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WNickel replied to a topic in Germany: Imperial: The Orders, Decorations and Medals of The Imperial German States
Hello Chris, here are my numbers. It's difficult with the awards without swords because I don't know who had change into a decoration with swords. all decoration am Beamtenband (Band f?r kriegsverdienste) MVK 1 365 MVK 1 x 1191 MVK 1 mKr 24 MVK 1 mKr+x 64 MVK 2 173 MVK 2 x 1652 MVK 2 mKr 468 MVK 2 mKr+x 1883 MVK 3 24 MVK 3 x 907 MVK 3 mKr 71 MVK 3 mKr+x 149 Best regards Werner -
WNickel replied to a topic in Germany: Imperial: The Orders, Decorations and Medals of The Imperial German States
Hi David, I have not the original rolls from Anhalt, Baden, Braunschweig, Oldenburg. Only Staatshandb?cher, for example Anhalt since 1872. I have all classes from the prussian red eagle and the crown order with "addons" - that means swords, 50, etc. but not with "Schleife" or "Eichenlaub". There are twenty thousand of each order in all classes. At last I have made a list of the bavarian MVK at the "Badn f?r Kriegsverdienste" - all classes - and the MVK 1. class for war-merit. Here I have only the Milit?rverordnungsblatt and not the original rolls. But I think there are 75 - 90 %. Best regards Werner -
WNickel replied to a topic in Germany: Imperial: The Orders, Decorations and Medals of The Imperial German States
...not to forget Preu?en Milit?rehrenzeichen 1867 - 1913.... -
WNickel replied to a topic in Germany: Imperial: The Orders, Decorations and Medals of The Imperial German States
Hi David, Since 1994 I have made lists of Anhalt until 1912, Braunschweig until 1914 Baden until 1914, Bayern fremde Orden an bayrische Offizier until 1917 Oldenburg until 1914 Preu?en Roter Adlerorden, Kronenorden with swords, 50, etc. W?rttemberg Milit?rverdienstorden, Friedrichsorden, fremde Orden an w?rttembergische Offiziere WW1, Kolonialverleihungen Rangliste Preu?en, Sachsen, Bayern, W?rttemberg, Marine 1914, Reichsheer and Marine 1923 -1932 Intendanturbeamte, Post- und Telegraphenbeamte and a few more. I have the microfilm of Hanseatenkreuz L?beck but not worked out. Good luck Werner -
Hi Rick, the great master agree on my opinion Here another example - I have shown it in thread years before - of a crown order 4. class on white ribbon wearer. It's the bar of Marineassistenzarzt Jansen. He got the crown order 4. class on white ribbon without swords in 1904, in 1908 he got the swords and the black ribbon to the crown order on white ribbon after he got the clasps to the southwest medal. In WW1 he got the EK 2 and even the EK 1 as Marineoberstabsarzt on Helgoland - and now notice....he wear the cross for Kriegsteilnehmer .... to Rick Werner
Hello, the saxon bar is on my opinion a typical bar of a Feldpostsekret?r - more than 200 got the Albrechtskreuz with swords. I also found more than 600 Postbeamte with the iron cross 2. class and the black ribbon. At least there are many bavarian Postsekret?re with the iron cross and the black ribbon. In southwest 11 Postbeamte or Telegraphenbeamte got the crown order 4. class with white ribbon. There was a great difference between the german states and their awards given to the lower classes of Beamten. I have an example of an Eisenbahnstationsvorsteher, who got the Mecklenburg goldenes Verdienstkreuz and the Oldenburg Hausorden 3. class without crown at the same time. In Preu?en the Allgemeines Ehrenzeichen was given to persons with a long time of service - what was given to a Feldpostsekret?r, who was 25-30 years old during his time in southwest? In WW1 Bayern and Sachsen Feldpostsekret?re got the Milit?rverdienstkreuz or the Albrechtskreuz with swords - what got these people from W?rttemberg? Werner
Hi, that's good - let us begin. It's true, that the ribbons looks new, but that's only the lastest argument. On my opinion the order of the SWA-medal and the Kolonial-DM is unimportant, a missing clasp for the Kolonial-DM, too The missing long service cross is a good argument , but which persons got a crown order on the white ribbon???? And had these persons wearing a centenar medal???? I say "NO".... And now you....