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    Hi Rick,

    Brunswick from 1914 until 1916 is done... :cheers::cheers:

    Allers Hermann Bra Student Jolzminden J Bra BrRM 00.00.1911

    Asche Karl Bra Sch?ler Neubr?ck J Bra BrRM 00.00.1899

    Beck August Bra Kontordiener Braunschweig J Bra BrRM 00.00.1872

    Becker I. Pr Musketier Braunschweig IR 92 J Bra BrRM 00.00.1884

    Beims Albert Bra Metallschleifer Braunschweig J Bra BrRM 00.00.1907

    Bremer August Bra Bahnarbeiter Holzminden J Bra BrRM 00.00.1914

    Bubeck Heinrich Bra Kaufmann Bremen J Bra BrRM 00.00.1907

    Busse Wilhelm Bra Postillon Braunschweig J Bra BrRM 00.00.1891

    Buttenberg Bra Steiger Frellstedt J Bra BrRM 00.00.1890

    B?hle August Bra Brieftr?ger Braunschweig J Bra BrRM 00.00.1903

    B?hmke Heinrich Bra BadeMstr Braunschweig J Bra BrRM 00.00.1899

    B?ndel Konrad Bra Sch?ler Holzminden J Bra BrRM 00.00.1902

    B?tticher Bra OSteuerkontrolleur Blankenburg J Bra BrRM 00.00.1892

    Cuers Wilhelm Bra Steuersupernummerar Braunschweig J Bra BrRM 00.00.1878

    Dehn Christian Bra Student Braunschweig J Bra BrRM 00.00.1910

    Dony Kurt Bra Student Braunschweig J Bra BrRM 00.00.1912

    Ehlers Bernhard Pr Ser Braunschweig IR 92 J Bra BrRM 00.00.1912

    Engelke Bruno Bra B?ckerMstr Wieda J Bra BrRM 00.00.1899

    Erdmann Walter Bra Sch?ler Braunschweig J Bra BrRM 00.00.1912

    Fesq Walter Mar Matrose Riddagshausen J Bra BrRM 00.00.1904

    F?rster Bra Steueraufseher Gandersheim J Bra BrRM 00.00.1883

    Genter Heinrich Bra Musiker Gandersheim J Bra BrRM 00.00.1912

    Genzel Leonhard Bra Musiker Holzminden J Bra BrRM 00.00.1881

    Gier Bra W?chter K?nigslutter J Bra BrRM 00.00.1913

    Gl?ser Fritz Bra G?rtnergehilfe Braunschweig J Bra BrRM 00.00.1908

    Gohl Hugo Bra Handlungsgehilfe Braunschweig J Bra BrRM 00.00.1909

    Gottschlick Emil Pr Musketier Braunschweig IR 92 J Bra BrRM 00.00.1908

    Grahl Christian Bra Schmiedelehrling Emlinghausen J Bra BrRM 00.00.1912

    Grimm Hans Bra Landwirt Thedinghausen J Bra BrRM 00.00.1909

    Grote Alexander Bra OTertianer Holzminden J Bra BrRM 00.00.1881

    Gr?fe Julius Bra Tischler Sier?e J Bra BrRM 00.00.1905

    G?nther Alfred Bra Kaufmann Braunschweig J Bra BrRM 00.00.1907

    Heyne Pr UFF Braunschweig IR 92 J Bra BrRM 00.00.1885

    Hund Hermann Bra Maschinenschlosser Teichh?tte J Bra BrRM 00.00.1909

    Husung Karl Bra Zimmergeselle Greene J Bra BrRM 00.00.1880

    Idczak Josef Bra Bergmann ?lsburg J Bra BrRM 00.00.1904

    Kaesewieter Albert Bra SteuerInsp Braunschweig J Bra BrRM 00.00.1903

    Kraatz Willi Bra Malerlehrling Braunschweig J Bra BrRM 00.00.1900

    Kricheldorff Hermann Bra Kaufmannslehrling Braunschweig J Bra BrRM 00.00.1913

    Kr?mer Artur Bra K?rschner Braunschweig J Bra BrRM 00.00.1901

    Kumlehn Hermann Bra Lotteriehauptkontrolleur Braunschweig J Bra BrRM 00.00.1904

    K?chler Otto Bra G?rtner Braunschweig J Bra BrRM 00.00.1914

    Lampe Robert Bra Schlachtergeselle Braunschweig J Bra BrRM 00.00.1910

    Lieben Ferdinand Bra Maurerpolier Wenzen J Bra BrRM 00.00.1878

    Lindemann O. Bra Soldat Braunschweig J Bra BrRM 00.00.1870

    Lippelt Kurt Bra PolizeiSer Braunschweig J Bra BrRM 00.00.1912

    Luja Wilhelm Bra Malergehilfe Braunschweig J Bra BrRM 00.00.1895

    Mack Bra Apothekergehilfe Thedinghausen J Bra BrRM 00.00.1909

    Mast Rudi Bra Forstschutzlehrling Gandersheim J Bra BrRM 00.00.1896

    Maul Wilhelm Bra Ackergehilfe Veltenhof J Bra BrRM 00.00.1914

    Maushake Hugo Bra Kaufmann Braunschweig J Bra BrRM 00.00.1904

    Meyer Helmuth Bra Sch?ler Braunschweig J Bra BrRM 00.00.1913

