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    Italy - Is this ribbon bar Italian?

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    I'm not an expert for Italian decorations, but it looks to me like this bar I got is Italian. Could that be

    - Maurizio Lazaro, Knight

    - Italian Crown Order, Commander (crown is colored gold)

    - ?? (Belgian?)

    - French Postal Decoration??

    - ?? (center stripe is faded green)

    What era? 20s? or post-1945?



    Edited by webr55
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    Guest Rick Research

    1) yes

    2) yes

    3) .... ?

    4) WW1 commemorative medal with 3 stars indicating three years (medal's ribbon had full size bars with each year on each one) at the front. (green stripes faded "blue")

    5) United Italy Medal... given out early 1920s/immediate post-WW1 (green dye again faded bluish)

    Since there is no WW1 Victory Medal on here, this is either from the early 1920s before the wearer had his processed OR is after the Axis alliance was announced and it became ... indelicate... to wear that.

    This officer would have been about a Major or Lieutenant Colonel level from the two Italian Orders.

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    Many thanks! I was unaware of the Italian commem medal. The fading looks indeed very blue on #4 and 5.

    #3 I thought Belgian Crown Order because of the purple colour... the precedence is strange but maybe the wearer thought orders before medals...

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    Guest Rick Research

    3) Been checking my Taprell Dorling at the other end of my vast estate and that color-- and position-- was an Italian Medal for 1915-18 Volunteers. I don't know what the crown device indicates-- don't even have an image of the award.

    So.... from THAT clue, I think this is Second War period--

    Since he volunteered for the First War, wasn't a regular THEN... so to have received the two orders, must have been long afterwards.

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    hmmm yes, I found it - "Medaglia di benemerenza per volontari guerra italo-austriaca". Never had a crown though. AND - it seems IF they took precedence seriously, this one would have been behind the Unita d'Italia.

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    • 3 years later...
    • 1 month later...

    All comments are correct.

    The third ribbon is out of place and the crown is unappropriate. The medal is this one:


    Not only the interallied ribbon is missing, also the ribbon of the cross for military merit (given to almost all the soldiers) is not in the list.

    As far as I know nobody weared out the interallied ribbon during the WW2 period.

    My idea is that the ribbon bar is a little "naif"

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