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    Timev Document & Medal Group

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    I have this group that is supposed to be to one person. But the names are not all exactly the same.... Not the first time I have seen this in Bulgarian documents/groups. Why is there such an inconsistency in names/spelling of same?

    Or, are these really not the same person? I thought it was especially interesting that he would have such diverse medals!!

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    I think it is one and the same person. The first name exists in both ways - Evtim and Eftim /it is an old name, nowadays almost unused, but I have two neighbors with that name and have no idea what letter is used in their names actually!/. Both ways sound the same, so such a mistake is very normal.

    The mistake in the second name is possible, too. Sometimes people change the letter like that... especially not very educated people.

    Errors, indeed, but still very possible and normal in my opinion, it's the same guy.

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    Guest Rick Research

    One is made out as a "Candidate for Social Science" (doctorate or bachelor's degrees?).

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    I've got some Bosnian docs to a Medal for Courage holder, the names on the documents really do seem different to me - different middle name. that sort of thing, but a number of interpretors told me that it was all perfectly normal, slightly differnt alias's & the like, normal stuff, same man, just liked a bit of variety.

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    Rick, it's a Doctorate. Copied from the Soviet system. A little post-graduate work, then a short theatre - public defense of a Dissertation /written by the Candidate or by someone else :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :cheers: / and that's it. Of course the main filter was not knowledge/abilities, but political.

    BTW that man Timev was a member of the Central Committee of the Communist Party, probably that's the reason he got such various awards.

    Edited by Theodor
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    I received this group today. I was most surprised and quite happy to see the seller included an additional medal and document along with a number of additional ID's with photos (!!!!!!!!!) of the original recipient!

    Now isn't that refreshing!!

    Details to follow!

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