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    Everything posted by QSAMIKE

    1. Good Morning Mervyn..... We have the same show here and also one called Canadian Pickers...... With regards to the cars I saw a news report on an American Channel CNN and then looked it up on the internet...... The thing that gets me mad or should I say upset is that in American Pickers they never buy anything Military..... I remember one show they were in a room full of WW1 American, British and German Uniforms and Helmets and they did not pick a single item..... I am sure that they see a lot of things, I just did an estate evaluation where there was a large number of WW2, Korean up to the early 1990's R.C.A.M.C. items, just packed away in a number of tote boxes...... I also know a person who has a number of Model T Fords, a couple of Bren Gun Carriers just sitting in his barn..... Mike P.S. One of the Pickers on Canadian Pickers I have known for over 40 years.......
    2. OH MY GOD..... You must see this....... http://northstarchevelles.activeboard.com/t54449457/nebraska-chevy-dealer-auction-time-capsule-inventory/?page=1 A number of 1950's and 1960's Chevy's some with less than 10 miles on the dial and a 1956 Pickup with 1.3 miles...... Mike
    3. Hi Mervyn...... The majority of the Wolseley collection is in the Glenbow Museum here in Calgary..... His campaign medals I know are copies but all of his Orders / Capes / Crowns / Documents etc. also his wife's...... See...... http://ww2.glenbow.org/search/collectionsResults.aspx?AC=GET_RECORD&XC=/search/collectionsResults.aspx&BU=&TN=Objects&SN=AUTO7146&SE=136&RN=23&MR=10&TR=0&TX=1000&ES=0&CS=0&XP=&RF=WebResults&EF=&DF=WebResultsDetails&RL=0&EL=0&DL=0&NP=255&ID=&MF=WPEngMsg.ini&MQ=&TI=0&DT=&ST=0&IR=1314&NR=0&NB=2&SV=0&BG=&FG=&QS=CollectionsSearch&OEX=ISO-8859-1&OEH=ISO-8859-1 http://ww2.glenbow.org/search/collectionsResults.aspx?AC=GET_RECORD&XC=/search/collectionsResults.aspx&BU=&TN=Objects&SN=AUTO7146&SE=136&RN=34&MR=10&TR=0&TX=1000&ES=0&CS=0&XP=&RF=WebResults&EF=&DF=WebResultsDetails&RL=0&EL=0&DL=0&NP=255&ID=&MF=WPEngMsg.ini&MQ=&TI=0&DT=&ST=0&IR=1133&NR=0&NB=3&SV=0&BG=&FG=&QS=CollectionsSearch&OEX=ISO-8859-1&OEH=ISO-8859-1 If you go into collections and search the name Wolseley you will see most of the collection including the FM Baton, a City of London Casket.... Mike Oh yes I must also mention that a number of his documents were destroyed in the flood that were in a private collection......
    4. Hello Christer... Not British actually he is wearing an American Uniform..... Mike
    5. It seems then that he was involved in a small part in the Battle of Britain.......
    6. Good Evening Everyone....... Here is another find that I thought you might like to see...... Un-used booklet of 25 Tags...... Each tag is made of a Cloth/Paper mix material with a wire fastener...... Front page reads........ DIAGNOSIS TAGS U.S. ARMY For Use among Sick and Wounded on the Battlefield Contract June 1918 Field Medical Supply Depot, U.S. Army W. H. Brewton, Contractor Mike
    7. Good Morning Chris...... As per your request from the other thread..... I have scanned all the pages that have writing on them...... Any info gladly accepted..... Mike
    8. Thank you Bernhard....... Thanks for the information..... Here is a scan of another page from the second log book..... I can make out London and Hastings on this page and on another there is a mention of London and Portsmouth twice were these combat missions????? Mike
    9. Oh yes I should also add that I have some of his fathers World War One soldiers documents...... Mike
    10. Good Evening Everyone...... I was lucky enough to find the following Log Books and other documents all to the same man...... Can anyone tell me anything about them..... Not my collecting field and also I cannot speak German...... Mike
    11. Good Morning Everyone...... This poem is covered by an incident that happened to the Strathcona's during the Boer War..... THE STRATHCONA'S HORSE The Navy Illustrated 1900 Oh, bitter blew the western wind and chilled us to the bone From mountain top to mountain top it made its weary moan, While we, Strathcona's Horse, rode on, in silence and alone The darkness closed around us like a monk's hood gathered light it pressed upon our eyeballs, sealing up the sense of sight, And mocked us with false flashes of a brain-begotten light. With straining at the silence grew our hearing thunder-proof; The moaning blast in vain flung back its echo from the kloof, The very ground on which we rode struck dumbly to the hoof. And no man spake, nor dared so much as loose his tethered tongue, Which else in fevered agony from blackened lips had hung, But now, with limpet grip compelled, to cheek and palate clung. Strathcona's Horse had never borne the fear mark on their brow; The oak sap was their blood - the