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    Christian Zulus

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    Everything posted by Christian Zulus

    1. QUESTION No. 80 Gentlemen, who am I ? I am a person of Soviet history - GPW & "Cold War". The British & US regarded me as THE liberal person in the Soviet government and wanted to cooperate with me. I had to do with the Soviet Nuclear Programme. My special love had been (very) young girls and Polish officers . Happy hunting . Best regards Christian
    2. OBYEKT 279 Dear "Wild Card", it is the so called "Obyekt 279" . 1: Soviet Union 2: A special-purpose tank was intended to fight on cross-country terrain that was unaccessible to conventional tanks and acted as vehicle to break through enemy defensive positions. It was planned as tank of the Reserve of Supreme Command. - As a already guessed somehow . 3: 1957 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Obyekt_279 Best regards Christian BTW: It was very difficult to find any traces of that obscure tank in the www. I have managed it with the GOOGLE-search-string: "tank designs" four tracks . Found that discussion site: http://forum.deepsilver.com/forum/showthread.php?t=21134 and as a result the Wiki-link: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Obyekt_279 .
    3. Dear Dave, you gave excellent arguements . Maybe the local museum gave this special flag away, because of it's (very) poor condition ? But I don't believe in a somehow "legal" transfer, because all the orders + all documents are missing. They sold the orders separatly, burnt the documents and sold the flag - maybe restored it before. Typical case of the "glorious" and "cheap" times of the 1990s . Following Dave's arguements, the 150th Infantry Division is also not existing anymore. So, Gentlemen, guess what the market price of the flag (incl. Order of Kutuzov 2cl + all documents) would be ? The condition of the flag is excellent, as you can see on the 3 photographs I posted. Some military museums in the west might be very interested to get some unit flags from Russian museums, I assume. Best regards Christian
    4. Dear Dave, dear Gentlemen, and we should not forget, that the prices are in (expensive) EURO . So, we have to add another 30 % surplus to our calculations ... The "Russian Affair" won't make the items cheaper either ... But an auction with that excellent stuff and sooooo close to the Russian main market for Soviet Orders & Medals will be a good indicator. The hammer prices will show where the journey will go in the near future. If I would have some affluent ten tousends of EUR in my pocket, I know what to bid for . I hope, that we might see the result list as soon as possible at this thread . Best regards Christian
    5. Dear "Wild Card", many thanks for that great question . That monster seems like a special Chinese tank for battles in rice fields . Seriously, I have never seen that type of tank before . It looks like a Soviet design in the style of the 1950s. The turret reminds me to IS-3 or T-10 design. The gun might be the 152mm of the self-propelled guns of the GPW. The design of the tracks and the wheels look strange for a Soviet design . 4 tracks at a tank make only sense, if you operate on very, very soft surface: mud, snow, etc. with a very heavy vehicle. It looks somehow like a snow-mobile. No idea .... Best regards Christian
    6. Dear Dave, you are right, these very special flags are for a very "special" (and rich) community . The prices are so high, because the items are completly illegal and criminal - a regimental, divisional, etc. flag can never be private property and being sold . It will always stay property of the state. Complete flags are extraordinary rare, because the Yeltsin-Mafia broke the sets up and sold the flag and the attached orders separatly. In our documented case of of the "163rd Romnensko-Kievskaja, Order of Lenin, Red Banner, Order of Suvorov (2cl) Infantry Division" the full set should consist of: - the flag (as shown) - the flags pole & metal top - the protecting hood of the flag - the mentioned 3 orders attached on a sleeve which hangs down from the top of the flag's pole - the 3 (large documents) of the 3 orders - the 2 (large documents) of the 2 honorary titles The flag shown belonged to one of the top fighting units - 2 honorary names & 3 top orders - of the Red Army in the GPW. I don't want to guess it's market value . It was not possible for the Yeltsin-Gang to sell this flag : Best regards Christian
    7. Dear Bryan, Gentlemen, there is also an English version at the market for about USD 80,- (used): http://www.amazon.com/Stalinist-Architectu...v/dp/1856690164 BTW: The German version for EUR 18,- is much cheaper .... It is almost impossible to scan a large book about architecture at an ordinary scanner . So you can only see parts of the pages ... Best regards Christian The cover:
    8. Gentlemen, the last flag of the 163rd division is obviously stolen from the museum . The new "owner" might get difficulties with the embassy, authorities and Interpol . Just my few cents ... Best regards Christian
    9. Dear "Wild Card", congratulations to your 3rd victory at the GMIC-Quiz . You promoted to rank No. 6 in the list of "good answerers" . It has been Henry Morgenthau jr. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Henry_Morgenthau,_Jr. from the famous german Morgenthau-Family, who made a fortune in the USA in the real estate business. He had been the top-economist of the Roosevelt-Era and responsible for the "New Deal", war time economy and Bretton Woods. Here is a link to his famous "Morgentau-Plan": http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Morgenthau_Plan Some hours ago I dropped a few lines at another GMIC-thread about the historic consequences, which resulted by kicking out Morgenthau and his team of the US-Administration just after the death of President Roosevelt: http://gmic.co.uk/index.php?s=&showtop...st&p=157095 We are waiting for your new question . Best regards Christian BTW: Robert Morgenthau is his son, almost 90 years old, but still active as the District Attorney of New York County http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert_M._Morgenthau .
