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    Posted (edited)

    As per request, I'll start a personnel list of German Officers in Finland in 1918. As the whole thing is translated from finnish, some obscure ranks and units might be incorrectly translated or missing. Also, the list lacks most of the first names. Any corrections and/or additions are more than welcome.

    I'll start with the Ostseevision, while Detachement Brandenstein, Sonderverbande der Ostsee and some lower-rank officers & miscellaneous persons will follow later.


    Edited by Pete A



    Commander: Generalmajor Graf R?diger von der Goltz

    General Staff-officer (Ia): Hauptmann iG Friedrich Karmann (Replaced in June 1918 by Hauptmann iG Nikolaus von Falkenhorst)

    ADC: Rittmeister Heckmann

    Ordonance-officer: Hauptmann von Kaisenberg

    Ordonance-officer: Leutnant Freiherr von Uckermann

    Ordonance-officer: Leutnant Scheufele

    HQ Commandant: Rittmeister dR Matthes

    Division Intendant(?): Intendantcounsellor (??) Vogel {Intendanturrat & ks Hptm dR Arno Vogel, born 1880, Saxon, served 1900-. SA3aXmKr, EK1, S-XXV, SLD2, PrRKM3, SMK, BA5X. 1929 ObRegRat Versorgungsamt Chemnitz}

    Divisional Doctor: Dr. Dannehl

    Divisional Vet: Dr. Scheferling, Substitute: Dr. Ohm

    Divisional Judge: Military Court-martial Counsellor (argh??) Hauptmann dR Hauger

    Gas-officer: Leutnant dR am Ende

    Transport-offcier: Leutnant dL Klocke

    Engineer-officer: Leutnant Schl?ter

    Car Detachement: Oberleutnant dR Koch

    Communications-officer: Leutnant dR Dettman

    Interprener-officer: Leutnant dR Arnicke

    Feldpost 957: (some weird postal rank) Sillus

    Divisional Priest: Siebold (Ev.Luth.), Kreutz (Cath.)

    Attached to Divisional HQ:

    Representative of Commander of Military Railways (?): Hauptmann Maenss

    Liaison-officer of the Army High Command: Hauptmann iG Thiem

    Liaison-officer of the Admirality: Kapit?nleutnant Graf von Platen{Magnus Graf von Platen-Hallermund, *7.6.1880-"†"21.7.1943 Hamburg--killed in bombing? EK2, XXV}

    Liaison-officer of the Finnish High Command: Eversti (Colonel) Thesleff

    On Disposal: Major Graf Gilbert Hamilton


    Commander: Generalmajor Wolf

    ADC: Oberleutnant Bochow

    1. Ordonance-officer: Oberleutnant Mechtersheimer

    2. Ordonance-officer: Oberleutnant von Glasenapp

    3. Reserve-J?ger-Bataillon

    Commander: Major Graf von der Schulenburg-Lieberose

    ADC: Leutnant dR Fritze

    Ordonance-officer: Leutnant dR Georg Bloch (KIA 2.5.1918)