    Meyer Konrad Bra Stra?enfeger Braunschweig J Bra BrRM 00.00.1903

    Mlaske Franz Bra Lohgerbergeselle Gandersheim J Bra BrRM 00.00.1902

    Mohmeyer Gustav Bra Formstecher Braunschweig J Bra BrRM 00.00.1886

    Natalis Friedrich Bra Polytechniker Braunschweig J Bra BrRM 00.00.1887

    Oppermann Heinrich Bra Schlosserlehrling Braunschweig J Bra BrRM 00.00.1907

    Otto Ewald Bra Student Braunschweig J Bra BrRM 00.00.1913

    Papenburg Walter Bra Sch?ler Braunschweig J Bra BrRM 00.00.1912

    Pfannkuche Bra Techniker Helmstedt J Bra BrRM 00.00.1886

    Reckler Fritz Bra G?rtnerlehrling Wenden J Bra BrRM 00.00.1903

    Ro?bach Paul Bra Schlosser Wolfenb?ttel J Bra BrRM 00.00.1910

    R?hland Ad. Bra PolizeiOWM Braunschweig J Bra BrRM 00.00.1911

    Salge Rudolf Bra Handlungsgehilfe Braunschweig J Bra BrRM 00.00.1895

    Salomon Julius Bra Halbsp?nner Pabstorf J Bra BrRM 00.00.1896

    Schiffmann Alfred Bra Klempner Braunschweig J Bra BrRM 00.00.1901

    Schiller Dr. Rudolf Bra Apotheker Braunschweig J Bra BrRM 00.00.1910

    Schlue Wilhelm Pr OSchirrMstr Wolfenb?ttel Art-Nebendepot J Bra BrRM 00.00.1913

    Schneider Adolf Bra Hauptseminarist Wolfenb?ttel J Bra BrRM 00.00.1915

    Schneider Paul Pr Feuerwerker Wolfenb?ttel ArtDepot J Bra BrRM 00.00.1903

    Schrader Pr UFF Braunschweig IR 92 J Bra BrRM 00.00.1882

    Schulz Hermann Bra Trompeter Braunschweig HR 17 J Bra BrRM 00.00.1880

    Sch?fer Fr. Ed. Bra Arbeiter Ahlum J Bra BrRM 00.00.1898

    Sch?ppe Karl Bra Lehrer Braunschweig J Bra BrRM 00.00.1886

    Spies Gustav Bra Primaner Wolfenb?ttel J Bra BrRM 00.00.1887

    Stelling Karl Bra Maschinenw?rter Braunschweig J Bra BrRM 00.00.1903

    Steltzer Jog. Chr. Bra Kollegianer Braunschweig J Bra BrRM 00.00.1861

    Sternberg Karl Bra M?llergeselle Helmstedt J Bra BrRM 00.00.1895

    St?lting Martin Bra Gymnasiast Helmstedt J Bra BrRM 00.00.1886

    Wilhelms Franz Bra Kontorist Braunschweig J Bra BrRM 00.00.1873

    Willikens Bra H?ttenDir Bad Harzburg J Bra BrRM 00.00.1886

    W?hlbier Wilhelm Bra Gep?cktr?ger Braunschweig J Bra BrRM 00.00.1905

    W?lk Friedrich Bra Bergmann Wolsdorf J Bra BrRM 00.00.1909

    Zimmermann Erich Bra Hilfslehrer Wendeburg J Bra BrRM 00.00.1905

    Campe Bra Rittergutsbesitzer Deensen J Bra BrRM 00.00.1895

    Grone Pr H Braunschweig Fl?geladj. Herzog J Bra BrRM 00.00.1914

    Werlhof Karl Pr L Braunschweig HR 17 J Bra BrRM 00.00.1912


    Werner, Did you use the state and court book for you BrRm list? the 1916 Br. St. und Crt. lists all RM holders from 1861 forward.

    Guest Rick Research

    :jumping: :cheers: Werner! I have a feeling my ribbon bar belonged to an NCO so he will be dissguised as a civilian on the list if not one of the active duty "invisible" NCOs. Paul will get the Court And State to me and I will type out grades of the Henry the Lion to compare who had BOTH among these people.


    Hi ,

    yes, I use the state and court book and have listed all awards. Now I must complete them with the original rolls.... :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:

    Rick show me your ribbon bar and I will look about.

    I don't know if I had shown it....

    Guest Rick Research

    Hoho-- mitX on THAT for Dt SWA should be "easy" with the rolls!!! :jumping::cheers:

    Mine is more tricky since ONLY the two peacetime Brunswick awards are on any List anywhere:

    Guest Rick Research

    So THAT'S why he never got commissioned! This is what's left for my Suspects List, then: after removing people with known groups of other awards, ancient civilians, school boys AFTER 1897 etc:

