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    Christian Zulus

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    Everything posted by Christian Zulus

    1. Military History in Asia 1945 Dear Kevin, to start with the end of your posting: You are exactly right: WW II started 1936 in China (or 1914 in Sarajevo ) and the Imperial Japanese Army got "(in)famous" for their Nanking Massacre http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nanking_Massacre in december 1937, where they murdered about 300.000 Chinese civilians . The undisputed historic fact is, that USA & USSR agreed in Yalta and fixed it in Potsdam, that the Red Army will sacrifice Soviet soldiers for finishing up with the Imperial Japanese Army. Roosevelt & Truman did a lot of pressure in that issue. Actually a US-Invasion of the Japanes main islands, of China, Manchuria and Korea had been never a relastic option for the US-Admininstration for two reasons: - the USA had no money and resources at all for going on with that war till 1946 - they were exhausted - the estimated losses, you already mentioned, wouldn't have been hardly acceptable for the US-Public So that issue was handed over to "Uncle Joe" with his victorious Red Army. O.K., for the Soviet's engagement in the Far East, they "got" something in Europe ... Anyhow, Marshal Vasilevsky http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aleksandr_Vasilevsky did in Asia with his operation "August Storm" http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_August_Storm an excellent job, which is regarded as one of the most perfect operations in military history. Vasilevsky got for his job another Order of Lenin, due to the fact, that Stalin couldn't give him another Order of Victory, because Vasilevsky received already 2 items of that order for his strategic leadership in Europe. But Vasilevsky was happy about the Lenin, as he writes in his memoirs. Let us formulate it this way: There had been some problems in communication between the "Living God" Tenno Hirohito http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hirohito and his war cabinet. It is documented, that Hirohito said, after the Soviet Union entered the war in Asia, that their war is now finished and that Japan should accept the unconditional surrender (before the USA dropped the bomb!). It is also documented, that the US-Adminstration wasn't able - or didn't want to be able - to formulate that document of unconditional surrender in the correct (Japanese) style (not touching their "Living God" etc. etc.). O.K., the end of the war in Asia was delayed for some weeks and the US-Adminstration had the possibility to demonstrate the horror of nuclear bombs twice . Again, to sacrifice up to 3 million US-boys for an invasion in Japan & China - far away from the US-Homeland - was never a relastic option - neither for Roosevelt, nor for Truman. Remember that great movie "Letters from Ivo Jima" http://iwojimathemovie.warnerbros.com/lett.../framework.html . The invasion at the Japanese homeland would have resulted in thousends of Ivo Jima's. It's a big difference to fight against reluctant Germans in northern France, than to fight against the monster in it's own cave, as the Red Army did in Berlin. Best regards Christian
    2. Dear Sergey, many thanks for your point of view . Best regards Christian
    3. Lieber Waldemar, that's a really nice & old item . Does this organization still exist ? Best regards Christian
    4. Dear Marc, congratulations to your perfect & super-fast answer . Question #187 is your turn now again . BTW: That incident in november 1943 prooves again, how democratic the Soviet award system has been . I can't remember, that 127 British railroad workers got on one day their KBE & knighthood by H.M. the Queen . Best regards Christian
    5. Dear Paul, that's a quite fair & moderate price, if you consider, that this ORB is a GPW & battle award, according to the s/n. Best regards Christian
    6. Dear Marc, that's really a more than rare combination . Best regards Christian BTW: For the "nationality-cultural-competition" at Christophe's quiz - shall we count you to French cultural world or English-American cultural world ?
    7. New question #186 Gentlemen, to stay on the "fast track", another simple & easy question. New question: The HSL had been during (and before) the GPW an ultra-rare Soviet award and much rarer, than a HSU. Despite the extremly low number of awardings till 1945, there had been one occaision during the GPW of a "HSL-mass-awarding". Which group of people received their HSLs ? One simple question - one simple answer . Best regards Christian
    8. Dear Marc, 2. Of course, she had been Jewish . First she had been married to the architect Rolf Hamburger . 5. No glue .... 6. Also no glue , but I already listed 3 prominent person . Best regards Christian
    9. The 3 cannons of the La-7 Gentlemen, I just want to show, how they Soviets implanted the 3 magnficent 20-mm-cannons into the La-7: That sheer fire-power + the superiour qualities of that plane, made the La-7 to the best piston-engined fighter of WW II - better than any FW 190, Me 109, Mustang or Spitfire . Best regards Christian
    10. Dear Christophe, many thanks for your congratulations in advance, but let's wait for Marc . "Beurton" might be Normannic ? Best regards Christian BTW: 3 more victories and I'll get my 2nd HSA (another 20 victories) and you will have to finance a monument with my bust in home town Vienna - as usual for all twice Heroes .
