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    Deutsche Bahnpolizei-an officers uniform

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    Since Paul has started us off on a Deutsche Bundesbahn line, I thought I would continue with a recently acquired Deutsche Baunpolizei uniform. This is a very early uniform that dates from the 50s. This railway police unit was absorbed into the Bundesgrenschutz in the early 90s. The uniforms are therefor scarce and sought after. Particularly in Germany were this one came from. It is composed of visor cap, great coat, shirt, breeches, holster and leather belt, grey kid leather gloves plus the boots. I am assuming whoever sold what I bought kept, or sold separately, the tunic. Most frustrating for me as this would have been complete with the tunic and really too bad to see it broken up. Now on with the pictures. I can not show the boots on the mannequin because they will not fit over the bulging calves. The tie is a Bundesluftwaffe one.

    Edited by Gordon Craig
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    Belt and holster. The holster has extra long belt loops that have been made smaller by being machine sewn. This holster was probably one of the ones suspended by a belt inside the tunic then through the righ hip pocket to sit on the outside of the tunic. The extra long belt loops do not show up in the photo. The holster is not maked. The belt is but the markings are not readable.

    Edited by Gordon Craig
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    I have never seen one of those before!! It is a very high quality uniform! This guy was most likely a WW2 Bahnschutz veteran!! Very nice set! I am sorry to see it was broken up...


    This was the first one that I had seen as well. Very early in the post war years and as you say superb quality in the coat. Its an Alkero cap but the sweat shield has seen a lot of wear and is only half there so doesn't photograph well. I'll have to follwo this auction house to see if the tunic comes up for sale some time. Like you, I would like to see it back together again. I also suspect that the original owner saw wartime service and would love to have at least seen the tunic to get a look at any ribbon bar that may have been on it. I have a white topped visor cap from about the same era, no pictures though as it is in storage, plus a later time frame Deutsche Bahnpolizei tunic.




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