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    To ALL

    My latest addition, a Baden trap bar. The condition is alittle rough but I like it!

    Besides the early, beautiful Long Service maltese cross that Badeners used (Wild Card has shown one previously), what could be another choice for the long service position for this time frame (early 1900s)?



    Posted (edited)

    Hello Steve:

    Since it is very likely that this fellow received his long service award prior to 1913, and he was probably not an Officer, it is likely that he wore one of the custom enamelled long-service bars for NCO's/enlisted-men that was made with a ribbon ring. I have Prussian examples in my collection.

    I'm sure that Saschaw can show you what one looks like. The question is, which one did he have? It is not possible to be 100% certain. Congratulations regarding this very nice bar!

    I love these groups with the classic "Strassburg" and "An der Lisane" bars of the XIV A.K. (v. Werder)!


    Edited by Schie?platzmeister

    Ah, you got that one. Nothing special - but a nice one.

    The condition is a little rough but I like it!

    For a pre 1900 NCO bar this is almost as good as it can get. I have (and have seen) many, really many that were worse. This one is still quite good. ;)

    SPM's right, as he was a EM or NCO he cannot have had a cross but a clasp. Those generic groups are mostly see with the Reserve/Landwehr clasp (hardly seen the enemaled version) and somewhat rarer with military long service awards. Attached my "standard" enemaled private purchase for Reserve/Landwehr..



    And an extremly crude 3rd class, single mounted - not enemaled but cast and painted. Not nice, but rar. Anyone knows those... ?


    Posted (edited)

    I wanted to post this for a long time, but I never found the right place.

    It is not that special, but it is from my familiy, so it?s special to me (and not for sale btw.).

    Like Schie?platzmeister noted it also has the "classic "Strassburg" and "An der Lisane" bars of the XIV A.K. (v. Werder)".

    Can some of you refer me to some litereature of that chapter of german history? I?m willing to learn as much as I can about the 70/71 war, but I need a start.

    Thx in advance.

    You see that the bar has some corrosion, any advice on that. I alway read "do nothing, leave it like it is", but if it damages the bar in the end?

    Edited by gutemuh

    Yes, nothing special...but I like to see these service ribbons.

    Thank you kindly Saschaw and SPM for helping me with the pics and info for Baden's NCO Long service.


    BTW: Very nice Trap bar Gutemuh, especially with family ties.

    Guest Rick Research

    Any of the M1913 long service awards would go on there "easier" to find than the pendant form of the old long service brooches. He could have been a career NCO or a reservist so anything from an LD2 to an XV Cross is appropriate.


    I wanted to post this for a long time, but I never found the right place.

    It is not that special, but it is from my familiy, so it?s special to me (and not for sale btw.).

    Like Schie?platzmeister noted it also has the "classic "Strassburg" and "An der Lisane" bars of the XIV A.K. (v. Werder)".

    Can some of you refer me to some litereature of that chapter of german history? I?m willing to learn as much as I can about the 70/71 war, but I need a start.

    Thx in advance.

    You see that the bar has some corrosion, any advice on that. I alway read "do nothing, leave it like it is", but if it damages the bar in the end?

    Hello Gutemuh:

    There is the multi-volume Official History of the 1870-71 War which is available in its original German, and there are even English language reprints available from The Battery Press, Nashville. This is the "Bible" of the conflict which is very thorough.

    For a less-detailed overview, there is the book in German and English (The Franco=German War) by v. Moltke which is readily available.

    A book that I really love is "Der Krieg gegen Frankreich 1870-71" by Th. Lindner.

    And of course, if this doesn't give you enough information, you can always look in the regimental histories of the Baden units covering the 1870-71 war period.

    Best regards,



    Any of the M1913 long service awards would go on there "easier" to find than the pendant form of the old long service brooches. He could have been a career NCO or a reservist so anything from an LD2 to an XV Cross is appropriate.

    Mhh, but that would make the bar 1913 era. Less likely, isn't it? Those exist and I know, but this one anyway looks "older"...

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