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    Christian Zulus

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    Everything posted by Christian Zulus

    1. Dear Anatoly, many thanks for the excellent pics of our hero . They show his promoting through the ranks: - Captain 2nd rank - Captain 1st rank - Konteradmiral Best regards Christian BTW: For which heroic deed did he get his Uzhi 2nd class ?
    2. Dear Bryan, do you think, that this A-H triangle ribbon is correct ? I assume, that the ribbon is somehow "home made" by a monarchistic-oriented comrade . Best regards Christian
    3. Dear Ed, congratulations to your well deserved victory #6 . Many thanks for your excellent question, but I also stuck at just a bit more than 50 % of your question . All these 10 fragments of medals are 100 % communist awards ? Best regards Christian
    4. Dear James, many thanks for sharing that beautiful badge with us . I think, that you are 100 % correct, because your badge can be seen on the hat of the guy at my Turnerbund-Badge. Best regards Christian
    5. Gentlemen, Eugene http://www.russianglory.com/soviet_orders.htm already sold that well preserved & low numbered RBL T2 f?r USD 4850,-: Well, quite a hughe amount of bucks for a labour award . Best regards Christian
    6. Dear Jim, congratulation to your very quick and precise victory . Dear Christophe, many thanks for the update of the statistics . Best regards Christian
    7. Dear Christophe, the quiz is your invention - so, what is "too long" ? Best regards Christian
    8. Dear Jim, sorry for not waiting for your confirmation .... . Many thanks for your congratulation . Well, I just wanted to speed up our quiz a bit and the correctness of my answer seemed obvious to me and other participants of our quiz. Best regards Christian
    9. Dear Milan, the cases & rolls are very fine done and really beautiful, but the orders look like very bad fakes of the old communist ones . Why did they produce that bad quality - maybe they lost IKOM-Zagreb ? Best regards Christian BTW: Does any of the numerous ex-YU-states still use the old IKOM-dies ?
    10. Dear Christophe, one of Spassky's constructions played also THE major role in "Hunt for Red October" - submarine "Red October" . Best regards Christian BTW: I would assume, that comrade Spassky is the greatest submarine-designer of the last century .
    11. Dear Christophe, perfect - congratulations . Question #145 is now your turn . Maybe you can tell us something about that famous HSL Spassky . Best regards Christian
    12. Dear Roeland, that's a very good question . Well, the Royal family is back from London to Belgrade for some years, the Serbian Government gave them the (Royal) "White Palace" and as far, as I am informed, the family is confering again their (old) orders & medals . But I guess, that Milan "Orden_Master" knows more about that subject . Best regards Christian BTW: Serbia is at the moment a republic and not a monarchy .
    13. Question #144 Gentlemen, let's believe in George .... ... and speed up Christophe's quiz with an (very, very) easy question in the traditional manner . Who am I ? 1) What had been my job in the CCCP? 2) Please list ALL my CCCP titles, orders & prizes. 3) I played an important role in an US-movie - which movie? 4) I wrote a well know book - which book? The first, who answers ALL questions is the winner . Best regards Christian BTW: This had been my post #1.750 at GMIC .
    14. Correct answer of Jim's question Dear Jim, 1) What bound these people together? The Soviet submarine K-3 Leninsky Komsomol (first nuclear submarine of the CCCP!). 2) What was the incident that earned them this nomination? The accident at the 8th of september 1967 before the Norwegian coast, when fire broke out on bord. The incident happened before the coast of Norway and 39 crew members died in section 1 & 2. The crew & captain managed to bring back the boat to the home harbour. 3) Why did they not receive the title? Well, smoking doesn't only harm your personal health, but also the possibiltiy for you and your comrades to get a HSU, orders and medals . Best regards Christian
    15. Dear Milan, so, Yugoslavia during the (socialist) Milosevic-era didn't only use old dies, but also the old ribbons . In the pinned-section I made a posting about YU-Awards during the 4 Yugoslav-Wars of the 1990s: http://gmic.co.uk/index.php?s=&showtop...st&p=159521 In my opinion the "phaleristic-language" of these orders and medals is still communist in style and appearance. Best regards Christian BTW: Do you have any access to the statutes and regulations of Yugoslav Awards from 1943 to 2000 ?