    MG-Officer: Oberleutnant dL Hunterm?ller

    1. Company: Leutnant dR Gerhard Bohne

    2. Company: Leutnant dR Repetzky (Walter?)

    3. Company: Leutnant dR Walter Bohne

    4. Company: Leutnant dR Max Wedde

    1. MG-company: Leutnant Bock

    2. MG-company: Leutnant dL Waischwillat

    4. J?ger-Bataillon

    Commander: Hauptmann Ott

    ADC: Leutnant von W?lcknitz

    Ordonance-officer: Leutnant dR Reuss

    MG-Officer: Hauptmann dR Neumann

    1. Company: Leutnant dR Brohm

    2. Company: Leutnant dR Kybitz

    3. Company: Oberleutnant Scharf

    4. Company: Leutnant dR Grimm

    1. MG-company: Leutnant Richard Schmidt

    2. MG-company: Leutnant dR Beck

    1. Bicycle-company: Leutnant dR Kuhlgratz

    2. Bicycle-company: Leutnant dR Koch

    14. J?ger-Bataillon

    Commander: Major Freiherr Schenk zu Schweinsberg

    ADC: Leutnant von Felbert

    Ordonance-officer: Leutnant von H?lst

    MG-Officer: Leutnant dR von Lowtzow

    1. Company: Hauptmann dR Schweinfurth

    2. Company: Oberleutnant dR von B?low

    3. Company: Leutnant Koch

    4. Company: Leutnant dR Konrad

    1. MG-company: Leutnant dR Hartmuth

    2. MG-company: Leutnant dR Hess

    2. J?ger-Bataillon 1. Radfahr-Kompanie: Hauptmann Roeder

    2. J?ger-Bataillon 2. Radfahr-Kompanie: Oberleutnant Hepe

    11. Radfahr-Kompanie: Leutnant dR Lassen

    228. Gebirgs-MG-Abteilung: Oberleutnant Schmitt

    229. Gebirgs-MG-Abteilung: Leutnant dR Paulssen


    Commander: Oberst von Tschirschky und von Bogendorff

    ADC: Oberleutnant von der Groben

    Ordonance-officer: Oberleutnant dR Graf von Br?hl

    1. Garde-Ulanen-Regiment

    Commander: Major Halling

    ADC: Oberleutnant von Arnim

    Ordonance-officer: Leutnant von Braunschweig-Vollrath

    2. Squadron: Rittmeister dR von Colmar

    3. Squadron: Rittmeister von Saldern

    4. Squadron: Rittmeister Graf von Seherr-Thoss

    5. Squadron: Rittmeister Erbprinz (?) zu Bentheim und Steinfurth

    MG-Squadron: Rittmeister von Loebenstein

    3. Garde-Ulanen-Regiment

    Commander: Major Freiherr Lothar von Brandenstein

    ADC: Leutnant Mumm von Schwarzenstein

    Ordonance-officer: Leutnant von Zitzewitz

    1. Squadron: Rittmeister von Jagow

    2. Squadron: Rittmeister Freiherr von Berchem-K?nigsfeld

    4. Squadron: Rittmeister Graf von Plessen

    5. Squadron: Rittmeister Graf zu Solms-Baruth

    MG-Squadron: Rittmeister von Keudell

    S?chsische Karabinier-Regiment

    Commander: Major Godert von Reden{ did not use first two names Friedrich Wulbrand, *8.4.1872-†22.1.1919, StHR,SV3aX, X to SA3a, X to SWF-R1}

    ADC: Leutnant von Schierbrand{Helmut, SA3bX}

    Ordonance-officer: Leutnant Guenther{Ernst, SA3bX}

    1. Squadron: Rittmeister Merz{Georg, SA3aXmKr}

    2. Squadron: Leutnant dR Hahne{Wilhelm *10.3.1893, StHR, SA3bX}

    3. Squadron: Rittmeister Albrecht Georg Karl Jules Wilhelm Freiherr von dem Bussche-Streithorst (KIA 29.4.1918){*2.4.1888, SV3bX, SA3bX, EK2, BrK, SWF-R2X}

    4. Squadron: Rittmeister von Ehrenkrook{Walter Ulric Adolf, *1883 alive 1954 SA3aX, X to SWF-R2, char. Major aD}

    MG-Squadron: Oberleutnant Schintling-Horny{Walter, SV3bX, SA3bX as just "Horny" in 1915}

    3. K?rassier-Regiment 2. Squadron: Rittmeister Freiherr von Esebeck


    2. Bayerische Gebirgs-Artillerie-Abteilung

    Commander: Major Hans Butz (also divisional artillery-officer)

    ADC: Leutnant dR M?ller

    1. Ordonance-officer: Leutnant dR Beeri

    2. Ordonance-officer: Leutnant dR Haug

    7. Battery: Hauptmann dR Beschke (acting chief: Oberleutnant von Zwehl)

    8. Battery: Hauptmann Wulfert

    15. Battery: Oberleutnant Ludwig Greim (KIA 28.4.1918)

    2. Garde-Feldartillerie-Regiment 4. Batterie: Leutnant dR Moldenhauer

    14. Reserve-Feldartillerie-Regiment 1. Batterie: Leutnant dR Hausbrand

    14. Reserve-Feldartillerie-Regiment 1. Batterie Kolonne: Oberleutnant dR von Viereck

    Engineer-Landings-Company (?): Hautpmann dR M?ller

    2. Pionier-Bataillon 3. Kompanie: Leutnant Schl?ter (Attached to Div. HQ, acting commander: Leutnant Kaliebe)

    9. Pionier-Ersatz-Bataillon 1. Zug (?): Leutnant Brammann

    512. Fernsprecher-Abteilung: Leutnant dR Brandt

    512. Light Radio-Detachement (?): Leutnant dR Gaus

    3. Film Group (?): Leutnant dR Immler

    208. Armee-Kraftfahr-Abteilung (?): Oberleutnant dR Koch (Attached to Div. HQ, acting commander: Leutnant dR Kettner)

    421. Park-something-column (Can't translate): Leutnant Howe

    77. Field-Bakery-Column (?): Rittmeister dL Schmidt

    23. Bavarian Field-hospital: Dr. Schilcher

    556. Sanit?r-Kompanie 1. Zug

    326. Etappen-kommandant-office (?)

    Posted (edited)



