll see why the name fits. I'm not sure what the originals were made out of... probably something cheap, easy to maintain and which was either rust proof or could be made so. I'd think aluminum but just not sure. Anyhow hope this helps. Now I'm off to post the Soviet example. Thanks! Dan
    11. Hi Paul, Actually so am I! Now it can happen quicker if any of the members would care to donate a minimum of one or better still two manequins, preferably poseable with a realistic head and hands... as well as a couple of sets of boots. Then I'll be able to quickly get in gear and put my uniforms on them, their equipment and then do the rest of the display. Seriously though, until I can afford those crucial items it's gonna be awhile, especially on my current salaries and on my rather meager collecting budget. But it is a dream I want to work towards down the road. Thanks, Dan
    12. Hi Grant, Hope this is okay in this instance... here's a link to the Grenzer site... it's excellent! Kudos to those who created it and hope they don't mind this little bit of extra exposure. http://www.grenzer.com/Bordmark.htm I came on this when I myself was trying to find examples in my research before purchasing the DDR sign. They also show BRD signs which are plain in the extreme compared with the fancy DDR and even fancier Soviet examples (will post in a sec.). But this site goes into how the Grenztruppen operated, how the border worked, the in's and less frequently outs of it all and in general the history of the whole thing... escapes, funny and scarey moments, etc. It's all there. A great resource for anyone intro'd in the DDR or more specifically their border service and the cold war in general. Enjoy! Dan
    13. Hi Gerd, Good to know. Can't even remember where I got all these for the life of me... somewhere along the way in the misty past... getting more and more misty all the time in fact. Mucho thanks! Dan
    14. Hi Greg, Well now I know why I haven't been able to find any more! You have them all!!!! Fantastic collection of the little kinder! Thanks so much for sharing! Dan
    15. Hi Terry, Very nice indeed! On your other post as well. Your 2nd looks very similar to mine... is it also blank on the back? Thanks, Dan
    16. Hi Ronny, Thanks for the compliments. Yes, those Prinzen badges are favorites of mine as well. Have had them for around twenty years... and yes folks, I know, that's the magic number! And to be honest I've never seen another set or even other Prinzens like them. I'm sure there are quite a number out there... just never run into them myself. Got these complete as a set and have loved them dearly ever since. Sorry to hear you also got stuck with an L/14... but hey, perhaps they're so infamous they'll be collectible some day in their own right! And perhaps we could start a new club based around those who are the proud... well, perhaps not so proud owners of L/14's and their cousins the L/63's. I figure life gives you lemons... make lemonaide! How about a pic of your L/14 for comparison? Would love to see it. Thanks! Dan
    17. And last but not least one that I've always wondered if it's part of one of those chained minis... and although that may be the case I've always displayed it with a piece of miniature IC ribbon... tattered but original: And finally a comparison of size between it's big brothers and itself: Thanks for looking at my baby IC's. Dan
    18. Here's the second:
    19. Hi all, Here's a couple of mini IC's which I'm assuming were tokens or giveaways of some kind... perhaps for donations of precious metals and the like. Here's the first one:
    20. And here is an original: I'm hoping to eventually be able to do a full scale display with manequins dressed in Grenztruppen uniforms and equipment standing along the border with one of these posts and my sign up at the top just as you see in these pictures. It's way off in the future but the dream is there. I'd also eventually love to obtain a Soviet counterpart to this sign. Dan
    21. Hi all, First all, let me say that I had to "borrow" a couple of pics from Grenzer.com, an excellent site on the Grenztruppen der DDR, the DDR border and just about anything you'd want to know about same. First off, here's what we're looking at... I believe these are 2nd generation DDR border post signs: Now I post these here because several months ago I was lucky enough to get ahold of an excellent copy of one of these signs:
    22. Hi Marcus, Many thanks for taking a peek and having a go at them. I really have never felt "uncomfortable" with either of those pieces... the cuff title I got in a shoe box sized lot and nothing in the lot turned out to be repro... of course that's never an absolute. The other I admit I did get from that guy in Pinellas Park that I mention in both my wound and my WWII IC 1st posts. I should mention... and had intended to do this before but forgot. The German/Italian medal... the ribbon is indeed a replacement... I think it's from original stock and I'd be happy to check it at some point but right now it means a trip down to the bunker again, digging out my black light, finding enough AA's and going at it. Doesn't sound like much but as it's sunny I'm hoping to do some more pics to post as well as posting some things I've already got the pics for. Probably will take me most of the day. But here's the thing... the "original" ribbon is still on it... under the new one! And trust me... it's original! Looks like it's been through a war and back. Not tattered or anything, just faded and used looking. I love the vibrant colors in this ribbon so put the new over the old. The old is, I believe stitched with period stitching. Again be happy to check this with the BL in the next few days. But I'd be extremely shocked to find out it was anything other than A-Okay. But hey, as you say... you "experts" out there... chime in! Thanks, Dan
