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    Kev in Deva

    Old Contemptible
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    Everything posted by Kev in Deva

    1. Hallo Troy while not RARE it can be hard to find some pieces, anyway its a good investment for the future Kevin in Deva.
    2. Hallo Troy, not a military item it seems from a net search, that, M?ntzer was a radical reformer and a leader of the Peasants' War. In his Sermon to The Princes at the Alstedt castle he called for the princes of Saxony to employ him as their counselor in spiritual matters and to take action against the lords. They ignored him, but he continued to call for a revolution by the poor. He was captured during a peasant uprising near Frankenhausen and was beheaded outside the walls of M?lhausen on May 27, 1525. Vereinigung der Gegenseitigen Bauernhilfe, VdgB Association for Mutual Farmers Assistance 1949-1990 (East Germany) http://www.crwflags.com/fotw/flags/de%7Dvdgb.html Kevin in Deva.
    3. Hallo Troy, they are all connected to the old D.D.R. (East Germany) some are already featured on the Forum. Kevin in Deva.
    4. I think its Polish Coal Miners Productivity Badge? Kevin in Deva.
    5. My sympathys to the families of the dead and injured. + May they Rest In Peace + And a speedy recovery to the wounded. mfg Kevin in Deva.
    6. Hallo Rick, this might not be directly connected to your item, but there was a comemorative Naval Medal issued for bringing guns and ammunition through the British Blockade in WW1 to the I.R.A in Ireland. Possibly the medal is unofficial but the rear dedication was in Irish language!! Kevin in Deva.
    7. Hallo Larry & Dan, many thanks for your comments with regards my pieces, do you guys ever use them for the purpose they were intended?? Kevin in Deva.
    8. Well Mike, heres where we agree to disagree I dont accept anything, at anybodys say-so, unless proof is given to what they base their "expert" opinions on. Kevin in Deva. P.S. anyway I am off to bed, little matters like this wont keep me from getting a good nights sleep.
    9. Hallo Mike, You are most certainly allowed an opinion, as all who use this forum. All I asked at the begining of this, was for some evidence upon which they made there opinions, or based their claims to be posted, And, as you can see none was posted. As I have never met these people in person, or read any published works by them, then I am well within my rights to ask for proof of whats being said, and what its based upon. Othewise we all could form opinions and be "experts" using say-so. Kevin in Deva.
    10. Hallo Franken75, "Dear Sir" is a standard salutation, in the English language, and I was taught to use this form of address when replying to a person. (unless you are of the female gender then I would use, "Dear Madam" or "Dear Miss". mfg. Kevin in Deva.
    11. Dear Sir you might well say I am ignorant But to post a comment in German really shows who here is ignorant. The language of this forum is English. Kevin in Deva.
    12. Again you mis-read what I posted, I never stated anywhere in my posts that my item is original I asked for you to offer proof, (either in documented writing or with pictures) to back up your claims that my items are FAKE. I am sorry if you have a problem understanding my English. Kevin in Deva
    13. Are we to believe there is no information available about B.M.V.O. Cross FAKES and REPRODUCTIONS until the publication of this wonderful bavarian M.V.O. Bible currrently being prepared for publication?? After all the words: have been used, so I must ask,well known to whom and for how long?? The words "Well known" seems to imply more than one person has knowledge of these! Has any information with regards these fake B.M.V.O. Crosses been posted anywhere in the world?? either on the net or in paper publication?? Or has the knowledge been conceled to allow the unscrupuless to get rid of the fake pieces in their collections first?? Kevin in Deva
    14. Hallo saschaw As I have said in my previous posts on this thread, I need to see proof, then and only then, will I believe, I do not accept say-so. mfg Kevin in Deva.
    15. Hallo Bern d To whom in particular is your question addressed, me or the "experts" ?? Perhaps the "experts" would care to post some examples of the original pieces in there collection, as examples of the real 100% original items Kevin in Deva
    16. Dear Sir, (militaria0815) It seems you have a problem over anybody who disagrees with you! but, if you read carefully what I posted I never used the word "trust" anywhere in my post, all I am asking for, is that posters prove what they claim. With regards: Would you care to state where your information comes from? as "well known" would indicate it has been documented. I do not see why I should accept a statement posted on a forum just because you or any other person says so, which is surely my right? Did you even attempt to offer any reasons for your conclusions, cite any examples including pictures to back up your claims?? Niether have I stated that I will attempt to sell the item on, please do not presume to judge me by your own standards. So your idea of a Forum is: where we all sit and listen un-questioningly to your expertise?? As our American friends say "Put up or Shut up" in other words give some proof of your claims. Until I see proof, then I will reserve the right to believe what I want to believe, which is my democratic right. Mfg Kevin in Deva. - - - - - - - - - - - - * * * * * * * * * * * - - - - - - - - - - - - Hallo Haynau, I am not upset or feel any particular need to calm down, I just asked "people" who make statements to offer some proof, all we have here are claims being made, with no evidence, and because somebody claims: As my old Irish Aunt used to say "Self-praise is no praise!" Kevin in Deva.
    17. Sorry to say it stayed in the USA never mind something else will turn up!! Kevin in Deva
    18. Hallo Gents, many thanks for all your help and information! The cross & box finaly went for: US $431.09 or 317.619 EUR Kevin in Deva
    19. Hallo Saschaw thank you for the information with regards the swords on the zinker, I have applied a magnet and it sticks so I will edit my post accordingly!! See! by the advice of the magnet test you offer a way to verify what you stated in your post. With regards the posts by "franken75", "militaria0815", and "haynau": I, personaly feel when posting a comment, with regards any piece of militaria, it has to be backed up with evidence*. Its very easy to say "Its a fake," "It is a repro" or "that is what i have been told by experienced collectors." But you have to offer some proof, thats why people write reference books with regards various items in the militaria collecting comunity. If everybody were to attach comments without offering proof of their beliefs, then how could we ever hope to identify any pieces / items. * by evidence I mean written documented proof from studies made of the subject in hand, this being an online forum I have no idea who these people are or where they have gained their expertese from!! Even more so when they have just joined or posted very little on the forum. Kevin in Deva.
    20. Hallo 922F with regards your Post number 14, (and future Posts) can you post, without the purple colour and font-type, and the small size, as its extremely difficult to read, it looks better and easier on the eye like this, Many thanks Kevin in Deva.
    21. A BMVO Cross, III Class with swords, and the late War Zink Version. The Swords on the Zinker are in Silver!* * EDIT, after the below posting by Sachaw, i tested with a magnet and found them to be Iron with Silver Gilt / plate, many thanks for the tip Sachaw!! Kevin in Deva
    22. Slightly outside Military but nice: Bavarian Border Police, 30th Aniversary, hand-painted piece. Kevin in Deva.
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