    Commander: Oberst Freiherr Otto von Brandenstein

    ADC: Oberleutnant Freiherr von Esebeck

    Ordonance-officer: Oberleutnant dR Cohnitz

    Ordonance-officer: Oberleutnant dR Lehmann


    Commander: Oberstleutnant von Luck

    ADC: Leutnant Sauerbrey

    Ordonance-officer: Leutnant dR Ziegler

    MG-officer: leutnant dR Paul Schmidt

    Doctor: Dr. Heider

    1. Bataillon

    Commander: Hauptmann dL Fritz Reuter (KIA 1.5.1918, Replaced by Hauptmann Schrader)

    ADC: Leutnant dR Diekwisch

    Supply-officer: Leutnant dL Pithan

    Minethrower-officer: Leutnant dR Wilhelm Elskamp (KIA 29.4.1918)

    Doctor: Dr. Empting

    1. Company: Leutnant dR Bleckmann (until 11.4, 11.4-24.4 Feldwebelleutnant dL Koch, 24.4-7.6 Leutnant dR Knoch)

    2. Company: Leutnant dR Fischmann (26.4-1.5 Leutnant dR Rolef)

    3. Company: Leutnant dR Volkening

    4. Company: Leutnant dR Idel

    1. MG-company: Leutnant dR Grotkus

    2. Bataillon

    Commander: Hauptmann dR Carnuth

    ADC: Leutnant dR Stienen

    Minethrower-officer: Feldwebelleutnant dL Schleef

    Doctor: Dr. v. d. Steinen

    5. Company: Leutnant dR Nickel

    6. Company: Leutnant dR Unverzagt

    7. Company: Leutnant dR S?vern

    8. Company: Leutnant dR Bruno M?ller

    2. MG-company: Leutnant dL Schimmel

    3. Bataillon

    Commander: Rittmeister Dulier

    ADC: Leutnant dL Welle

    Minethrower-officer: Feldwebelleutnant dL G?bel

    Doctor: Dr. Lemmel

    9. Company: Leutnant dR Feldmann

    10. Company: Oberleutnant dR Michelmann

    11. Company: Leutnant dR Platte

    12. Company: Leutnant dR N?bel

    3. MG-company: Leutnant dR Wildsch?tz

    5. Radfahr-Bataillon

    Commander: Hauptmann von Wilamowitz-Moellendorff

    54. Radfahr-Kompanie: Leutnant Misgeld

    14. J?ger-bataillon 1. Radfahr-Kompanie: Hauptmann Schrader

    6. J?ger-bataillon 1. Radfahr-Kompanie: Leutnant dR Harbeck

    6. J?ger-bataillon 2. Radfahr-Kompanie:

    2. Leib-Husaren-Regiment 4. Eskadron (half): Oberleutnant von Althen

    8. Feldartillerie-Regiment 6. Batterie: Hauptmann dR K?hler

    8. Feldartillerie-Regiment 7. Batterie: Hauptmann dR R?nnefahrt

    78. Reserve-Kompanie (half):

    550. Wireless Transmiter-station (?):

    331. Sanit?r-Kompanie (half):

    Fernsprecherzug (half):

    Edited by Pete A
    Guest Rick Research

    :jumping::jumping::jumping: TERRIFIC!!!!! :jumping::jumping::jumping:

    This is a PERFECT listing and when my life gets back on a regular schedule here, I will see about adding first names and WW2 final ranks, birth and death dates and so on to any of these names--

    which will make this THE MOST COMPLETE listing I have ever seen. I just added {} in some information on Saxons as examples-- would like to do this for ALL of these officers, because identifying medal groups IS one of our main challenges.

    MANY thanks!!!


    Glad this helps. I'll add some more information in the same manner ({}). Also some platoon-level officers will follow. But navy.. now that's a bitch. All those weird ranks and positions drive me crazy, so you'll have to wait for that one for a while. :speechless:


    Posted (edited)

    .. except that I can't seem to edit those posts any more.

    Hauptmann Carp (Liaison-officer of Ostseedivison HQ in ?land islands) (von Carp?)

    Oberleutnant V?lkerling (German commander of Suursaari island)

    Oberleutnant Danes (Staff of Det. Brandenstein)

    2. Pionier-Bataillon 3. Kompanie:

    Leutnant v. Ahlfen (commander of some sort of railway-engineer detachement, later commander of an armored train)

    11. Radfahr-Kompanie:

    Leutnant Mieth (?)