thews, the supple maple bow; Their swords were fashioned from the share that shod their prairie plough. Then why those white, drawn faces? Why those breasts that strain and heave? Those eyes that see but darkness? And those tongues that parch and cleave? It was the tale the Zulu scout brought southward yester eve. It was the same old tale - the farm, the false white flag, the foe; And four good British lads that fell where murder laid them low. And still our eyes strain eastward for the coming of the day. A dark ravine, whose beelting sides o'erhang the path we tread- A faint grey line, a spot of light, with shimmering haze o'er-spread- A wreath of smoke - the farm, the farm, six hundred yards ahead. But see - the Zulu lied. God bless that faithless, perjured black! Those British lads died not, but live. On yonder chimney stack Behold wrapped in the morning mist, our flag, the Union Jack! Strathcona's Horse rode forward with a swift Canadian swing, Their hearts with joy o'erflowing, and the teardrops glistening - Ping! Halt! What was that? Hell's fury! 'twas the Mausers' deadly ring. Oh, fathomless the treacherous depths within the Boer breast! It was the foe had raised that flag above their devil's nest, While stark and stiff four corpses lay where murder hade them rest. Strathcona's Horse rode forward, though there fell both horse and man; They spake no word, but every brain conceived the self-same plan: Through every vein and nerve and thew the self-same purpose ran. What though the Mausers raked the line, and tore great gaps between? What through the thick clay walls stood firm, and ambushed for to screen? There was a deed to do, whose like the world had seldom seen. They stormed the palisades, which crashed beneath their furious stroke; The doors with staves they battered in, the barricades they broke - And then they bound the fiends within, with Mausers for a yoke. Swift to the ending of the deed, yet only half begun They daylight grows: there's bloody work still waiting to be done - Six corpses swing athwart the face of God's own rising sun. Bury in peace our own dear dead;« then comrades ride away; Yet leave a mark that all may know, who hitherward shall stray, Strathcona's Horse it was that paid a visit here to-today. "Twas thus Strathcona's Horse left Vengeance sitting by here shrine, Where six accused corpses broke the grey horizon line; Their flesh to feed the vultures, and their bones to be a sign. AUTHOR UNKNOWN
    12. Hello CJB..... Here is a set of miniatures that I purchased today..... Mike
    13. Good Morning Mervyn....... Thank you for the kind comments...... How many do I have well lets put it this way when my collection is sold it would be an auction that I would have loved to attend..... LOL I will post some pictures of each individual medal and description..... Mike I will start with the different types of reverse......
    14. Well Rick I have been collecting QSA's and Boer War items for over 45 years now so I don't think that I will give up yet...... LOL Mike
    15. Thanks Brian..... That is why I had to loan it to a museum LOL...... Mike
    16. Thank You Simon and Rick...... I have rotated some of the medals / bars in an out of the frame so it is a continuing work of love..... I would not like to try to put it together now.......... It took me about 12 years to put it all together Rick, the hardest medal to find of course was the Dated Reverse and that took me nearly 25 years to find an original but also then it was hard to find a shadow box frame to fit it all..... Mike
    17. I have posted this in another form and have been asked to post it here for your information and fun..... Good Evening Gentlemen...... Just got this frame back from a local museum that I had loaded it to for one of their display's...... I broke the Plexiglas that I had in the frame and this is the first time that I have had a chance to get some photo's without the glare...... Thought I would share..... Mike
    18. Good Morning Mervyn....... Fantastic find, a great relic for the battle of Magersfontein...... Now lets look at this thread for the Boer side...... http://gmic.co.uk/index.php/topic/46151-commemorative-medallion-scandanavian-corps-at-magersfontein-1899/?hl=magersfontein Mike
    19. Good Afternoon Lambert....... There is actually no gold involved in the original manufacture...... This is just a gold coloured coating that was uses and after the first couple of polishings it will all come off..... Mike
    20. Hi Paddy...... You do not have miniature breast stars...... No I think that the only British one is Full Size..... Mike
    21. Good Morning USAF...... I am sure that you know that the only British one is the first one...... Order of St. Michael and St. George...... Are you looking for identification????? Mike
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