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    Orden "Carlos J. Finlay"


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    Entregan Orden Carlos J. Finlay a cient?ficos cubanos

    La Habana.- La Orden Carlos J. Finlay, que otorga el Consejo de Estado, fue entregada a 28 cient?ficos cubanos, por su destacada contribuci?n al desarrollo y prestigio de las ciencias en el pa?s.

    En la ceremonia efectuada en el Memorial Jos? Mart?, en ocasi?n de cumplirse ma?ana el aniversario 170 del natalicio del descubridor del agente transmisor de la fiebre amarilla, tambi?n recibi? ese galard?n el colectivo del Programa de la Revoluci?n para atender a discapacitados.

    Ese grupo llev? a cabo el desarrollo del proyecto que incluy? el adiestramiento de los participantes y la conducci?n de los estudios psicopedag?gicos, sociales y cl?nico-gen?ticos de las personas con discapacidades.

    M?s de 33 mil profesionales integraron la investigaci?n sin

    precedentes por su alcance, car?cter interdisciplinario e interinstitucional, rigor cient?fico y valor humano, as? como por lo que significa para el mejoramiento de la calidad de vida de esas personas en el pa?s.

    Jos? Ram?n Machado Ventura, miembro del Bur? Pol?tico, Damodar Pe?a, Ministro de Salud P?blica y Daniel Codorniu, vicetitular primero del Ministerio de Ciencia Tecnolog?a y Medio Ambiente condecoraron a esas personalidades de la ciencia, la investigaci?n y la docencia.

    En nombre de los condecorados el Doctor en Ciencias Biol?gicas Carlos Miguel Finlay, del Instituto de Medicina Tropical "Pedro Kour?", hizo un recuento de la obra y trayectoria del eminente cient?fico (1833-1915)cuyo nombre lleva la Orden, y de quien es bisnieto.

    Cuban Scientists are Awarded the Carlos J. Finlay Order

    Havana.-The Cuban Council of State awarded 28 Cuban

    scientists the Carlos J. Finlay Order for their outstanding

    contribution to the development and prestige of science in the


    During the ceremony, held at the Jos? Mart? Memorial to mark

    the 170 birthday of the discoverer of the yellow fever

    transmission agent, the professional collective in charge of the

    Assistance Program for the Physically Impaired was also awarded

    the important distinction.

    That collective implemented the project that included

    training of participants and psycho-pedagogical, social and

    clinical-genetic studies of disabled persons.

    Over 33 000 professionals joined the research, which is

    considered unprecedented due to its scope, inter-disciplinary

    and inter-institutional character, scientific rigor and human

    values, as well as for his significance for the improvement of

    life quality of those persons in the country.

    Political Bureau member Jos? Machado Ventura, Public Health

    Minister Damodar Pe?a and First Deputy Minister of Science,

    Technology and the Environment Daniel Codorniu gave the

    professionals the important distinction.

    On behalf of the awarded persons, Doctor of Biological

    Science Carlos Miguel Finlay, from the Pedro Kouri Tropical

    Medicine Institute, lectured on the work and life of the

    outstanding Cuban Carlos J. Finlay (1833-1915), who was his own great-grand father.(AIN)

    Photo of Dr. Finlay:

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    Guest Rick Research

    The Finlay Order replaces its incarnation of 1928, just as the C?spedes Order was originally instituted in 1926 and carried over by the Communist regime.

    Wouldn't it be ironic if way back when, somebody managed to get BOTH versions of the same Orders!

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    The Finlay Order replaces its incarnation of 1928, just as the C?spedes Order was originally instituted in 1926 and carried over by the Communist regime.

    Wouldn't it be ironic if way back when, somebody managed to get BOTH versions of the same Orders!

    Now that would be interesting :D

    Not a great deal of info to add right now apart from that it was constituted in 1928 by the the Cuban government and is conferred by the Council of State for Medical and Scientific merit.

    Regards Eddie

    Edited by Taz
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    Order ?Carlos J. Finlay?

    Decreto Ley #30

    Created by Decree N? 77, of January 21, 1928, which will be awarded to Cuban and foreign citizens in recognition for extraordinary merits and achievements in the development of natural or social sciences, scientific or investigation activities that contribute in a significant way to science progress and mankind benefit, and specially to the preservation and improvement of the peoples? health and welfare.

    It will also be awarded to Cuban and foreign institutions, as well as work collectives for the reasons stated before.

    The requirements for its awarding, description and other related to the Orders to which this article refers will be stated in the timely approved Statute, and the statements of Law N? 17 will be applied to it.

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