    2. J?ger-bataillon 2. Radfahr-Kompanie:

    Leutnant Jeschkeit

    Offizierstellwellter Zilgit

    2. J?ger-bataillon 1. Radfahr-Kompanie:

    Leutnant Graf von Bernstorff

    3. Reserve-J?ger-Bataillon:

    OO Leutnant Bloch was born 15.5.1892, killed 2.5.1918 in Lahti

    commander of 3. company, Leutnant Bohne might have been Oberleutnant

    14. J?ger-Bataillon:

    MG-officer Hans-Joachim von Lowtzow was born 9.8.1889, died 16.7.1918 (in Finland?)

    1. Garde-Ulanen-Regiment:

    Leutnant v.d. Knesebeck

    Leutnant von Brauschweig (MG-Squadron)

    Leutnant von Heimburg (MG-Squadron)

    Leutnant Wolfgang Bogislaw von Gruben (4. Squadron, 28.8.1895-12.4.1918 in Helsinki)

    Leutnant von Rochow (4. Squadron)

    Leutnant von Flemming (2. Squadron)

    Vizewachtmaister Behrend (2. Squadron)

    3. Garde-Ulanen-Regiment:

    Leutnant Wolfgang Gans Edler Herr zu Putlitz (5. Squadron ?)

    Leutnant Erbprinz zu Wied

    Leutnant von Strantz (4. Squadron)

    Vizewachtmeister L?sekrug (1. squadron)

    Leutnant von Brandenstein (2. Squadron, a lot of von Brandensteins in Finland!)

    S?chsische Karabinier-Regiment:

    Major von Reden committed a suicide

    Leutnant von Leonhardi (1. Squadron)

    Leutnant Merkel (1. Squadron)

    Leutnant Riedel (1. Squadron)

    Leutnant von Luttitz (1. Squadron)

    Mechelke (1. Squadron)

    Leutnant Frentzel (2. Squadron)

    Leutnant Mummert (2. Squadron)

    Leutnant Hildebrand (3. Squadron)

    Leutnant Herfurth (4. Squadron)

    Leutnant Korner (MG-Squadron)

    Leutnant dR Gottfr. Theod. Johannes Lange (28.5.1896-27.4.1918 in Tuulos)

    Leutnant Eisentraut

    Vizefeldwebel Schm?lling


    4. J?ger-Bataillon:

    commander of 1. radfahr-kompanie is either Kuhlgratz or Kuhlgatz

    Leutnant von Paris (4. Co)

    Boettcher (3. Co ?)

    H?tting (1.MG Co ?)

    228. Geb-MG-Abt:

    Leutnant dL Walter Willi Klimkeit (13.4.1895-29.4.1918 in Tuulos)

    2. Bayerische Gebirgs-Artillerie-Abteilung:

    commander of 15. Batterie, Oberleutnant Greim was born 5.10.1888, killed 28.4.1918 in Lammi)

    Leutnant Oppenheim

    7. Battery:

    Leutnant Moser

    Leutnant Johler

    Leutnant Gran

    Leutnant Anwander

    Leutnant Schwartz

    Leutnant Kachler

    Leutnant Beyschlag

    Doctor: Dr. Schneider

    Vet: Dr. Seberich

    225. Reserve-Infanterie-Regiment:

    Commander of 1. Bataillon, Hauptmann Reuter was born in 1892, killed 1.5.1918 in Lahti)

    Minethhrower-officer, Leutnant Elskamp was born 26.7.1891, killed 29.4.1918 in Lahti)

    Leutnant dR Josef Sack (1895-1.5.1918 in Lahti)

    Leutnant Biermann (Wounded at Uusikyl? 15.4.1918)

    8. Feldartillerie-Regiment:

    Oberleutnant Scheukel

    Leutnant Ney (Wounded at Uusikyl? 15.4.1918)

    Von Luck got COL1X, Hamilton, Schweinsberg, Reden, Schulenburg, & Falkenhorst got COL2X. On a pre-1939 photo GdI Karmann is wearing COL1X (!!)

    Edited by Pete A

    On 6.2.1918 following former officers of 27. J?ger-bataillon got the permission to resign from the German Army, and traveled 2.3.1918 to Finland via Sweden:

    Hauptmann Eduard Ausfeld

    Hauptmann Ulrich von Coler

    Oberleutnant Rainer Stahel

    On 20.2.1918 following former officers of 27. J?ger-bataillon got the permission to resign from the German Army, and traveled 15.3.1918 to Finland via Sweden:

    Leutnant Hermann Huyssen

    Leutnant Paul Sievert

    Leutnant Albert Mellis

    Leutnant Hans K?nnecke

    Hauptmann (later Major in German (?) and Colonel in Finnish army) Eduard Ausfeld (1885-1946) was the leader of 4th J?ger-company and later the battalion-commander of JB27. In Finland he was given the rank of Lt. Colonel and the command of 1st Finnish J?ger-brigade. He held COL2X and COL4X (for "personal bravery") After the war he was for a short time married to baroness Ruth Munck, who was a finnish volunteer nurse in the JB27. During WW2 he was in German foreign ministry (?) and had something to do with the forming of Finnish-German alliance in 1940-1941. Photos taken during this time show him with a

    neck-order of the White Rose of Finland, probably a commander class.

