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    Christian Zulus

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    Everything posted by Christian Zulus

    1. Dear Christophe, perfect, perfect - congratulations to your victory #29 . Matvei - or Mathieu, as the French say - Golovinski http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Matvei_Golovinski worked during the Civil War in the personal staff of Leon Trotsky. But I assume, that Trotsky did not know about the editor's history of his former Okhranka-Agent http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Okhranka ... Anyhow it is a strange and obscure story in history: The author of the most evil and most influental anti-semitic publication in the world worked for the Jewish Communist Leon Trotsky . Christophe, you have now the exceptional honour to post question #150 . Best regards Christian That's "comrade" Matvei - or Mathieu - in the year 1907 in Paris: And that's - by far - the best book about the "Protocols ..." by the great Will Eisner:
    2. Dear Eric, congratulations - rather low s/n. . Best regards Christian
    3. OSPREY Eastern Front WW II Competiton Gentlemen, OSPREY offers now a quiz (with a easy question ), where the winner gets a series of 4 excellent book from the "Campain"-edition: http://www.ospreypublishing.com/competition.php That's the prize for the winner: Moscow: http://www.ospreypublishing.com/title_deta...r=CAM&per=2 Stalingrad: http://www.ospreypublishing.com/title_detail.php/title=T0285 Kursk: http://www.ospreypublishing.com/title_detail.php/title=P2110 Bagration: http://www.ospreypublishing.com/title_detail.php/title=P4784 Best regards Christian
    4. Question #149 Gentlemen, an very easy question: What had Leon Trotsky to do with "The Protocols of the Elders of Zion" ? There had been a certain personal link to that nasty publication ... Best regards Christian
    5. Thanks for the colour pic . And here the missing medal is ... I already had a look at the s/w pic on it, but over saw it ... . Well, the "Strengthening ..." Medal is a 100 % typical medal for such a soldier ... Many thanks for your congratulations . Best regards Christian
    6. Dmitri Timofeyevich Yazov - the last Marshal of the Soviet Union Dear Christophe, that's a very late uniform of Yazov http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dmitri_Timofejewitsch_Jasow , where he already had his "Octoberrevolution": Well, if you check the ribbon bar with the photograph above, no order or medal is missing ... . Maybe you mean, that awards in connection with Afghanistan - "Internationalist Soldier", etc. - are missing, despite the fact he was strongly involved there - or Cuba ... Best regards Christian
    7. Dear Charles, the "Order of Franz-Joseph" had been THE typical imperial order for civil merits and had been also the lowest ranking order, so he was confered in large numbers. Maybe military personnel got the F-J order for long service . Best regards Christian
    8. Dear Eric, I guess, that it was both a political and military order. The direct equivalent in the Soviet Union had been the FoN: http://www.collectrussia.com/DISPITEM.HTM?ITEM=16996 Maybe the YU-Brotherhood was a bit more military, than the Soviet FoN . The fact is, that you see the YU-Brotherhood - 2cl and 1cl - very often on Soviet uniforms after the GPW and I think, that it was the most common YU-Order, Soviet Forces received. Usually the YU-Brotherhood 2cl was the highest ranking order an JNA-officer might have got for a "normal" career in the Yugoslav Forces, I guess. "Brotherhood & Unity" had been THE important slogan in communist Yugoslavia , but the 1990s showed the contrary in Yugoslavia . Best regards Christian
    9. Gentlemen, that's Nike : Best regards Christian
    10. Dear Christophe, sorry .... , it had been my mistake ... . Best regards Christian BTW: Anyhow, I guess our comrade is a somehow "political" figure ...
    11. Gentlemen, that price is almost about USD 350,- . Best regards Christian
    12. Dear Christophe, that "fruit salad" seems to belong to a comrade, who had been rather young at the GPW . What's wrong, that the "Border" is before the "Partisan 2cl". For a member of the Politburo there are too less Lenins and (no!) RBLs. But on the other hand, he has a lot of foreign decorations .... . We see one MM-Medal for long service and the two other medals for long service. So, at least one of the Lenins, the RB and the RS had to be for authentic military merits. No glue, who the owner of the uniform might be - KGB ? Best regards Christian
    13. Dear "salva1stclass", many thanks for posting that outstanding scan . Our comrade has: - Suvorov 1cl - Kutuzov 1cl - Suvorov 2cl (2x) - RB (2x) + HSU Best regards Christian
    14. Dear Bryan, well, I still have the feeling, that Paddy's 2cl is genuine . That's the thread in the "other forum" about faked Partisan Medals: http://www.soviet-awards.com/forum/soviet-...san-medals.html Paddy's 2cl is worne - so what? It has been a very outstanding medal in the CCCP and the bearers have been proud of it. Anyhow, Paddy's 2cl is struck and not cast. It would have been a lot of work to fake a worne struck 2cl for our forgers in the Baltics ... . Best regards Christian
    15. Dear Bryan, sorry .... I oversaw, that this group seems to be incomplete . Anyhow, if you calculate the value of the singular items + the historic value, that group is a bargain . The capture of Vienna had not been just a "footnote" in the history of the GPW, it was strategically more than important . Best regards Christian
    16. Female comrades in uniform Gentlemen, I prefer women in uniform to men . There is also a great OSPREY-book about "Heroines of the Soviet Union": http://collectrussia.com/DISPITEM.HTM?ITEM=8761 Well, the combination of a good looking woman in a perfect uniform (skirt not too long ) + some orders & medels + (maybe) high heels + some Soviet tank in the back ground, that's our new Nike of Samothrace http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Winged_Victory_of_Samothrace . Best regards Christian BTW: Maybe we should start a new thread: "Women in Uniform" .
    17. Dear Christophe, due to the fact, that the last question has been really extremly difficult and that you are the founder of the quiz, please put your name in front of mine at the statistics - you have the lead . Please not again architecture - it's not GMAC (Gentleman's Architectural Interest Club) . There are so many other interesting topics, i.e., dogs & cats (Lenin loved cats ) and other fields of interest (submarines, rockets, etc.). Best regards Christian
    18. Dear Bryan, many thanks for your photograph . Have you some further informations about our hero and about his fruitsalad + badge at his chest ? Best regards Christian
    19. Dear Bryan, what's that price in USD or EUR ? Best regards Christian
    20. Dear, Vienna would love that group . But neither my person, nor our HGM Military History Museum have that budget for buying the group . Anyhow, looking what that complete groups contains, the price tag of USD 55k is an extraordinary bargain. Well, according to the scans, the medals - Kutuzov 2cl, RB #2 & #4, etc. - look authentic and genuine, if I compare them to the items in my collection. Best regards Christian BTW: To have had for the last 6 month a budget of around USD 300k for shopping at Igor's webshop would have been great ...
    21. Dear Christophe, congratulations - excellent job . Best regards Christian
    22. Gentlemen, to all, who run around with tenthousends of US-bucks in their pockets and who don't know, how to spend that cash: For the saved USD 21.000,-, if you opt for the HSH-group instead for the RB-group, Igor offers now an outstanding Glory-Cavalier-group of the 1st category: http://www.collectrussia.com/DISPITEM.HTM?ITEM=17870 So, you have the choice at Igor's webshop: Either one HSU-group + one Glory-Cavalier-group OR (only) one RB-screwback-group . Well, I would opt for HSU & Glory . Best regards Christian
    23. Dear Bryan, I think, that's the correct listing . Does anyone know the order of precedence in the 1990s, the Milosevic-years ? I assume, that the list is rather similar, but with some additions in the old royal style ... Best regards Christian
    24. Dear Paddy, seems to me also problem free and genuine . Best regards Christian
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