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    Christian Zulus

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    Everything posted by Christian Zulus

    1. Dear Darjan, many thanks for your valid informations . I never realized, that J?rg Kalies offers so many high-end YU-Orders (his CCCP-section has been always been rather small). I think his prices are rather o.k. and partly cheaper, than in the USA. EUR 60,- for a CCCP-made "Partisan Star" 3cl in mint condition is a rather fair price. Igor asks for the same order USD 130,-. The Singidumum-guy in Belgrade has only a website in Srpski and not in English . He seems to be specialized in coins. I couldn't find any orders in his webshop. But the fact is, that Belgrade has to offer much better prices, than Germany or the USA . Slovenia would be an ideal location for international shipping and trading, because Slovenia is part of the EU and has the EURO as currency. I think there is one big dealer in Laibach ? Maybe you could find out the datas of this dealer in Laibach . Best regards Christian
    2. Dear Christophe, some month ago I read the memoirs of Moskalenko http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kirill_Moskalenko , but he didn't list his awards in an appendix . I regard Marshal Moskalenko as one of the greatest generals in the GPW . O.K.: Yakovlev - 19 orders Moskalenko - 20 orders Comrade XYZ - 21 orders So, shall we look after the great field-generals of the GPW ? Best regards Christian BTW: Comrade Yakovlev had been rather close and would have been the winner, if you take titles & prizes into account .
    3. Dear Jim, many thanks for the sources, but you can not download and save from YouTube . As their another source in the www, where you can download the movies - and maybe the quality is a little bit better ? We are collectors . Best regards Christian
    4. Dear Dan, many thanks for posting us that "juwel-case" . Seems to be complete - all orders & medals of Yugoslavia . Seems to be expensive - well above USD 1.000,- ? But minis are no "real" orders . Please post us the link to e-bay and tell us the actual bidding price . Best regards Christian BTW: Maybe it might be possible to get that "juwel-case" for much less in Belgrade or Zagreb ?
    5. Dear Belaruski, fantastic piece and keeping the old tradition: RB .... . Where did you get it and how much did you pay for it ? Best regards Christian
    6. Yakovlev ? Dear Christophe, maybe aircraft-designer Yakovlev http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alexander_Sergeevich_Yakovlev , who promoted 1946 to the rank of a Col.-General ? Besides 2x HSL + 8 Stalin/State/Lenin-Prizes he got: 10x Lenin 1x Octoberrevolution 2x RB 1x Suvorov 1cl 1x Suvorov 2cl 1x RBL 2x OPW 1cl 1x RS = 19 Soviet Orders Best regards Christian
    7. Dear Richard Lee, cleaning your medal will cost you a lot of Dollars in resale value . Please leave your medal as it is now - the buyer will appreciate that . Best regards Christian
    8. Difficult question # 86 Dear Christophe, if it is not Ustinov, other "real" officers & heros will also have no chance, like: Pokryshkin, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aleksandr_Ivanovich_Pokryshkin , the greatest fighter-ace of all times (and wars), first 3x HSU in Soviet history, etc., etc. He got: 4x Lenin 1x Octoberrevulotion 4x RB 2x Suvorov 2cl 1x OPW 1cl (1985) 2x RS = 14 Soviet Orders Kozhedub, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ivan_Nikitovich_Kozhedub , the highest scoring Allied fighter-ace of WW II, also 3x HSU. He got: 2x Lenin 7x RB 1x Nevsky 1x OPW 1cl 1x OPW 1cl (1985) 2x RS = 14 Soviet Orders So, I still assume, that the person in question had been a manager in the sphere of production, who got an military rank during the GPW + his basic orders, like several Lenins, Suvorovs, Kutuzovs, etc. AND made a brilliant career after the war with additional Lenins, etc. - somebody like Ustinov . Best regards Christian
    9. Dear Richard Lee, you showed an extraordinary beautyful example of that medal to us: Traces of real use, but well preserved details & perfect enamel . I would prefer it to the medal, Igor has now to offer, because Igor's medal has some failures in the enamel. You will get a good price, if you want to sell it . There is also a "Sales Room" at GMIC. Best regards Christian BTW: I was happy to get two of them for an "apple & egg" in the 1990s .
