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    Colonial Recon Abteiling

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    This is to one of a Group of Germans who actually invaded South Africa in support of the Boer Rebellion at the outbreak of the war....

    See the writeup here...



    Very interesting Chris. I knew, of course that both the British and the Germans had forces inAfrica during WW1, and saw some action, but I had no idea that the Germans had invaded South Africa.

    Thanks for showing this. :beer:

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    He was one of a handfull of officers repatriated in late 1917-18. I assume on parole, maybe because of wounds.

    So he arrived in Berlin, an ex POW BEFORE the end of the war... hence this very scarce wrtime colonial doc.

    The really nice printed colonial doc for South West and East Africa only came later. His EK1 doc is this latter form.

    He trained as a pilot in 1912 while with the arty, but did not serve as such in GSWA.

    In November 1918 it seems his parole came to an end and it seems he joined a Garde Division in Poland... I must dig out the papers again.

    His Brother commanded the Garde Sch?tzen battalion or Garde J?ger, I cannot remember which.

    There is a thread about him somewhere in the back pages.

    I wish I knew where and when he was wounded...



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    ....would that be Heinrich (the PLM winner?).

    Did he perhaps later command the II/SS btln. Westland ?

    well, yes he was, I just researched the forum and found this thread-a very nice document-worthy of an article, esp. given his later SS command of the dutch volunteers in the East.

    By the way. Mike Miler almost certainly has his file on his CD.


    Edited by Ulsterman
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