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    Old Contemptible
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    Everything posted by Hauptmann

    1. Hi Don, First off, many thanks for all your posts, sharing the terrific pics and especially help with the pricing. So just short of $100... not too shabby. But I can't get that one ad I saw out of my mind... here's a link (hope this is okay): http://www.ww2germanmilitaria.com/belts_buckles_n.htm Seems the same as mine except all that "stuff" on the face of it. I mean, I don't have a set price in mind yet, but in my position financially right now I want to get the best price I can without skinning someone alive. Want to be fair but certainly don't want to sell it for $$ then find out later it was actually worth $$$$. Seems to be the way my luck runs. Just want a fair price so the buyer and myself are both happy with the deal. I'm in the same boat with any of this stuff I ever sell. Plus, I loath money... I mean it's nice to have but as they say it's the root of all evil. The most fun I've ever had is in trades... seems like everyone generally comes out happy in trades whereas with money, the guy that forks it over "always" seems to feel he overpaid and the one who gets it for his goodies always feels he got underpaid. Sigh. Just not one of my most enjoyable things... dealing in money. Shoot, if someone had a used McDaniel book and perhaps an extra goodie(s) they'd throw in that would work just as well. But seems once those books are bought they stay bought if you know what I mean. I've heard tales of folks getting them for $50 on Ebay on occassion... well, I've only seen two listed in the recent past, and believe me, I look! Both went for what I can get them for new. If I'm gonna pay that I'll wait and get the new one... it's the waiting part that's killing me! Sigh. Oh well, on to other replies. Again thanks for the info. Let me know what you think on that other one compared with mine and if the price sounds nuts or what? I'm like thinking if "that" with all those marks is $130 and mine is the same mines got to be worth a bit more for being as clean as it is. But if I'm wrong in that line of thought I need to know. And granted I checked a few English sites and sure enough they're running what you said... but again no idea on the types, variations, etc. Am flying blind. Well, off to the batmobile. Thanks, Dan
    2. Hi Hendrik, VERY NICE indeed!!!! Have always loved that one and that's about the prettiest I've seen yet! Congrats on having such a beautiful piece! Thanks for sharing. Dan
    3. Hi Chris, Ya'll just caught me getting ready to shut down for the night. But glad you did. And very glad ya'll like the presentation. I'm not positive but seems to be a half size miniature... at least that's my guess. Just something I picked up somewhere along the way... can't remember where or when. Thanks, Dan
    4. Hi Gordon... you just caught me... was about to get ready and shut down for the night after replying to your post about the Blockade Runners Badge. VERY NICE!!!! And yes, I will re the stickpin. For sure if I manage to find another I'd be happy to pass it along as I only need the one. And if you ever run into another similar case please let me know. I'd love to put my pair into a nice "garage". They're both just terrific badges and I can see how folks get hooked on them. I think those and the navy daggers are just the greatest! Of course I'm partial to navy anyhow. I actually went way outside of my district for HS in order to join Navy JROTC instead of the USMC version. And then at the start of my fourth year they build a new HS and put us in that district... gave us the choice to go there for AF JROTC to finish out our senior year. I passed... stuck with the Navy. Did some college and planned to go in as an officer in carriers. Didn't work out as I was involved in a hit and run. Some kid had "borrowed" his mom's car (no insurance of course! ) and gone on a joy ride after graduation from Largo HS. Had his kid brother and one of his friends in the back seat... drinking beer and having a grand old time. Till they ran a red left turn signal and rammed into me. Screwed my car, may back and my neck up but good. There went my navy career. But on the good side of things the next car in line to get hit would have been a little sub-sub compact with a volunteer fireman and his wife, kids and new baby. The car that hit me was an Olds 88... a battleship. As it was I was in a Vega Estate wagon... being the wagon is the only reason I'm here now. But they would have never survived. So better what happened to me than an entire family getting wiped out. I'd do it all over again without hesitation. But I do still love the navy... any navy. Well, it's that time... better run before I fall asleep on the keyboard. But I'll be back posting in a few hours... knock on wood! Hope to wake up to tons and tons of replies that I need to go through and savor! I get the biggest kick out of all this. Thanks everyone! Night all! Dan
    5. Hi Gordon, Many thanks for your kind words! Even though the case is not in top notch shape I figure it worked out as I was easily able to show the innerds and figure that's always a good thing for folks to be able to see and if possible compare. No idea what they run now... I think I paid $250 in the day... but I wanted her and I have no regrets. I guess I really got hooked on these and the Aux. Cruiser badges once I saw the movies with John Wayne and Van Johnson playing Auxiliary Cruiser Captains, breaking out and doing their thing. I'm tempted to watch them again. Have to trudge down in the bunker tomorrow and pull out the tapes. Wish ya'll could come join me... great flicks. Well, I fear the time has come to go zonk out... or at least watch a bit of TV before zonking out. I have thoroughly enjoyed doing all my posts and especially reading those who have posted before I arrived. I still have a few more days off so hoping to continue and get a few more things posted. I'll try to do the new group photos of the wounds sometime today as well as taking my framed IAB set from Jack Angolia out and try to get some shots of it in natural light. It's a hard one to get shots of due to the glass but will be worth it if I can manage it. Again thanks so much for having me as a member... and putting up with the fact that I think I got 90% of my stuff over "twenty years ago". Really... I've gotten a ton of stuff since then... honest! Just ask my wife! I just can't get enough of all this stuff and hope I have tons more years of collecting in front of me. When I get my (please God) palace in the sky I do so hope there's room for the ultimate set of collectibles rooms plus a nice video room to boot. Not one for singing endlessly and sitting around on clouds all day. Thanks again, Dan
    6. My son really loves this piece so it's one that's definitely getting passed down. He's got good taste... no idea where he gets it from though. Thanks for checking her out. The old girl is still looking good if you ask me! Although I did notice a tiny bit of surface rust starting on the blade so guess it's maintenance time again. Thanks, Dan