    10. Dear Frank, sorry, the photograph shows a member of a famous German Jewish familiy and not of a Russian Jewish family . But Kaganovich http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lazar_Kaganovich had been a good guess, despite the fact, that comrade Kaganovich was more an expert in organization, transport & logistics. He got almost 100 years old and died peachfully 1991 in Moscow - just before the end of the CCCP . It is a pity, that in recent times some old right-wing "Cold-War-Fighters" created the myth of a "HOLODOMOR" http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Holodomor - more than 10 million (!) innocent civilians should have been murdered in the Ukraine by Soviet authorities in the 1930s. This campaign is pointed against Kaganovich, Molotow and other prominent Bolsheviks with strong ties to the Jewish nation and aims to a relativation of the Shoa, the authentic Holocaust: 10 million (fictional) Holodomor-victims vs. 6 million (real) Holocaust-victims. The resultat should be: Socialism (in all his forms) is the greatest evil in the history of mankind and even much worse than the whole Nazi-regime . Sorry for my educational remarks, but according to all historic evidence, Lazar Kagonovich wasn't that "bad guy" in Soviet history as the "Monster Beria" - great purge inside the Red Army 1938, Katyn 1939, etc., etc. - or other ill characters in the service of the NKVD in the 1930s and 1940s. Maybe the coming question at our quiz will be your turn again . Best regards Christian
    12. MY SMALL & HUMBLE YU-COLLECTION - Part 1 Gentlemen, my I present my small & humble YU-collection to you. The "crown-juwel" is of course that tiny fragment : http://gmic.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=13964 Best regards Christian CIVIL SECTION:
    13. A little bit .... , but it should be stated. Dear Dave, sorry, but I can not follow your "logic" : 1. The "Cold War" did not cost 27 million lives of NATO-citizens. 2. The CCCP did not receive any restitutions from Western Germay (Austria paid a lot of restitutions!). 3. The "Cold War" had been caused by the Western Allies. * * After the sudden and unexpected death of President Roosevelt the (British influenced) "International"-group succeeded in a putsch - or coup d'etat - against the "Morgenthau"-group, which wanted to go on with the great and ambitious political concepts (UNO, peaceful cooperation with the CCCP, neutral Germany, etc., etc.) of President Roosevelt. All "Morgenthau"-people lost their key-positions in the US-Administration . Instead of going on with the successful economic cooperation between USA & CCCP (since the end of the 1920 the US helped to build up the whole heavy industry in the CCCP!), the new US-Adminstration stopped everything and went into a new politic of confrontation and "roll back". That has been the beginning of the "Cold War". Due to the fact, that the US-economy lost the hughe markets in the CCCP & Eastern Europe, the new economic experts in the USA thought, that the creation of the "Russian Bear" as the new hughe enemy of the western people, of "freedom" and "democrazy" might induce a hughe demand of defense goods (the defense industry is since the 1940s the backbone of US economics!). But that concept didn't really work. So, for helping the declining US-economy the wise guys in Washingtion had to create - from time to time - new small ("hot") wars as an offspring of the "Cold War": Korea, Vietnam, ..., Middle East, Yugoslavia & Iraq. The fact is - in the history of economy -, that the hughe investments & sales in & to the CCCP helped the USA (and also Europe) to escape the "Big Depression" of around 1930. Armies of unemployed workers & experts from the West found new (and very well paid!) jobs for some years in the CCCP. As a historian, I assume, that if President Roosevelt would have survived 2 or 3 more years more, our world would look a little bit different: Stability in economic growth, no "Cold War", no small "Hot Wars", a UNO as a powerful institutions, no "Iron Curtain", no divided Germany, no communist Hungary, etc., etc. Economics are the causes for history - and for "Cold Wars" & "Hot Wars". Just my remarks to the topic "Cold War". Best regards Christian
    14. Dear Carol, many thanks for your congratulations . But I found General Lascar - and the ident photograph - via this well know website: http://www.worldwar2.ro/ in the section "Generals" . Best regards Christian BTW: What about my new question - it's really easy .
    15. NEW QUESTION ? Gentlemen, a simple - but also tricky - question about a famous person of WW II, who is known be everyone . Who am I ? I played a decisive role (economics) in WW II and a not so important role after the war. Everybody knows my name. Comrade Stalin liked my plans very much . My nationality was Jewish. I am not comrade Beria : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lavrenty_Beria . Best regards Christian
    16. Mihail Lascar He got even the Oak Leaves to his RK . Maj.-Gen. Mihail Lascar: http://www.worldwar2.ro/generali/?article=95 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mihail_Lasc%C4%83r (It had been NO Wiki-question ) Best regards Christian
    17. Dear Paul, I have seen a lot of Glory-decorated privates of the Red Army on photographs. Only a Glory 1cl promoted you automatically from a private to a sergeant and from a sergant to a sub-lieutenant. Look at the case of Gefreiter (lance-corporal) Adolf Hitler in WW I: He had been courageous, got even the EK I, but was regared as too stupid for beeing promoted to the rank of a Unteroffizier (junior-sergeant) . Best regards Christian
    18. Dear "Usairforce", nice medals in good condition and rather low numbered . A research might be interesting . Best regards Christian
    19. Dear Carol, had that comrade been a Romanian General, who first fought with the Nazis (Axis awards), then changed the front and had a Soviet division under his command and as a meritorious General he promoted to the Inspector for the Romanian Army ? His uniform is strange - have never seen before . It is not an ordinary uniform of the Romanian Army. Did he receive a RK ("Ritterkreuz des Eisernen Kreuzes") from the Nazis? Best regards Christian
    20. Dear Darjan, I think, that price is a real bargain . A Partisan Star 1cl in pristine condition (Soviet made) for EUR 650,- is a very solid investment . Best regards from your neighbour country Christian
    21. Dear Laurence, many thanks for your expertise . But how to get the Tamiya-tank running again ? Best regards from Vienna Christian
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