    Hauptmann Ulrich von Coler, born 1885. Promoted to Finnish Colonel on 6.3.1918. (most likely Ausfeld got his too) Von Coler was the former commander of 3rd J?ger-company of JB27. During the war of 1918 he commanded the 2nd Finnish J?ger-brigade. He stayed in Finland after the war, and when the Germans had to leave the army poisitions he transfered into the Civil Guard. In 1926 he is shown as a district-commander of the Southern-Uusimaa Civil Guard District. I guess he was with the CG until the mid-30's. During 1918 he COL2x and COL4X (for "personal bravery"). On 28.4.1942 he received COL1X. On 24.6.1942 he got the

    Officers Class of the Order of Romanian Crown with swords.

    As for Stahel, there is a good bio of him at the "Axis Biographical Research"

    http://www.geocities.com/~orion47/WEHRMACH...HEL_RAINER.html (although, the date of his Finnish Major-promotion can't be true, the real one is probably the same date as von Coler got his)

    During the war of 1918 Huyssen was a Captain in the Finnish army and the commander of 8th J?gerbatallion

    Paul Sievert was a former officer of the Battery of JB27, later the commander of battalions Abteilung J?ger-zu-Pferde. He held the rank of a Finnish Captain and was a commander of artillery batallion.

    Albert Mellis was a former commander of engineer-company of JB27. No idea what he did in Finland in 1918, but during WW2 he was here again, as a Colonel of the Luftwaffe and the German commander of Malmi airport.

    Hans K?nnecke served in the 4th J?ger-company of JB27, that's all I got of him.

    Any further information about any of these former JB27 Officers would be appreciated.

    Also interesting character is Hauptmann Carl Seber, who was the second Commander of Finnish Aviation Forces 28.4.1918-13.12.1918 (The first one was Swedish Captain Allan Hygerth between 10.3.-28.4.1918). Seber is credited as being the creator of the Finnish Air Force. He had received the Saxon St. Henry on 4.6.1915 whilst serving in Feldflieger-Abteilung 23, and Finns gave him COL2X, which was elevated into COL1X on 23.10.1941. By then Seber was again in Finland, this time as a some sort of an liaison-officer of the Lufwaffe. {Seber was a Prussian, making Saxony's top award an anomaly-- born in Trier 1883. NOT a General in WW2.}

    Major iG W. Crantz was the German liaison-officer in Mannerheims HQ during 1918. Anything on him?


    Some additions..

    von Keudell's (3. garde-uhlanen) first name seems to have been Rudolf

    Lassen's (11. radfahr) first name was Peter

    During the summer of 1918 major Butz took charge of Finnish artillery-training, and was replaced by major Laporte

    Oberst Konrad von Redern (1866-1920) was the Chief of Finnish General Staff 5/6.8.1918-13.12.1918.

    Under him 94 "specialists" and 50 NCOs & other ranks were given positions in the Finnish units. Among them were:

    Major von Hagen

    Hauptmann Karl W?lfert

    Hauptmann Henkell

    Leutnant K?rner was the Liaison-officer of the Ostseedivision in Finnish 1st Division

    Leutnant K?berling was the Liaison-officer of the Ostseedivision in Finnish 2nd Division

    Leutnant Merkel (S?chs. Karabinier) was the Liaison-officer of the Ostseedivision in Finnish 3rd Division

    Finnish Mountain Artillery Regiment was commanded by German major Joseph Schleutker 11.1918-7.1.1919

    And those JB27 guys:

    Ausfeld's first names were Ernst Vilhelm Edward (a mistake? Or did he just use 'Eduard'? That's how he is written in every book I've seen) He commanded the Finnish Mountain Brigade 4.7.1918-5.1.1919

    K?nnecke was the Chief of staff of Finnish Mountain Brigade

    Colonel von Coler commanded the Finnish 2nd Division 8.6.1918-6.7.1918

    Major Crantz's first name seems to have been Werner?

    .. oh well, that's about all I got on the German land forces. Rest is up to those who are more knowledgeable.


      MrBean said:

    Hi Pete..

