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    Christian Zulus

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    Everything posted by Christian Zulus

    1. Trafalgar Dear Auke, dear Ed, well, it might have been my mistake, that I haven't checked the so called "Trafalgar-Cross" via GOOGLE . Captain 1st rank (Kapit?n zur See) Prof. Dr. Horst Steigleder (DDR) writes in his comprehensive book "Admirale unter Hammer & Sichel - Lebensbilder" in the chapter about Kholostyakov, that he got for his special deed a so called "Trafalgar-Cross" and that this order is the most supreme decoration for heroic naval deeds. So, it seems, that our Admiral got only an Order of the British Empire for his heroic deed in Vienna. That order is also clearly visible at the photograph I attached, but I cut away the section of Kholostyakov's foreign awards . It might have been, that Kholostyakov called his Order of the British Empire "Trafalgar-Cross" - he spoke a lot and too much to his murderer . Comrade Steigleder is THE expert in Soviet naval issues in Germany, who also worked in Leningrad and helped me with the research of my group of commodore Kandybin http://gmic.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=11948 . If anyone is interested in the book of Steigleder about the Soviet Admirals, please send a PM to me for the contact datas of Captain Steigleder. So, questions 1, 3 & 4 are still unanswered . Best regards Christian
    2. Dear Mr. "slava1stclass", you are speaking about a profit in the 1.000 % + region . If you bought enough high-end Soviet stuff in the early 1990s, then you are a rich man now . I myself missed to buy a Ushakov 2cl and a Kutuzov 1cl for USD 7.000,- each . I traded a silver-head Lenin s/n. 1401 with documents against a pair of unissued Motherland 3cl & 2cl with a faked booklet (a loss of more than USD 10.000,-) . Best regards Christian
    3. Dear Gerd, the US-capitalism has won the last battle of the "Cold War" in 1991. We are living in a capitalistic world, where the law of supply & demand is the only law, which counts . For the Russian oligarchs, who have there residences in Austria (nearly all of them are in Austria ), EUR 10.000,- for a Glory Trio are less than peanuts. They spend much more than EUR 10.000,- at one evening in Kitzb?hel . The clerks & assistents of these oligarchs are earning a fortune in sallery and I think, that these are the people, who buy Soviet high-end awards, like a Glory Trio, HSU-set, etc. These folks are very well educated and know the Russian history. Well, I wouldn't sell my Glory Trio for mere EUR 10.000,- and I think, that Igor offered a good price for the collectors in Europe - he sold instantly. A Cavalier of the Order of Glory is something and the prices will go up, up and up - my estimation. I assume, that this had been the last time, that we saw a full Glory Trio for only EUR 10.000,- at a dealer's website . Best regards Christian
    4. Dear Filip, that's a very cute designed medal . Did your father receive this medal ? Best regards Christian
    5. Dear Bryan, many thanks for that really comprehensive link to GPW-photographs . Some of them are rather famous, but some of them I have seen the first time . I like the famous picture with the two sleeping soldiers + doggy in the middle very much . I have another doggy-picture in on of my books. Best regards Christian
    6. Gentlemen, as I already remarked in post #15: Igor sells his items . BTW: Seen in EUR or GBP the price for that set hadn't been too high ... Best regards Christian
    7. Special hints to question #116 Gentlemen, the foreign order, Vice-Admiral Georgi Nikititch Kholostyakov received, is named after a famous sea battle. A large square in the city of an European capital is also named after that battle . That's a well known view of that battle: Best regards Christian
    8. Sorry .......... double posting . Best regards Christian
    9. QUOTE(Chuck In Oregon @ May 11 2007, 02:08 ) CZ, your picture of Milica is perfect. I congratulate you. Chuck Dear Chuck, dear Wild Card, many thanks for your congratulations . A patriotic education from the very beginning on is important . The kids have a right to know, who have been the good guys in history and who have been the bad & evil guys in history . Best regards Christian
    10. Absolutly correct words, comrade Ed . Also the location, where our "Viagra-Hat"-General fixed his Motherland 3cl, is not quite up to the (CCCP) regulations . Maybe our General "Viagra" also fixed some "extra" medals at his panties . His "Academy-Badge" also doesn't tell us, which acadamy he finished - that's strange . He also doesn't have the "Academy-Bagde" of the General Staff ("Voroshilov" - golden framework), which should be normal at the chest of such young Lt.-Generals . Who knows, maybe his Motherland 3cl & RS are also fresh from the stock of his HQ ? Best regards Christian
    11. Gentlemen, I just want to ask these questions again: Best regards Christian
    12. Dear Bob, no problem, I would do that job . BTW: You don't know, who this general is with the NCO-medals ? At least we could write him a letter ... Best regards Christian
    13. Dear Christophe, I can see the Lenin rather clearly ... Best regards Christian
