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      Prussia and Lippe-Detmold

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    1. My latest purchase...I was looking quite a while for a suitable piece.
    2. Interesting...although I identified it as the Kyffhäuser badge, I didn´t konw, that is was a rare one. By the way, here is another picture of Stratmann from 1935, wearing Lippe-medalbar, but not the DT badge.
    3. Hi Don, here is the wished closeup. Indeed the photo is marked with 1936 at its back. I assume it a "Kyffhäuser-Bund" badge...nothing extra-ordinary. Do you agree to my identification? BR Roman
    4. Hi gents, by accident this quite rare badge of the Deutscher Turnerschaft (German gymnast association) GAU IX Westfalen came to me as a part of a photo estate (mainly WW1 Verdun etc). The privious owner was Fritz Stratmann from Herne, Westfalia. The badge has a little damage, but more intersting is, that Stratmann was wearing this damaged badge already 1936. The photo-detail of him is proofing it. Stratmann is also wearing the armband "Obmann" (=referee). Since the Deutscher Turnerschaft was integrated in 1936 into the DRL, Stratmann couldn´t wear this badge any longer. BR Roman
    5. And here is another (not Lippe-Detmold) enameled beauty, which went through my collection....the previous owner was a personal friend of King Wilhelm of Württemberg...
    6. As I don´t want to post Lippe-Detmold all the time, I will show another enameled beauty, which I sold some time ago. This piece came directly from the family and the owner was the only one allowed to wear this Waldeck-cross at the combatant (!!!) - ribbon....
    7. Yes, it´s the same family, but the family tree is quite complex. I would say, Ferdinand and Egmont were cousins 2nd grade.
    8. Ok, time to post a quite unique award-document for Prince Ferdinand zur Lippe-Weißenfeld. Prince Ferdinand got the 1st class of the Lippe-Detmold houseorder in 1931, but he was killed in action already in September 1939 in Poland. I also have the pictures of his funeral and some other documents regarding Lippe-Weißenfeld.
    9. Nice, I know, that some more award documents of this group are around in other collections, but I didn´t know, that his ribbonbar still exists.
    10. 😱 Is it Leo von Gilhaußen? I also have some documents of Leo von Gilhaußen in my collection...
    11. Here is a nice litte group, unfortunately unnamed. The Lippe-Detmold houseorder 4th class Div. A is a late one, produced by C.F. Zimmermann in Pforzheim, as well as the Lippische Rose 2nd class with oakleaves for art and science, which is a late Zimmermann-piece, too. It´s likely, that the candidate received at least the Lippische Rose post 1918, as I couldn´t find a right candidate so far. Until November 1918 only 43 Lippische Rose(n) 2nd class for art and science were awarded in total, 4 women were decorated with it.
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