    I have the iron cross doc to Max Bayer... you must have something n him ;-)

    Oh my god! That's probably one of the top pieces of militaria I can think of.. You know, Bayer's family donated his awards and sword to the Finnish War Museum, but apparently they forgot the documents! :lol:

    Finnish j?gers are my main thing, just what you want to know? For a quick bio see :




      Pete A said:

    Oh my god! That's probably one of the top pieces of militaria I can think of.. You know, Bayer's family donated his awards and sword to the Finnish War Museum, but apparently they forgot the documents! :lol:

    Finnish j?gers are my main thing, just what you want to know? For a quick bio see :



    It is one of my most treasured items. I have spent a lot of time and effort researching him and collecting books, postcards etc, relating to L?ttich.

    Will post them soon.



    Guest Rick Research

    Werner Crantz? Oh yes-- in his own handwriting circa 1925/26:

    Born 5.1.1881 Karlsruhe, Baden. Salient points: as Major iG (18.5.18) from 10 March to 1 July 1918 representative of the OHL at Finnish headquarters.

    Awards: HHOX, EK1 and 2, PrKO4, SA "II. Cl. and I. Cl. X" (SIC-- SA3aX and SA3b), ?M3K, WF3aX, Bulg "National" (SIC--MM)O-OffX, THM, MK2, L?H, OK1 and 2, Georgian "White Star" (SIC--Tamara), Finn CoL II "and I" (SIC), no mention of his XXV-- but note his circled commentary "Ob das Verzeichnis der Orden vollst?ndig ist, weiss ich nicht, ist wohl auch ohne Bedeutung" :o:shame: I do NOT think this angry, depressed guy had all his medals remounted for wearing, do you?


    Rick: Great info on Crantz, thank you. Why it doesn't seem surprising at all, that you have that piece of paper, and Crantz just happened to be a s:t Tamara -guy? :lol:

    Chris: Yes, I have that book. I actually stole it from my local library, back in the days! :ninja: (ok, I know, that was bad, but it's almost impossible to find) Even though my german isn't good enough to understand the complete book, it has everything you need to know about Maximilian Bayer. Do you want me to look for something?


    Posted (edited)

      MrBean said:


    how many pages does it have?



    It has 283 pages. Maybe we should switch to PM, since this this is a bit off-topic?


    Edited by Pete A
    • 3 weeks later...

    If anyone stumbles across an officer that served in Finland that had a Saxe-Weimar White Falcon (1st Class), Saxon Albrechtorden, EK and nothing else (at least nothing else that would have appeared on a post 1934 ribbon bar) - please let me know. It's a snowball's chance, but I'm hoping to stumble across the owner of a ribbon bar.




    ..and the navy. As before, some ranks and duties might be bit incorrect, bear with it.

    Staff of the Sonderverb?nde:

    I Admiral: Konteradmiral Hugo Meurer {1869-1960 char Vizeadm zS aD}

    II Admiral: Konteradmiral Hartog {Johannes, 1867-1947, KontAdm zS aD}

    I Admiralty-Staff-Officer: Kapit?nleutnant Leisler Kiep {Louis Leisler Kiep, 1884-after 1935 see ?Wer Ist?s?? 1935 char KorvKapt zS aD}

    II Admiralty-Staff-Officer: Kapit?nleutnant Max Bastian {1883-1958, Admiral zS aD, RK-KVKX}

    III Admiralty-Staff-Officer: Kapit?nleutnant Ihssen {Kurt, 1884--, char KorvKapt zS aD, EK1, ?, HH}

    I Flag-Lieutenant: Oberleutnant zS Beyer (Baier?) {Franz Beyer, 1892--, Oberlt zS aD}

    II Flag-Lieutenant: Oberleutnant zS Wehrmann {Karl, 1894--, Oberlt zS aD}

    III Flag-lieutenant: Leutnant zS Rieckhoff (later worked as interpreter-officer) {G?nther, 1895--, char Oberlt zS aD, KaptLt zS (E) 1933}

    Naval Engineer Sch?fer {Marine-Chef-Ingenieur Fritz, 1863-after 1938, Kapt zS (Ing) aD 1921}

    Doctor: Dr. Fontane {Marine-Generaloberarzt Franz, 1872--, char MarGenArzt aD = Kapt zS. China 1900}

    Paymaster: Kleemann {Marine-Oberzahlmeister Gustav, 1886--, char Mar StabsZM aD 1928}

    Court-Martial Counselor (?) Korsch {not in MERL}

    Court-Martial Counselor (?) Dr. Frauen {not in MERL}

    Ships (and their captains):