    Asche Karl Bra Sch?ler Neubr?ck J Bra BrRM 00.00.1899

    B?hle August Bra Brieftr?ger Braunschweig J Bra BrRM 00.00.1903

    Beims Albert Bra Metallschleifer Braunschweig J Bra BrRM 00.00.1907

    Bremer August Bra Bahnarbeiter Holzminden J Bra BrRM 00.00.1914

    Bubeck Heinrich Bra Kaufmann Bremen J Bra BrRM 00.00.1907

    Campe Bra Rittergutsbesitzer Deensen J Bra BrRM 00.00.1895

    Ehlers Bernhard Pr Ser Braunschweig IR 92 J Bra BrRM 00.00.1912

    Fesq Walter Mar Matrose Riddagshausen J Bra BrRM 00.00.1904

    Genter Heinrich Bra Musiker Gandersheim J Bra BrRM 00.00.1912

    Gier Bra W?chter K?nigslutter J Bra BrRM 00.00.1913

    Gl?ser Fritz Bra G?rtnergehilfe Braunschweig J Bra BrRM 00.00.1908

    Gohl Hugo Bra Handlungsgehilfe Braunschweig J Bra BrRM 00.00.1909

    Grimm Hans Bra Landwirt Thedinghausen J Bra BrRM 00.00.1909

    Gr?fe Julius Bra Tischler Sier?e J Bra BrRM 00.00.1905

    G?nther Alfred Bra Kaufmann Braunschweig J Bra BrRM 00.00.1907

    Hund Hermann Bra Maschinenschlosser Teichh?tte J Bra BrRM 00.00.1909

    Idczak Josef Bra Bergmann ?lsburg J Bra BrRM 00.00.1904

    Kaesewieter Albert Bra SteuerInsp Braunschweig J Bra BrRM 00.00.1903

    Kr?mer Artur Bra K?rschner Braunschweig J Bra BrRM 00.00.1901

    Kricheldorff Hermann Bra Kaufmannslehrling Braunschweig J Bra BrRM 00.00.1913

    K?chler Otto Bra G?rtner Braunschweig J Bra BrRM 00.00.1914

    Lippelt Kurt Bra PolizeiSer Braunschweig J Bra BrRM 00.00.1912

    Luja Wilhelm Bra Malergehilfe Braunschweig J Bra BrRM 00.00.1895

    Mast Rudi Bra Forstschutzlehrling Gandersheim J Bra BrRM 00.00.1896

    Maul Wilhelm Bra Ackergehilfe Veltenhof J Bra BrRM 00.00.1914

    Meyer Konrad Bra Stra?enfeger Braunschweig J Bra BrRM 00.00.1903

    Ro?bach Paul Bra Schlosser Wolfenb?ttel J Bra BrRM 00.00.1910

    R?hland Ad. Bra PolizeiOWM Braunschweig J Bra BrRM 00.00.1911

    Salge Rudolf Bra Handlungsgehilfe Braunschweig J Bra BrRM 00.00.1895

    Salomon Julius Bra Halbsp?nner Pabstorf J Bra BrRM 00.00.1896

    Sch?fer Fr. Ed. Bra Arbeiter Ahlum J Bra BrRM 00.00.1898

    Schiffmann Alfred Bra Klempner Braunschweig J Bra BrRM 00.00.1901