    7. And here's that pressed paper I told you about... just amazing!
    8. Hi all, Okay... gonna squeeze in at least one more tonight and then I think I'm gonna call it quits. Been a long day... week, month, year, decade... well you get the idea. I'm not even going to say how long ago I got this cause ya'll already know so what's the point! It's the type with no motto. Nothing fancy. But I got it because of the hanger and such. Looks like leather, has the marbeling but it's not leather. It's pressed paper! I was amazed when I first saw it and still am to this day. Even after this many years it has held up and would probably still wear just as well as the day it was made. It's amazing what desperation can do. Needless to say, it's just a good piece that's been there, done that and lived to tell the tale. And yes, that looks like an old tack to me too... but it was on there when I got it... no idea why... and I've left it alone.
    9. This is the one dagger I never get tired of seeing. I had to pass on a West German model at about the same time I got this one... $100 and have regretted it ever since as I can never seem to find those... since they've all been "converted" over to WWII pieces. But I am soooooo glad I didn't pass on this one. Again, not absolutely perfect... but it's been there and done that. Oh the stories this stuff could tell if it could only talk. Thanks for looking, Dan
    10. Hi all, Okay, okay... I got half way down the hall and realized... I nearly forgot to put up my KM dagger. This is one of my pride and joy pieces... because I got this one from Jack Angolia on one of my visits, and just because I LOVE KM daggers! It's just the way I accepted it from him about twenty years ago (I'm simply not going to say it! Just put up with it... it's just the way it is! ) and IMHOP just as perty as the day I got it from him. Admittedly not perfect but I hope I look this good at that age.
    11. Hi Glen, You are most welcome! Thanks, Dan
    12. And last but not least, the badge itself: Hope ya'll enjoy her as much as I've enjoyed showing her off. Thanks for stopping by, Dan
    13. Inside the case, including under the base, inside under the base and inside the lid: Does anyone know what the number 845 signifies?
    14. Hi all, Okay, so I got ambitious... it's a long walk over here so decided to just do this one while I was here. Have had this forever and a day... okay, code words for over twenty years! Not perfect as far as the case goes but definitely original and I love her.
    15. And the stickpin: Thanks for looking, Dan
    16. Hi all, Being lazy and posting all the ones with like two or three pics. Am dreading doing all my wound badges. The pics are taken... but I forgot to include on in the group pic so may redo that tomorrow before I post them. Can't exclude one from the group pic... she might not like that! Anyhow here's my Aux. Cruiser. Love the design as does my wife. We also love the Minesweeper badge but I decided to let mine go a few months ago. Got a good price but still miss her. But figure I can always get another some day if need be. And yes, sadly this one is missing the catch.
    17. Hi all, I believe that's what this is... too lazy to run down to the bunker to look it up. Nothing I specialized in... part of a big trade... yes, about twenty years ago... you guessed it! Just loved the design. Thanks for looking, Dan
    18. Hi all, Assuming this is navy so decided to put it here. She's one of my two nicest looking eagles... I'd say mint in this case but open to opinions. Thanks for looking, Dan
    19. Hi all, Okay... just an eagle but it's one of my two nicest... wasn't sure but assuming it's Heer. The other is "I think" a navy so going to post that over yonder. On the back, on the left wing as you see it in that position, it is marked M1 and either a / 72 or 172... looks like 172 but the 1 is slanted. And the M1 and the other are separated a bit and on different levels. On the other wing is RZM in a circle... RZ and then M beneath. Thanks for looking, Dan
    20. Hi all, Here's a GAB to ponder... again the magic number... had it for well over "come on now... all together now!" twenty years! Thanks for looking, Dan
    21. Hi all, Just a little cutie to perk things up a bit: Thanks for looking, Dan
    22. Actually, silly me, I just read down a few posts and got my answer and then some. Many thanks! Dan
    23. Hi Darrell, You never fail to say just what I need to hear just when I need to hear it! Really made me laugh out loud... as does alot that I read on here. Always a good pick me up. See, you just never know what I most post. Shoot... I never know what I might post... that's pretty bad isn't it? Took French in HS so figured I had to have at least some representation of the Frogs in my collection. Used to have an Adrian shell but let it go back when I was still in HS. Kinda regret that I never got another one. Glad you like. Thanks, Dan
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