    10. Dear Christophe, if foreign orders shall count, than the person will be without doubt Marshal Brezhnev . If you reduce it to pure Soviet Orders, than Marshal Ustinov http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dmitry_Ustinov might be the person - 11 Lenins, etc., etc. - or another officer, who came from the sphere of economy & production AND got some orders during the GPW. So, only Soviet Orders or also foreign orders ? Best regards Christian
    11. O.K., O.K., O.K., .... what I wanted to say is, that Yugoslavia doesn't only offer great orders & medals, but might be also a good investment for someone's hard earned Dollars . Best regards Christian
    12. Dear Christophe, many thanks for your hint - I changed my settings and have now more than 50 pages . Best regards Christian
    13. Dear Auke, many thanks for presenting such a beautyful "Jubilee-Question" to us . "Rodina Mat' Zovyot!" is not only one of the biggest works of art in the world, but one of the greatest too! I love that sculpture . Best regards Christian
    14. REPLY NO. 1.000 Congratulations to our breaking of the 1.000-replies-barrier No other thread at GMIC has 4-digit-replies A N D 5-digit-views As the T-34 had been the best tank in WW II, we are the best thread at GMIC . Dear Christophe, no discussion, who the winner is: You answered 2 questions and I only answered 1 question - you are the winner! You have the honour to post the first question in the new 4-digit-replies-era . Best regards Christian
    15. Christophe is the winner Gentlemen, I had been too slowly again and Christophe answered two thirds of the questions faster . Christophe answered 1 & 2 and I answered 3. So he is the winner - congratulations . And his question will break the 1.000-replies-barrier . Best regards Christian
    16. Dear Auke, 1.: "Rodina Mat' Zovyot!" or "The Motherland Calls!", which is not a sooooo correct translation . It should be somehow like: "The Mother of your Motherland Calls You!", but this sounds queer ... 2. Stalingrad (I never accepted that "Volgograd" ), Mamayev Kurgan. It is with 85m height the tallest statue in the world . Offical website: http://mamayevhill.volgadmin.ru/ (Russ., Engl. & Germ.) 3. Well, the designer had been the Yugoslavian (from familiary origin) sculptor HSL Vuchetich http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yevgeny_Vuchetich , who actually made most of the other famous monuments: Berlin, UNO, etc. But the major consultant had been Marshal of the Soviet Union Vasily Chuikov http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vasily_Chuikov , who is buried directly under the statue - as many other defenders of Stalingrad. Hope my answers were sufficient Best regards Christian
    17. Dear Auke, congratulations to your 3rd win and your promotion to rank #6 of "good answerers" . Your new question to us - the big No. 85 - might hit the 1.000-replies-benchmark and transform the quiz-thread into an unique (at GMIC) 4-digit/5-digit-thread. Whose answer to your coming question will hit the number 1.000 ? Best regards Christian
    18. QUIZ IS NO. 1 Dear Christophe, no, I think, that our quiz is No. 1 at GMIC ! Why ? We are the best in dealing with both aspects: Replies AND views. The Nazi-Tinnies have a lot of replies, but lesser views - o.k., that's normal, because it is a very special field of collecting . Christopher's presentation of his more than hughe collection has a relativly small number of replies, but a hughe number of views - o.k., that's also normal, because everone wants to see, what is Christopher presenting next . I think, that replies and views should be equally important. So, there remains only one thread at GMIC with a high number of replies AND a high number of views: Christophe's Quiz . The quiz ist the only thread at GMIC with a 4-digit-number of replies AND a 5-digit-number of views. So you started the No. 1 thread at GMIC . Best regards Christian BTW: At my screen - eight year old IBM-tube-screen (I like the brilliance of tubes - in viewing & recording my CDs) - I have only 25 pages. But it needs a long time to scroll one page down . Maybe I have to adjust something ?
    19. Dear Bob, well, that would be a crime . They have the posted offers and nothing more (and the bidders live in the auction hall). So, they can only add one step of bidding. Best regards Christian
    20. Gentlemen, Christophe invented at GMIC a great quiz about Soviet & Eastern Bloc topics http://gmic.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=3144 with up to now more than 10.000 views, over 50 pages and more than 1.000 replies. 7 questions had to do with Yugoslavia: Post #346: Question about Tito http://gmic.co.uk/index.php?s=&showtop...ost&p=84020 Post #603: Question about Tito http://gmic.co.uk/index.php?s=&showtop...st&p=126409 Post #658: Question about Tito?s dog http://gmic.co.uk/index.php?s=&showtop...st&p=134663 Post #665: Question about the monument of the battle of Sutjeska in WW II http://gmic.co.uk/index.php?s=&showtop...st&p=134727 Post #671: Question about Koca Popovic http://gmic.co.uk/index.php?s=&showtop...st&p=134970 Post #915: Question about the last YU-war in 1999 http://gmic.co.uk/index.php?s=&showtop...st&p=156236 Post #995: Question about the Yugoslavian sculptor and HSL Yevgeny Vuchetich http://gmic.co.uk/index.php?s=&showtop...st&p=160086 Have a look at the quiz-thread and please participate at our quiz . Best regards Christian
    21. Dear Bob, if the steps for bidding are 100 Euro, then personb B will get the item for 1.300 Euro. At auctions the increments might get larger in the way the bidding is growing. But these steps have to be regulated und published. It is boring to bid for a Suvorov 1cl at a price level of 80.000 Euro in 100 Euro steps . Best regards Christian
    22. Congratulations to Auke as the new winner . Dear Belaruski, many thanks for the Wiki-hint - that's the link: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/USSR_Border_Troops . The border troops had been only a small section of the whole NKVD: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/NKVD . Best regards Christian
    23. Dear Auke, that seems to be the right answer: http://www.generals.dk/general/Stakhanov/N...viet_Union.html . But we have to wait for Belaruski's confirmation ... Question: What had been the function of these guys with the green caps during the GPW ? Except in the far & middle east there had not been a border in the classical sense - the front had been most of the time on the move. It is also interesting, that the CO of the border troops had only the rank of a Major-General . Best regards Christian
    24. Gentlemen, many thanks for your expertise . Yes, double number of rays . But isn't the basic star a little bit larger in diamenter - or is it a optical illusion ? Best regards Christian
    25. Gentlemen, does comrade Puzik show us a Suvorv 3cl ? A Suvorov 3cl would suit to Puzik's age and his Nevsky. Best regards Christian
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