    Schiller Dr. Rudolf Bra Apotheker Braunschweig J Bra BrRM 00.00.1910

    Schlue Wilhelm Pr OSchirrMstr Wolfenb?ttel Art-Nebendepot J Bra BrRM 00.00.1913

    Spies Gustav Bra Primaner Wolfenb?ttel J Bra BrRM 00.00.1887 DtOrdAlm Amtsrichter?LD2

    Stelling Karl Bra Maschinenw?rter Braunschweig J Bra BrRM 00.00.1903

    Sternberg Karl Bra M?llergeselle Helmstedt J Bra BrRM 00.00.1895

    W?hlbier Wilhelm Bra Gep?cktr?ger Braunschweig J Bra BrRM 00.00.1905

    W?lk Friedrich Bra Bergmann Wolsdorf J Bra BrRM 00.00.1909

    Here are the birthdates of three recipients of the "BrRM" who were members of the Reichsbund der Inhaber der Rettungsmedaille E.V. in 1937--

    Maushake, Hugo: born 24.09.1882

    Sch?ppe, Karl: born 27.08.1859

    Zimmermann, Erich: born 15.11.1885

    Sincethe RBdInh dRM E.V. directory does not say WHICH lifesaving medal was held, didn't know they had the one from Brunswick. Everyone else in the Brunswick local group apparently had a PRUSSIAN "?"


    Hi Rick,

    what do you mean???? :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:

    Husung Karl Bra Zimmergeselle Greene J Bra BrRM 00.00.1880

    Husung Bra KreiszimmerMstr Greene J Bra BrHdL 5b 00.00.1909

    Lindemann O. Bra Soldat Braunschweig J Bra BrRM 00.00.1870

    Lindemann Dr. Otto Bra H?tteninspektor aD Goslar J Bra BrHdL 3b 00.00.1913

    Maushake Hugo Bra Kaufmann Braunschweig J Bra BrRM 00.00.1904

    Maushake Bra Rentner Dobbeln J Bra BrHdL 5a 00.00.1908

    R?hland Ad. Bra PolizeiOWM Braunschweig J Bra BrRM 00.00.1911

    R?hland Bra KriminalpolizeiOWM Braunschweig J Bra BrHdL 5a 00.00.1910

    Schiller Dr. Rudolf Bra Apotheker Braunschweig J Bra BrHdL 3b 00.00.1912

    Schiller Dr. Rudolf Bra Apotheker Braunschweig J Bra BrRM 00.00.1910

    Guest Rick Research

    Husung Karl Bra Zimmergeselle Greene J Bra BrRM 00.00.1880

    Husung Bra KreiszimmerMstr Greene J Bra BrHdL 5b 00.00.1909

    Naaaaaahhhhh, TOO OLD for 1916 ribbon bar with 4 frontline awards

    Lindemann O. Bra Soldat Braunschweig J Bra BrRM 00.00.1870

    Lindemann Dr. Otto Bra H?tteninspektor aD Goslar J Bra BrHdL 3b 00.00.1913

    Naaaaaahhhhh, WAAAAY TOO OLD -- he was an 1870 veteran (Orders Almanac)

