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    HJ member badges and awards:

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    • 2 years later...

    Hi There

    Please advise what is wrong with these, as i have been looking at getting one of the the awards for a while and would like to know what to look for?

    Thanks for posting this.



    Hi Warthog,

    Sorry for the delay in replying on this. It's been one of those months and then some with the weather we've been going through and such.

    I wish I could tell you more... I'd suggest you post a query over in the HJ section and copy the link for this thread there for reference. I'm sure the guys there will be able to give you more specifics on these and others as far as what to keep an eye out for.

    To be honest, I had a fairly decent TR collection and have basically sold off the majority of my original items... keeping a few really nice copies. Now, if I want an example of something and I find a nice copy for cheap I grab it. Much better than laying out a ton of hard earned cash only to find out something is a fake anyway. At least with a copy I know what I'm getting and I'm getting it for the cheapest price possible. Just far far too many copies from utter garbage up to excellent near perfect copies out there in TR land for me to risk it anymore. I got my stuff back in the day when IC's ran about $5 to $25 for a 2nd (either war) and 1st's ran about $30 to $75 (either war). I got fairly decent prices/trades when I let go of it all and nowadays would be scared to death to go where even angels fear to tread.

    Anyhow... good luck with finding some good pieces at good prices. :beer:

    Dan :cheers:

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