    11. Dear Kevin, I had been speaking about Harris' knighthood (=KBE) and not about his baronetcy of a 1st Baronet of Chipping Wycombe, which he actually got - as you said - 1953 by the new (and old) PM Churchill for his deeds during WW II. He would have stayed a "Sir" Harris, I guess, even if he would have opposed against Prof. Frederick Lindemann, 1st Viscount Cherwell, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Frederick_Lin...scount_Cherwell plans of war (Lindemann was maybe THE most influential adviser to Churchill). Just for illustration, some statements of "Bomber Harris": "I do not personally regard the whole of the remaining cities of Germany as worth the bones of one British Grenadier." "In spite of all that happened at Hamburg, bombing proved a relatively humane method." I guess, that the views of the 1st Baronet of Chipping Wycombe are at least worth a discussion . No, we also have Protestant chaplains within the Austrian Armed Forces and soon we will get two Islamic imans, but the big majority is Catholic - as in Ireland or Poland. You are exactly right, Austrians have been "key-players" - besides of Adolf Hitler - in the Holocaust, KZ-system and SS. Two days ago, Prof. Ian Kershaw told in an interview for an Austrian magazine, that the share of the Austrians (according to the size of their population) within the Holocaust-System was much higher, than of the Germans. AND exactly 70 years ago, Adolf Hitler was more wellcomed in Austria, than in any other part of Europe . After 1945 the Austrians made the world to believe, that Hitler had been a German and Beethoven an Austrian ... From a military point of view Hiroshima & Nagasaki had been not neccessary. The two bombs had been just Truman's PR-show towards the Soviets. The extinction of the Japanese Kwantung Army on the Asian mainland by the Soviet Battle of Manchuria http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_August_Storm , broke the spine of the Japanese Armed Forces. Japanese documents show now very clearly, that the Soviet operations had more impact in the war cabinet, than the two US-bombs. BTW: The bombing of Tokio caused more losses, than the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki together ... Please don't speak about a race of people, who is busy with killing, torturing and murdering - it's neither the race, nor all people! It's just the leading class - or oligarchy -, which makes the war(s). Japanese ordinary people are as peaceful, as Irish or Austrian people. Best regards Christian
    12. Dear Marc, I hope, I have the correct answer: Best regards Christian
    13. Dear Kevin, No, the only person, who goes into a "tit for tat" political discussion is the person, who entered the discussion about the quality of US-Presidents (and the possibility for Prime Minister Putin obtaining Soviet GPW-awards) recently ... Listen, I stated, that the USA had a different strategy & concept of bombing Nazi-Germany, than the UK - that's an evident historic fact and about that, any discussion is senseless. I stated, that the Roosevelt-Administration had a different strategy & concept for the UNO and towards the future collaboration with the Soviet Union, than the Truman-Adminstration - that's also an evident historic fact and about that, any discussion is again senseless. I stated, that the renowed US-economist & Harvard-Professor (and ex-member of the Roosevelt-Administration!) John Kenneth Gailbraith published a study about the impact of the Allied bomb raids on the war-economy in Nazi-Germany. You should read that study. If you think, that Hamburg, Dresden etc. etc. was soooo neccessary for winning the war against Nazi-Germany, than that's your private opinion and I invite you, to discuss your point of view with the old generation of people living in Hamburg, Dresden etc. etc. Listen, I am not paid by the Austrian Armed Forces for "tit for tat" political pamphlets, but for serious work within the general staff of our army as an expert for history. A "tit for tat"-argumentation line would be: Gurnica - Coventry - Dresden - Hiroshima, but that's not up to the standard of the science of history. Historians know neither "good", nor "bad", they have to analyze the causes, reasons and strategies behind the historic incidents and to present hard facts or at least valid theories. I guess, that "Bomber" Harris wouldn't have lost his knighthood & pension, if he would have opposed against these insane opertions against Hamburg or Dresden ... War is inhuman and it should be the main aim of all armed forces around the globe to prevent war and to establish peace, as the (neutral) Irish and Austrian Armed Forces practise successfully for decades within the UN-Forces . Dear Kevin, don't be soooooo offensive against my postings - I am neither a communist, nor a maniac, just a Catholic in uniform serving in the army of a neutral country . Best regards Christian
    14. Dear Marc, these are good & valid arguments . But as a historian & economist, I guess, that the forgers & fakers shops (or booming industry ) in the Baltics started off with their really big business in the mid 1990s, when the prices & demand for Soviet items started to grow. In the early 1990s there had been an affluent supply of Soviet awards and very low prices in the West. So, there would have been too less profit for our keen "experts" in the Baltics. Of course, I had been fooled at the beginning of my collector's career by a casted RB-screwback and a strucked Nakhimov-Medal, but both items had been clear visible fakes at the first sight for all real experts. I don't think, that these two fakes had been manufactured in the Baltics, because there our forgers have a higher standard. O.K., a RB-screwback and a Nakhimov-Medal had been faked from the very beginning, due to their always rather high market value from the very beginning und due to the easyness of faking specially these two items. But "Excellence Badges" had been cheap & affluent at these times and there would have been too less economic reason to fake a Sniper - it was easier to struck a Nakhimov . Just my theory - as a historian from outside - to the history of "real fakes" in Russian ... Best regards Christian BTW: Marc, what's your nationality - I always regarded you as a Russian ?
