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    Bavarian Reserve J?ger EK doc..

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    Just picked this up today...

    Unfortunately the bastard sons of the Bavarian J?gers the 1st Reserve J?gers were not in the Alpenkorps...

    At this stage they were with the 5th bavarian Reserve Division, May 1915 was the schlacht at La Bassee/Arras, the 5th BRD was at Carency_Souchez when the French attacked, the division lost heavily, the J?gers lost 13 officers and 750 men.

    I assume Schumacher was one of the lucky ones.... Maybe wounded, at least still alive at that time....

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    Guest Rick Research

    A future Tamara holder if he lived that long. :rolleyes:

    Karl Ritter von D?well (1869-1930) commanded from 4 August 1914 until transferred on 16 October 1916.

    Aschauer's 1926 "Auf Schicksalswegen gen Osten" starts with Romania in 1916, but 1935's (Band 85 in the Erinnerungsbl?tter deutscher Regimenter series) "Das K.B. Reserve-J?ger-Bataillon Nr. 1 (K.B. J?ger-Regiment Nr. 15" by Muggenthaler, Ritter von Pfl?gel, and Schuring contains a casualty list. Unfortunately I did not ask the Bavarian War Archive to copy that section for me at the end of the 1970s when I was doing university honors thesis work on Georgia.

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    Guest Rick Research

    Maybe that's his own memorial map of where he won it-- though the numbers ????

    Hillebrandt does not seem to have been in Georgia. The 1935 unit history shows platoon and staff asignments with Vizefeldwebels in place of Leutnants-- HAD to lower the command ranks to whistle up a regiment on the spot out of a battalion-- and he's not listed. Might have been commissioned and sent to another unit.

    Everyone who won a BMVK2X or EK1 up is named in the 1935, but a rapid flick through my 1917-1919 pages didn't show him. At least not with more over 30 year old pencilled notes.

    The inglorious Final Version of this unit's EK 2 Urkunden-- written out and presented aboard transport "Minna Horn" while passing the White Cliffs of Dover:

    One wonders what wandering Britons on the cliffs thought of the old rust bucket chugging along while an oompah band played "Deutschland ?ber Alles" out there in the post-war waters.....

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    Guest Rick Research

    SAME unit. Just re-invented the numbers. :rolleyes: 1st Bavarian Reserve J?ger Battalion = 1/3 of the 29th J?ger Regiment (in Ukraine and Crimea) = 100% (including absorbed ex-POWs and Tsarist volunteers) 15th Bavarian J?ger Regiment (in Georgia).

    I've always hoped to get a set of documents with all three designations to somebody who never left the same company! :cheeky:

    The complete 29th (from which what became the 15th was detached in situ) also transferred from the Ukraine to Georgia, but the Schaumburg and Holstein battalions of the 29th only left strays from their personnel behind to get Tamaras:

    THEN, of course, the returning 15th got split up and half went home through the Russian Civil War and the other half sailed back via the English Channel and....

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    • 3 months later...

    Speaking of the 15th, will be posting the Tamara award doc for J?ger Schott des bayrischen J?ger Regiment 15 which i won at a German auction.

    any possibility of learning more about who this was?

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    Guest Rick Research

    I've copied the Personal Nachrichten awards for as many of the unit as I could detect from when I had 1918 Personal Nachrichtens from the Library of Congress 32 years ago.

    The awards were listed as "of a Reserve J?ger Battalion" but (doh!!)when there are TWO in a row with that "war security" designation... guess which was the 1st and which was the 2nd? :rolleyes::cheeky:

    Will have to see what company he was in to tell which way he came home and whether he was in Freikorps-for-a-day W?rzburg or not. Put that in the Tamara thread since these are all Iron Crosses here. :cheers:

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