    Maushake Hugo Bra Kaufmann Braunschweig J Bra BrRM 00.00.1904

    Maushake Bra Rentner Dobbeln J Bra BrHdL 5a 00.00.1908

    Maybe that was TWO maushakes? Could somebody 26 be a rentner? The BrRM recipient (if these are two different men) was only 15 in 1897, so my ribbon bar can't be his

    R?hland Ad. Bra PolizeiOWM Braunschweig J Bra BrRM 00.00.1911

    R?hland Bra KriminalpolizeiOWM Braunschweig J Bra BrHdL 5a 00.00.1910

    Could be, could be. A Feldgendarme during the war?

    Schiller Dr. Rudolf Bra Apotheker Braunschweig J Bra BrHdL 3b 00.00.1912

    Schiller Dr. Rudolf Bra Apotheker Braunschweig J Bra BrRM 00.00.1910

    Could be, could be-- called up for the war-- it will all depend on finding out his age!



    I looked threw the list but didn't find one I suspect more than others - I didn't find any officer. Maybe he got it before his career. But, what rank has this Werlhof? Sorry, don't get all the abbreviations here...

    Guest Rick Research

    My ribbon bar's wearer was on active duty on 22 March 1897 (Centenary Medal) so even if a reservist or draftee or One Year Volunteer, he'd have had to have been born about 1876.

    No officer match, so either one of the NCOs or policemen or a civilian reservist "disguised" here by his day job title. If nobody else had any grade of the Henry the Lion, that brings suspects down to R?hland (typically policemen were ex career NCOs) or the pharmacist Dr. Schiller who may never have been commissioned as either a pharmacist or a reserve officer before the war.

    My bet would be on R?hland.

    Werlhof was a Leutnant when the war started... so impossible to be him.

    That's how I've eliminated people.


    Werner, I hava a 1913, 1914 and 1915 Brunswick Court and States handbook. Do you have or know if the Brunswick C/S exist for 1916, 1917 or 1918? I would love to get a copy of those years.

    Guest Rick Research

    Rick-- That's the designation here for "Braunschweigisch" for natives, while "Pr" indicates "Preu?isch" and so forth.

    It's kind of like Mad Scientist "equation shorthand" or whatever. :unsure: "Research gnomish." :rolleyes:


    Werlhof was a Leutnant when the war started... so impossible to be him.

    Oh, me fool was talking about my bars, but forgot to mention. But though, you could have remembered them as there are not "to many" out... ;)

    So: Werlhof was a Leutnant when the war started... so possible to be him?! It is almost the same as Werner's bar to von Grone, but not exactely - Oldenburg and Austria, plus yet I'm ignoring the pre-war orders as they were not always worn on war time ribbon bars.

    Is there a list with Bavarian MVOs to Non-Bavarians...?


    Guest Rick Research

    Nope.. you've absolutely got von Grone's bars: double Lifesavings, BMV4X, MK2... like you say, Fashion Statement versions of not all his awards being worn. Why, out of all his peacetime German Orders, he should have decided with these ONLY to wear his OV3b...

    maybe these were his "When Friedrich August comes to visit" bars.

    BMV4X 15 May 1916.

    What is really odd is that he should have slighted Prussia's "?" so badly when by all regulations it should have been in second position-- but yours confirm that Brunswick "BrRM" wearers tossed this award at the back end of their groups. Weird for something so important!


    Rick-- That's the designation here for "Braunschweigisch" for natives, while "Pr" indicates "Preu?isch" and so forth.

    It's kind of like Mad Scientist "equation shorthand" or whatever. :unsure: "Research gnomish." :rolleyes:

    Thanks, makes sense which is no doubt why I couldn't figure it out :banger: R.

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