    15. You guess, there might be a Russian variant of the British "Lord Ashcan" http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Michael_Ashcr..._Baron_Ashcroft , who built up an own museum for his incredible VC-collection . Best regards Christian
    16. Dear Marc, that's a highly interesting aspect . Do these restrucked medals differ from the original awarded ones ? The market price of an genuine medal might be somewhere around EUR 500,- to EUR 1.000,- (or even higher ... ), I guess. But the price for such a "Collectors Edition" should be only a few EUROs. The 12th of june 1999 had been a great day for the Russian Army (... and the end of general Clark's brilliant career ). Best regards Christian BTW: And General Walker got his deserved knighthood ...
    17. Dear Marc, no, the top enameled arm of the red star wasn't saved. I guess, that a gifted juweller has made that piece completly new and attached it to the silver star, as you can see at the scan: The original red star doesen't have a more or less additional straight border line towards the medaillon. Best regards Christian BTW: I have another Nevsky T2 in good condition to compare .
    18. Dear Marc, o.k., again I will try with my mobile-phone-camera ... As I already mentioned, that badge come to the West BEFORE the big wave of fakes arraived at the collectors market. Do you have some more links to Russian websites, where some genuine Excellence Badges can bee seen ? Best regards Christian
    19. Dear Marc, o.k., I will try with my mobile-phone-camera ... As I already mentioned, that badge come to the West BEFORE the big wave of fakes arraived at the collectors market. Do you have some more links to Russian websites, where some genuine Excellence Badges can bee seen ? Best regards Christian
    20. Dear Wild Card, o.k., you are right ... , at least Roosevelt's http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Franklin_D._Roosevelt bombing of Nazi-Germany hadn't been a violation of international laws, despite the well proven historic and economic fact (i.e.: study of economist Galbraith http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Kenneth_Galbraith ), that the bombing had far less effect on the Nazi's war-economy, than expected, but much more effect on the population, housings and the civil infrastructure. AND you can not compare the US-bombing of Nazi-Germany with the British bombing by Churchill and "Bomber Harris" (aka: "Butcher Harris") http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arthur_Travers_Harris . Maybe the most positive aspect of the Roosevelt-Adminstration, concerning foreign policy, had been the peaceful cooperation at all fields with the CCCP and the establishing of the UNO - both issues were destructed by Churchill & Truman . Best regards Christian
    21. Dear Christophe, many thanks for the information . That's strange, because some hours ago, the last two links worked .... Please go to: http://kaupat.gagar.fi/epages/Kaupat.axl/?...mp;Locale=en_GB Klick at: Auction Catalog March 29, 2008 It should be http://www.medalhouse.com/pdf/Medalhouse_c...og_final_v3.pdf with a right mouseclick ... You will find the "Medal House"-thread at: http://gmic.co.uk/index.php?showforum=84 (please scroll down). Best regards Christian
    22. Two numbered medals at an auction in Germany Gentlemen, Jani Tiainen http://gmic.co.uk/index.php?showuser=1035 has two of these medals - with moderate starting prices! - at his coming auction (march 29th 2008) in Germany: http://www.medalhouse.com/pdf/Medalhouse_c...og_final_v3.pdf http://gmic.co.uk/index.php?s=&showtop...st&p=248012 Best regards Christian
    23. Lieber Waldemar, I already showed my Galeb-Pin here: http://gmic.co.uk/index.php?s=&showtop...st&p=185825 Best regards Christian
    24. Gentlemen, I already recognized, that with YU-orders you will find much more weird variations, than with CCCP-orders . Best regards Christian
    25. Yevgeny Dolmatovski photographed by Yevgeny Khaldei, 2nd of may 1945 in Berlin Original gelatin silver print (8 1/4 x 6 1/2 in or 20,9 x 16,5 cm) done by the photographer http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yevgeny_Khaldei himself and signed & numbered at the revers. The picture shows the Soviet poet and writer Yevgeny Dolmatovski in front of the Reichstag. http://gmic.co.uk/index.php?s=&showtop...st&p=172964 (Quiz-question #108)
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