    Westfalen: Kapit?n Zs Bauer {Hermann, 1875-1958, char Adm zS aD}

    Rheinland: Kapit?n zS Toussaint {Ernst, 1873--, Kapt zS aD}

    Posen: Kapit?n zS von Krosigh {Wilhelm, 1871-1953, char KontAdm zS aD}

    Kolberg: Kapit?n zS Kurt Frank {1875--, Kapt zS aD}

    Nautilus: Korvettenkapit?n Franz Pfeiffer

    M?we: Kapit?nleutnant dR Lauterbach

    Stralsund: Fregattenkapit?n Bendemann

    T 139: Oberleutnant zS dR Siemer

    T 143: Kapit?nleutnant dR Mudrich

    T 155: Kapit?nleutnant Hugo

    1 160 (later T 152): Oberleutnant zS Nolda

    Steigerwald: Kapit?nleutnant dR W. M?ller (also commander of the 3. Blockade Breaker Group)

    Giffhorn: Kapit?nleutnant dR Kr?tzfeld

    Franken: Kapit?nleutnant dR Berg

    Solingen: Kapit?nleutnant dR Hiller

    Beowulf: Kapit?nleutnant dR Wilde

    T 141: Oberleutnant zS du Roveray

    A 62: Kapit?nleutnant A. Doflein (also commander of the II Mine-seeking Flotilla (?))

    M 89: Leutnant zS Schmall

    M 88: Kapit?nleutnant Tschirsch

    M 78: Leutnant zS dR Voss

    M 70: Oberleutnant zS dR Emde

    A 81: Oberleutnant zS dR Dau {Otto, 1886--, EK1, HH}

    T 67: Leutnant zS dR B?sig

    Direktor Polis: Oberleutnant zS dR Sachse

    Hameln: Oberleutnant zS dR Daumeyer

    Claus Groth: Leutnant zS dR Meyer

    Duisburg: Leutnant zS dR Sch?ller

    Ammon: Kapit?nleutnant dR Heimreich

    Inkula: Oberleutnant zS dR Schulte

    Indianola: Kapit?nleutnant dR Warnke (also the acting commander of the 6. Mine-clearing Half-flotilla (?))

    O. 5 Hochkamp: Leutnant zS dR Kaiser

    O. 1 Framsen: Leutnant zS dR Albrecht

    O. 10 Bayern: Leutnant zS dR Pezenburg

    Bahia Castillos: Hilfs-Kapit?nleutnant (?) Meyer {Not in MERL}

    Buenos Aires: Hilfs-Kapit?nleutnant (?) Ihnen {Not in MERL}

    Cassel: Hilfs-Kapit?nleutnant (?) Vogt {Not in MERL}

    Frankfurt: Hilfs-Kapit?nleutnant (?) G?rchen {Not in MERL}

    Schleswig: Hilfs-Kapit?nleutnant (?) Rehm {Not in MERL}

    Chemnitz: Hilfs-Kapit?nleutnant (?) Mitzlaff {Not in MERL}

    Hannover: Hilfs-Kapit?nleutnant (?) Feyen {Not in MERL}

    Habsburg: Hilfs-Kapit?nleutnant (?) Filler {Not in MERL}

    Altenburg: Hilfs-Kapit?nleutnant (?) Willemsen {Not in MERL}

    Giessen: Hilfs-Kapit?nleutnant (?) Lindemann {Not in MERL}

    Badenia: Hilfs-Kapit?nleutnant (?) Krause {Not in MERL}

    Equity: F?hnrich zS dSWII Schubert (see below about equity) {Paul, 1881--, on ?Equity? February to November 1918, char Oberlt zS dSWII aD}

    Arnold K?pke: Euler {Not in MERL}

    Helene Hugo Stinnes: Deckoffizier-Ingeneur (??) Krempel {Not in MERL}

    Adeline Hugo Stinnes: Deckoffizier-Ingeneur (??) Howelmann {Not in MERL}

    Westphalia: Captain (what?) Berendt {Not in MERL}

    M?we (another one): Captain (?) Beutel {Not in MERL}

    Viola: Dr. Dumas (Hospital Ship) {Wilhelm, 1873--, Marine-Stabsarzt dR aD}

    Imperator: Dr. Valentin (Hospital Ship) {Erwin, 1883--, Marine-Oberstabsarzt aD 1924}

    Various Officers:

    Fregattenkapit?n von Rosenberg (PlM, chief of the Baltic Sea Mine-seeking Detachment)

    Kapit?nleutnant Hermann M?ller (chief of 9. Mine-seeking Half-flotilla (?)) {name? no match found in MERL}

    Kapit?nleutnant v. Zitzewitz (chief of 4. Mine-seeking Half-flotilla (?))

