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    Another "Last" WW1 Veteran Gone-- Massachusetts

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    Guest Rick Research

    He had a good run, right up to the end. :beer:

    Guest Rick Research

    Actually, omitted from the print version (probably on legal advice) was what made local TV--

    in that "small print advertising disclaimer" way...

    as to how he utilized Listerine, of all things. "Don't try this at home" BUT... it certainly didn't do him any harm. Unless it took 10 years off his life. :rolleyes:

    Guest Rick Research

    Hey hey heyyyyyyyy! I remember people who were born in the 1870s! Watch it there, bub!


    In 1997, I remember meeting a German veteran who worked on Hermann Goring's aircraft machine guns... in WW1!!! He told me that he was an armorer and an NCO. He had photos to prove it(as I found it initially a bit hard to believe). He told me that he met quite a few familiar aces during his time in service. I wish that I had a chance to ask more information from him, but he was old and fatigued very easily. :(

    When was stationed in Alaska, I was a officer of the local chapter of the American Legion. Every Veteran's Day, we would hold an event/lunch. He and his great grandson would show up to join us. He was bummed that he could not join our organization officially, but we enjoyed his company. I think that he was the only WW1 vet that showed that year.


    Actually, omitted from the print version (probably on legal advice) was what made local TV--

    in that "small print advertising disclaimer" way...

    as to how he utilized Listerine, of all things. "Don't try this at home" BUT... it certainly didn't do him any harm. Unless it took 10 years off his life. :rolleyes:

    Listerine drinker eh? Original formula was 54 proof... not unheard of for recovering alcoholics to use it, to ward off seizures.


    A study many years ago found that eggs - though high in choleserol and generaly percieved as 'bad' actualy have tons on good stuff in them. The study followed people who had suffred a heart attack. One group increased their egg consumption by one egg a day - the control group followed their traditional habbits of eating. The egg group did something like 90% better in terms of medical condition after five years.

    Anyhow - it was my pleasure to have memories of my great-grandfather infantry in the 88ID in WW1. Thankfuly my other relatives were able to salvage a few of his stories - like the French black woman who cooked the soup at the field hospital and put her hair in it to add flavor...

    Its sad to see nearly the last one go...but history progresses.

    Drink Listerine and eat eggs and perhaps see a little more of it?

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