    23. Hi all, Figured I'd do one reply to save space. First off... many, many thanks on your kind and generous comments and compliments on my goodies. You've no idea how deeply I appreciate each and every one! On the wound... sigh! This actually was one from decades ago. It was from the same guy I mention in my WWII IC 1st post. He dealt at that time at the Wagon Wheel flea market in Pinellas Park Florida. He's the guy that took me under his wing as a newbie collector, only to get greedy and screw me over several times. No idea if he's even still around and actively selling. I'd mention his name but didn't know if that was okay or not. If so, let me know and I'll let fly as I'd hate to see other collectors taken advantage of. So far, I've been fortunate, but again if I can save one person from having problems it's worth it. Lucky thing is that I don't think I paid a ton for it (probably about $30-$35) at the time as again such things were alot more common and alot cheaper in those days. I have another set of items I want to post, my Flowers Wars medals... two of which I have no reason to doubt but one, the Memel... I know has had a lot of fakes over time. I got them all from him so want to make sure... and been kind of "dreading" posting them. But hey, live and learn. So guess now I have to find a "good" gold along with the rest of the sets I need to complete. Perhaps when I get my war chest built back up I could get some help from some of my fellow members who are wound collectors... and might have some spares from time to time. Again many thanks guys! Couldn't do it without you! Dan
    24. Hi Paul, Again many thanks for your very generous comments! I think doing up displays is one of the most enjoyable parts of this hobby for me. I dearly wish I could work in a museum... I do volunteer in our local one but for me, to be paid to do what one loves in life is the greatest career, regardless of money or benefits. To coin a phrase from a certain Japanese Colonel in "Bridge Over The River Kwai"... to truly and completely "be happy in your work" is a joy I'm afraid far too few folks have in life. On the Nambu... believe me, as with all others I'm extremely careful. Was raised by my father to respect guns, not fear them. To take all due and proper precautions and then some. I'm manic about it in fact. He started me out at five years old... and I started my son out early as well. In my experience, the vast majority of accidents with guns happen because of two types of things... lack of knowledge and experience and getting apathetic and lazy. I firmly and strongly believe all kids should be instructed in firearm safety and made to understand that like any tool they are dangerous and deserve respect. Even if they never have experience with one again it can do them no harm. And those long time gun owners who simply start to handle them as if it's all just an old routine... go and take a refresher course! You let your guard down once and that's it! It's not worth it. You may be the worlds expert... but you get lazy in how you handle them and they'll bite you back big time! Also, I've found over time that Japanese guns as a group have gotten a bad rap. They are actually fairly safe unless a last ditch or certain models. Their rifles can take an incredible amount of punishment not to mention overloading and still hold their own. They're in fact based on the Mauser action, which I believe to be one of the single best actions ever designed or built. The Nambu I have is extremely well built, has been checked by several gunsmiths who are familiar with them and has been given the A++++ seal of approval! If there was one to fire it's this one... but due to it's age, collector value and condition I just don't like to "push my luck". And I'm cheap! Hey, I'm part Scot... what'dya want? Again thanks so much for the compliments. And my "kiddies" thank you too! Dan
    25. Hi Paul, Many thanks for the visit and the compliment. I do hope my uncle would have liked it. Just wish I had his album to really spice it up a bit. Really upsets me that the photo record of what was most likely the biggest events of his life is not lost to the family. If I could recommend "one" thing to my fellow members, it is this. Please, please, please, please... make absolutely sure that if you want any or all of your collections passed down in your family... that you "immediately" take the proper steps be they wills, living wills or whatever other documents are required where you reside and that all concerned as well as an attorney and a safe or safety deposit box all have appropriate "legal, official" copies of same! And communicate to those who would be handling your affairs should the worst happen what your wishes are. I got slammed several times over. The rest of my uncles stuff, which of all of it the photo album was the absolute treasure. And my father's collections which were many, varied and lets just say worth a good bit. The latter was meaningless to me as I'd never have sold any of it. Long story short, due to neither of them taking these proper precautions my uncles record of his service time and my father's lifetime collections all are lost to the family. Please, don't let the same thing happen to you and yours. If I can save "one" person from going through what I have in this regard then it will be worth it. Thanks! Dan
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