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    A Researched Suvorov 3rd Class

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    Award Document

    1. Last name, first name and Patronymic YEL?TSOV Boris Aleksandrovich

    2. Rank Major 3. Duty Title, Unit Commander 63rd Independent Motorized ? Pontoon ? Bridge Battalion.

    Submitted for the Government Award of the Order of Suvorov 3rd Class.

    4. Year of Birth 1917 5. Nationality Russian

    6. Party Membership Member of the CPSU

    7. Participation in the Civil War, subsequent combat actions in the defense of the USSR, and the Great Patriotic War (when, where)--In the Great Patriotic War since June 1941.

    8. Wounds or contusions received in the Great Patriotic War?none

    9. In the Red Army since?September 1936

    10. Which RVK recommended?Kuybishevskim RVK.

    11. Previous Awards (for what actions)--Order of the Red Star 8.6.43, Patriotic War 2 Cl. 20.7.44, Patriotic War 2 Cl. 3.10.44, Patriotic War 1 Cl. 27.2.45.

    12. Permanent home address of applicant and the address of his family


    Brief, concise description of personal combat exploits or merit .

    Major Yel?tsov, Commander of the 63rd Independent Motorized-Pontoon-Bridge Battalion, during the crossing of the River Oder by units of the 8th Guards Army, He provided for 10 hours, two ferry crossings which carried loads between 30 and 60 tons.

    During this time, under pressure from enemy artillery fire and bombardment from aircraft, these crossings twice went out of order. Major Yel?tsov remained always at the crossings, personally leading the restoration of the crossings so that tanks and artillery could continue to the West bank of the River Oder ensuring the rapid accumulation of the 8th Guards Army for a decisive offensive attack.

    After learning of the order to build a bridge that could withstand loads of 60 tons with a length of 250 meters in the vicinity of Kustrin, Major Yel?tsov led and organized the work in spite of the continued destruction of the spans of the bridge and the loss of personnel from artillery fire and enemy aviation. The construction of the bridge was completed by his unit twenty four hours ahead of schedule. This bridge played a major role in the passage of heavy loads and equipment to the bridgehead for the decisive advance.

    With this breach in the German defenses along the River Oder and the gains of the leading attackers toward the River Spree and Teltow Canal in the vicinity of Berlin, Major Yel?tsov in a short time ensured the passage of troops to the Western shore contributing to the encirclement of the garrison of German troops in the City of Berlin and the destruction of the Berlin Garrison.

    For the outstanding fulfillment of the task of commanding the crossing of the troops of the 8th Guards Army, ensuring the exploitation of the encirclement and liquidation of the Berlin Garrison, Major Yel?tsov deserves to be awarded the government order of Suvorov 3rd Class.

    Commander 7th Motorized-Pontoon-Bridge Lodz

    Red Banner Order of Suvorov Brigade RGK

    General ? Major Inzhvoysk

    ?15? May 1945

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