    Korvettenkapit?n August Altvater (chief of 2. Mine-Clearing Division (?))

    Kapit?nleutnant zS dSWI Wiehr (chief of Mine-clearing Half-detachment ) {Paul, 1868-after 1939, char KorvKapt d SW1 aD, retired as Commodore of the Hamburg America Line, see his name on a search on this website for medal bar = EK2, HH, MK2, HCX, XX, WF3a, SA3a-- NO Finnish awards}

    Kapit?nleutnant Weigden (chief of III Mine-clearing Flotilla (?)) {Not in MERL}

    Kapit?nleutnant dSWI Sch?nian (chief of 6. Mine-clearing Half-flotilla) {Willy, 1882- died in Libau 25 July 1918}

    Leutnant zS Bachmann (Submarine-chaser School (?))

    Kapit?n zS Irmer (Chief of Transport Flotilla)

    Korvettenkapit?n W?lfing (Admirality-officer of the Transport Flotilla) {Paul W?lfing (von Ditten 1922), 1880-1953, Vizeadm zV aD}

    Korvettenkapit?n Robertson (chief of Transport Flotilla's I Group)

    Korvettenkapit?n Rebensburg (chief of Transport Flotilla's II Group)

    Fregattenkapit?n Keller (chief of Transport Flotilla's III Group)

    Kapit?nleutnant Brunswig (Landings-chief of SMS Westfalen) {Hermann, 1883-- , char KorvKapt zS aD, Meck-StrelitzK1 & 2, EK2, BrK}

    Kapit?nleutnant Eckerlin (Landings-chief of SMS Posen) {Richard, 1880--, char FregKapt zS aD 1923, EK2, OK2, OV3b}

    Korvettenkapit?n Paschen (chief of Detachment von Brandenstein's Naval Transport Detachement)

    Kapit?nleutnant dR Bartz (Naval Officer of Hanko) {Rudolf, 1878-- , KaptLt zS dR aD, EK2}

    Fregattenkapit?n Willy Meyer (Naval Officer of Helsinki, later replaced by Kapit?nleutnant Wustrau)

    Korvettenkapit?n Reuter (German naval Attach? at Helsinki)

    Konteradmiral von Usslar (commander of Baltic navy since 1 June) {Ludolf yes Ludolf, 1867-1939, char VizeAdm zS aD}

    Hauptmann dR of Marine-Infantry (?) Brink {?? Christian Brinck, 1871--, MERL shows only 1. Ers See Baon so ???}

    Kapit?nleutnant dR Harder { ?? KaptLt zS dR Friedrich, 1878-- , Vorpostenhalbflotille Ost, EK1, MK2, LD2}

    Oberleutnant zS Gustav Pezold (Made two trips as commander of "Equity" to Finland before the war, transporting weapons and j?gers to Finland, so probably got an CoL of some sort too)

    {Not in MERL}


    ..and some airmen:

    Leutnant zS Droege

    Hauptman Georg Liebermann von Sonnenberg

    Leutnant Haehner

    Unteroffizier ?opkowski (Schopkowski?)

    Sergeant Br?mer

    Unteroffizier Adolf Rippich (born 14.8.1896, Killed 29.4.1918, FFA 16)

    Leutnant Hosmann

    Leutnant dR Lehmann (Lehman?)

    Vizefeldwebel Margoll

    Leutnant Konrad Gustav Friedrich von B?low-Bothkamp (born 26.6.1895, Killed 11.8.1918 in Finland)

    Leutnant Willy Blanck (Killed 11.8.1918 in Finland, probably at the same time as von B?low-Bothkamp)

    here is a .pdf file where you can read more about the German air activity in Finland in 1918.

    Guest Rick Research

    I'll be back in a bit with the navy, from post 18, since they are easiest/quickest for me to do. Still working through the army!

    As with Pete's army entries, where I have added something, that is in {brackets}. At this stage I am going for first names and any birth/death dates and subsequent highest ranks, with brief notes of remarkable awards, intending eventually to fill in more complete awards for identifying groups.


      landsknechte said:

    Do we know whether or not Rittmeister von Ehrenkrook was present for the liberation of Helsinki in 1918?


    He sure was. But did he got the commemorative medal for that, is another question.


    • 2 years later...
    Posted (edited)

    Excellent list! Thanks for amazing effort!!!!

    I want to contribute something in to this thread and give one of those men "face" (Picture I dont have but all his documents)

    2. Bayerische Gebirgs-Artillerie-Abteilung:

    Leutnant Oppenheim

    (I believe my documents belong to this man even name is Oppenheimer, or did miss my Oppenheim from the lists?)

    First page of Soldbuch

    Edited by Jani Tiainen

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