    16. K-3 Leninsky Komsomol Dear Jim, might it have been the accident at the 8th of september 1967 of CCCPs first nuclear submarine K-3 Leninsky Komsomol . http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Soviet_submarine_K-3 The incident happened before the coast of Norway and 39 crew members died in section 1 & 2. "Numerous rewards were recommended for the crew, including seven nominations for Hero of Soviet Union -- four of them posthumous. A later commission from Moscow, however, found a cigarette lighter in the torpedo compartment and found the position of a sailor's body suspicious. They ruled that the sailor's smoking had caused the fire and prohibited any award." Well, I guess, that answer might be right . Best regards Christian
    17. Felix Dzerzhinsky "loved Christ", reports a newspaper Gentlemen, the Christian daily newspaper "Ecumenical News International" from Switzerland reported on the 26th of july 2006, that Dzerzhinsky wanted to become a Catholic priest, before he got Marxist: http://www.eni.ch/articles/display.shtml?06-0597 In the same report it is writen: "In recent years, some ultraconservative Russian Orthodox groups have suggested that Soviet dictator Josef Stalin should be declared a saint." Well, comrade Stalin had an academic education as an Orthodox priest already . Maybe the Orthodox Church presents us in a few years their new holy person: Saint Stalin . Best regards Christian BTW: Had been Alexander Nevsky converted to a saint by the Orthodox Chruch ?
    18. Wise words, which are 100 % true . When are you going to publish your great book about the "Order of Glory" ? Best regards Christian
    19. Dear Ed, I guess, that the certain inactivity has something to do with the prices at the market & our personal income . Soviet items skyrocketed and at the same period, you can buy 1,4 USD for 1,0 EURO, which makes the prices even more expensive for non-EU-collectors. But at phaleristic sectors, where the prices are still very moderate, you have a lot of activity on GMIC. The best example is the GMIC-YU-section, which is growing in extremly rapid pace: Great items & moderate prices. Best regards Christian
    20. That's true - and I guess, that the "Order of Freedom" is the most beautiful one (at least, the most expensive one ) .... Best regards Christian BTW: I think, that at least one "Freedom" is in a private collection ?
    21. Dear Milan, isn't that ribbon from an old YU-Medal from Tito's era ? Best regards Christian
    22. Sorry, .... I did a big mistake Dear Chairman, dear Nick, I feel very sorry, because I did a big mistake in forgetting to post the last sentence as a historic quotation and to list the source . That last sentence is a historic view & official propaganda statement from the CCCP-government in the year 1947 and not my own political statement. The above posted part of my thread is taken 1:1 from that CCCP-propaganda-book from 1947 and is the end of the entry in that book about the "Iron Felix": http://cgi.ebay.ch/Soviet-Calendar-Thirti-...bayphotohosting and http://www.antiqbook.co.uk/boox/colle/14351.shtml Your other mentioned part in my posting - "Dzerzhinsky did a lot for Russian orphans" - has no political message at all, it is just a proven historic fact, like: "Churchill smoked cigars" or "Hitler loved German shepard dogs". Sorry again, for forgetting the quotation, but I didn't want to make political propaganda with Dzerzhinsky, only to remind the 130th birthday of one of the historic key-figures of the early years of the CCCP and the Civil War. Best regards Christian BTW: I already edited the two mentioned postings in your sense.
    23. Lieber Waldemar, well, that's a 2nd class rv. on a 1st class av. . Is that order cased in a box and what's written on the box ? Do you have a document of the order ? Best regards Christian
    24. Gentlemen, I guess, that order is one of the rare mistakes of the IKOM-mint: They stamped the datas for a 2nd class on the rv. of a 1st class . Best regards Christian
    25. Gentlemen, that order's av. is a 1st class for sure . Silver figure on a gold star and that star on gold rays. 1st class & 3nd class have silver figures on a gold star, but the differnce are the rays under the gold star. Best regards Christian
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