    14. Dear Bob, there is something very wrong with that proud Lt.-General . Look at his right chest at the two flashy & shiny medals: - Distinguished Military Service Medal 1st class - Distinguished Military Service Medal 2nd class That is simply not possible, because these medals were only given to privates & NCOs . These medals were instituted together with the "Motherlands" at the 28th of october 1974: Motherland for officers & generals and the 2 medals for privates & NCOs. My theory: Due to the fact, that these medals are really looking good and show an excellent design, I assume that our general simply went to the stock of his HQ and took them out, filled in the papers and put them to his uniform. This photograph is as strange, as a photograph showing a starshina with a Suvorov 1st class . Best regards Christian
    15. Question #116 Gentlemen, let's stay in the biography of the heroic Vice-Admiral Georgi Nikititch Kholostyakov . In 1945 he had been the commander of the Danube-Flottillia. He got famous for a certain operation during the capture of Vienna. For that operation he got an outstanding high-ranking and extremly rare order from a foreign head of state. I didn't list that order in the last posting .... 1) What was that famous operation in april 1945 in Vienna? 2) Which extremly rare foreign order did Kholostyakov receive for his deed? 3) Who confered the order to him? 4) A Soviet General got crazy about the fact, that only the Admiral got that outstanding foreign order and not he himself, because his soldiers had been on board of the boats. Who was that - also rather famous - Soviet General? Question #4 is the most important one . Best regards Christian
    16. Had been my victory #20 Dear Christophe, many thanks for your congratulations . The full name is Georgi Nikititch Kholostyakov (20.7.1902 - 22.7.1983, murdered in his flat by the robber of his decorations - the robber manufactured a ring out of his HSU-Medal *). His rank in 1943 has been Rear-Admiral. So, the Suvorov 1cl is a rather high decoration for that rank. Some of Kholostyakov's orders: - HSU (1965) - 3x Lenin - 3x RB - Suvorov 1cl - 2x Ushakov 1cl - OPW 1cl - RS ............ A 2 ruble commemorative coin: Best regards Christian * The Vice-Admiral was brutally murdered by a young couple, posing as military historians, who then sold their victim's dress uniform, complete with rows of medals. Gennady Kalinin, 26, who battered Vice-Admiral Georgi Kholostyakov and his aged wife to death with a claw hammer, was sentenced to death by firing squad. The man to whom he sold the medals had his entire collection confiscated, after it was officially valued at 100,000 roubles (that has been quite a hughe fortune in the CCCP in 1983!).
    17. 1. Admiral Georgi Chostjakov, CO in 1943 of the Soviet Navy in Novorossiysk. 2. 1943 ? 3. For successful commanding the operation "Malaja Semlja" ("Small Land") in 1943, bridgehead close to Novorossiysk. The Admiral himself fought with a machine pistol in the first row. 4. ? "Malaja Semlja" had been THAT Brezhnev-Mythos, he had been there political officer, as you can see at the painting . Best regards Christian
    18. My daughter Milica at the Red Army Memorial in the city-center of Vienna Dear Belaruski, that's my daughter Milica spreading small flowers at our memorial in the center of Vienna . More photographs of our outstanding & impressive memorial for the heros of the Red Army in Vienna you will find in Christophe's quiz-thread: http://gmic.co.uk/index.php?s=&showtop...st&p=118809 . BTW: The Republic of Austria HAS to keep all memorials of the Red Army in perfect condition . Best regards Christian
    19. Dear Christophe, we are waiting for your question #115 . Best regards Christian
    20. Dear Filip, many thanks for that great link . Best regards Christian
    21. Dear Ivan, that's not the main problem, I think . Konteradmiral Ohrimenko had been pronounced a National Hero of Yugoslavia at the 21st of june 1945, the documents at the chancellary were written at the 30th of june 1945 and the order's booklet had been filled out at the 1st of september 1947 - strange, but still possible . BUT he should have got a pure & massive gold medal and not a tombac one . Ohrimenko is a rather prominent figure and so the price of EUR 3.000,- seems also a bit to low . My opinion: The "gentlemen" took an unissued Hero-Medal (tombac!) + blank documents and put in the name of comrade Ohrimenko . The real market price of that forged set should be around EUR 300,- and not EUR 3.000,- . Best regards Christian
    22. Dear Ed, fantastic and 100 % typical (look at these plastic cups for drinking their vodka ) photograph - many thanks . The awards, which we can see, of this old infantry-colonel are highly interesting: FoN, Glory 3cl, 2 Valour, 1 Merit Medals + 1 Merit Medal for long service (10 years). It seems, that the comrade had been a rather heroic NCO in the GPW, who made afterwards a fine career up to the rank of a Colonel. But I am missing the Germany or Japan Medal ... On his right chest there might be a KGB-anniversary-badge ... I have never seen a FoN at the uniform of a GPW-veteran. In the "world of uniforms" a FoN might be more often seen at the jackets of KGB or Aeroflot . Maybe he worked in (or for) the GRU (military secret service), sometime for the KGB (badge?) or he had a top-function in one of the numerous "Friendship-Societies", as i.e.: Soviet - Austrian Society, Soviet - Yugoslav Society, etc., etc. Ed, what's your expertise about the Colonel's awards? Best regards Christian
    23. Dear Belaruski, who is this small boy in front of the photograph ? Best regards Christian
    24. Dear Richie, many thanks for the greeting cards . It's interesting to see, how often the OGPW is used, but also the Glory and some medals . Best regards Christian
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