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    Christian Zulus

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    Everything posted by Christian Zulus

    1. Dear Luka, the internet - GMIC - and some friends of Ex-Yugoslavia . We have to publish our own comprehensive guide to YU-Awards . Best regards Christian
    2. Dear Luka, Marshal Tito was a Croat and he never thought (as a true Croat) about a - as you call it - "Big Serbia" . I think, that we can agree upon that historic fact . The 2nd YU-War in the 1990s started with severe & violent aggressions of Croats (Ustashi http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Usta%C5%A1e ) against the Serbian minority in Croatia - that's another historic fact, which is neither disputed by CIA or BND. Well, as a historian I had been speaking about the situation - let's say - around the year 1960, where the quality of living in former Yugoslavia was rather high and superior to other mediterranian states. "Quality of living" is a bit more, than the phony phrases of "freedom" & "democracy" (by US-State-Department-Standards) and another fact is, that the YU-Passport had been the most appreciated passport in the world at Tito's era: No visas to almost all countries! But as Prof. Haynes notes correctly, we are "getting dangerously political" . Maybe we should go on with the YU-History-Discussion at PM-level or sent me a mail: dialog@zulusrecords.com - many thanks . I love Croatia and my daughter Milica is making year for year her summer holiday also at the Dalmation coast . Best regards Christian
    3. Great idea, Filip Christian BTW: I think, that the 4 YU-Wars in the 1990s had been the most unneccessary wars in history of mankind .
    4. Why ? At least they produced nice & cute orders and medals . Also the standard of living - in comparison to other mediterranian states at that time - had been rather high during long decades of the Tito-Regime and Yugoslavia had a very high reputation in the international community - these are historic facts ... Best regards Christian
    5. Dear Luka, fantastic . Please tell us more about the orders (types & classes) you have got with that group, medals missing, about the rank & unit of the former bearer etc. Best regards Christian
    6. Dear Luka, many thanks for showing your collection to us . I think, that there are some nice military ones among them - could you post us a short description of the items - many thanks in advance . Best regards Christian
    7. Dear Sergey, it's a great movie . Years ago I copied the german version from TV on VHS-video. I don't know, if the movie is available as a DVD. Best regards Christian BTW: I assume, the "The Beast" is the only movie, where a Soviet tank plays the leading role .
    8. Felix Edmundovich Dzerzhinsky Dear Belaruski, here are some photographs of the unveiling ceremony of the new monument in 2006: http://www.svaboda.org/articlesfeatures/po...14511c19dd.html (please scroll down!). The Belarusian KGB chief was present at the ceremony and said that the Belarusian KGB should follow the example of Dzerzhinsky in its activities . Felix Edmundovich Dzerzhinsky had been a Jew, who was borne in Belarus, in Kojdanava, which was renamed now to Dzyarzhynsk: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Felix_Dzerzhinsky . Comrade Dzerzhinsky had not only been a great defender of the Bolshevik Revolution, but he also got famous as a great humanist: He did a lot for orphans and children. Well, that part of his biography is almost never mentioned . Best regards Christian
    9. Dear Rick, as far, as I have seen, the regulations for getting the "XX-years-RKKA"-Medal were not so strict. There a lot of cases of awardees, who joined the Red Army later and got also that - very prestigious - medal. Best regards Christian
    10. Lieber Stefan, many thanks for sharing the scans of that rare medal with us . Do you have any further informations about that medal - who got it, for which deeds, etc. ? Liebe Gr??e Christian
    11. Project: 3rd Class of that Order Gentlemen, has anyone informations and/or scans of the 3rd class (project!) of that order ? Many thanks in advance . Best regards Christian BTW: I think, that "Brotherhood & Unity" is one of the most beautiful YU-Awards - struck out of one solid piece of silver and with that nice medallion of tomback, showing the YU coat of arms and 26 stars .
    12. Gentlemen, many thanks for sharing these pictures . I appreciate very much the design of the order/medal of labour: Flower, woman, man & open book in the background. It's still a very "modern" design, I think . Best regards Christian
    13. Dear Nick, dear Filip, many thanks for the links . Best regards Christian
    14. Dear Vic, many thanks for showing these items . I guess, that the "Order of Brotherhood & Unity" 1cl & 2cl had been the most common decoration to Soviet Forces with the "Partisan Star" - in all 3 classes - as the runner up. I think, that the Red Army soldiers & officers got the different classes of these orders according to their rank ? Has anyone informations about YU-decorations to Soviet Forces - did they stop in 1948 and went the confering on in the 1960s ? I can imagine, that a really hughe number of YU-Orders went to the Red Army. Best regards Christian
    15. Dear Bryan, no, I guess they have far too many screw-backs. Best regards Christian
    16. Servas Stefan! I can only guess: "No step back ..." (1942) ? Liebe Gr??e aus M?nchen Christian
    17. Dear Ed, great group of a typical NCO-GPW-hero . I love such groups, because these comrades - privates & NCOs - had won the WW II for us . Well, I never managed to get such a documented Glory 2cl & foreign award group for a reasonable price . Best regards Christian
    18. Dear Bifter, why copies ? Except Labour Glory 1cl & Personal Courage, you get the rest of the items for rather small money, well under USD 1k ! Copies have no value and are no investment at all, but if you buy the mentioned items right now, you will have done a good investment for the future. We should not support the forgers ! Best regards Christian
    19. Dear Leigh, amazing collection . Please, could you part the scans and post some blow-ups . Best regards Christian
    20. Dear Stefan, congratulations to that beautiful and rather rare YU-Medal . I miss that item in my small collection of YU-Awards . The USD 50,- for that medal - as Bryan noted - would be a real bargain nowadays: Igor http://www.collectrussia.com offers one, as far as I remember, for about USD 250,-. Best regards Christian BTW: What's the meaning of "Befehl 227" ?
    21. Gentlemen, I think, that's the membership badge of the gymnasts organization ("Turnerbund") of the "Vaterl?ndische Front" from the Christian-Social-Movement in Austria. They had been in competition to the "Deutscher Turnerbund" from the Nazis. I presented such a membership badge here: http://gmic.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=19881 from Austria of the late 1920s. The "Krukenkreuz" is the symbol of the "Vaterl?ndische Front" ("Fatherland Front"): http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fatherland%27...t_%28Austria%29 Best regards Christian
    22. Dear Christophe, so it might be one of the very old military academies - Frunze ? Or the ministery of defence ? Best regards Christian
    23. Dear Eric, in capitalism everything has a price tag .... As far, as I can remember, that Glory-set had been on the market some years ago. So, it might be possible, that "slava1stclass" is now the owner of this extraordinary set. Not taking the #1 of the Glory 1st class into account, the market price of this set might be almost in the 30.000,- USD region, due to the borderline 2nd class. O.K., it contains #1 of Glory 1cl and the citations of the 3 Glories might be also highly interesting. That fact might double the market price. At least for me, such a set is much more interesting, than a Tractor-Lenin for the same amount of money. Best regards Christian
    24. Dear Nick, do you have a link to the video footage - is it on Youtube ? Dear Milan, dear Dave, do you have further informations and links to these special forces units in former Yugoslavia or present Serbia ? Best regards Christian
    25. Dear Auke, I like it . But we have to ask chairman Nick for using GMIC at the medals . (... and at the documents.) Best regards Christian
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