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    At long last this arrived, my first "old style" ribbon bar. Can't get over the weight on these things, alot more than I expected. Not entirely sure what the last 2 decorations are, I was thinking Japanese Sun & Kite Orders, but just a guess. Any Chance traceable?




    speechless.gif ahhhh - ya no way I can get in under 70K limit - any chance I could send pics to someone to do pity post?

    Luc M

    Guest Rick Research

    Epson scanner. :ninja:

    Failing that best and only solution...

    take whatever you've made on defective and inferior equipment :catjava: and run it through the dinosaur era "paint" buried on your computer--

    Crop wasted space, reduce size to viewable. Post.

    70K is a VAST and UNNEEDED "limit" with an Epson scanner. And is all done in one step without any of the compression / decompression / recompression / regression / recession / divine intercession / nonsense all other defective and inferior equipment forces on the carbon based life forms enslaved to them. :whistle:

    PS: Don't forget the reverse!!!!!!!!!!


    Hi Christophe - thanks so much, email sent

    Rick - ya I'd like an Epson - I'm slumming as far as scanners go - I've cropped and cropped and cropped til I can't crop no moreunsure.gif

    You can only shave so much hair til you're bald...


    Guest Rick Research

    Ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo :jumping::love::jumping::love:

    1) RAO4Kr

    2) KO-- but 3 (normal) or 4 ???

    3) Prussian Long Service (XXV?)

    4) Principality of Hohenzollern Honor Cross (3rd?)

    5) 1897 Centenary Medal

    6) Brunswick House Order-- or has it got METALLIC THREAD yellow edges????

    7) DD3-- is that WHITE with red edges or... ???

    8) Saxe-Coburg 1899 Wedding Jubilee Medal


    Ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo jumping.giflove.gifjumping.giflove.gif

    1) RAO4Kr

    2) KO-- but 3 (normal) or 4 ???

    3) Prussian Long Service (XXV?)

    4) Principality of Hohenzollern Honor Cross (3rd?)

    5) 1897 Centenary Medal

    6) Brunswick House Order-- or has it got METALLIC THREAD yellow edges????

    7) DD3-- is that WHITE with red edges or... ???

    8) Saxe-Coburg 1899 Wedding Jubilee Medal

    #6 - thread doesn't appear mettalic - just yellow

    #7 - correct, white with red edges


    Guest Rick Research

    OK, Brunswick and Denmark.

    I don't find this magnificence holding anything from completed 1914-18 Rolls combinations, which means the mind-destroying process of back-tracking through tens of thousands of pre-war annual Rank List pages. :speechless1::speechless1: :speechless1:

    Guest Rick Research

    Nope. Five EQUAL stripes there green/white/green/white/green.

    We are not having any luck with the 1914 edition, so I suspect this will turn out to be someone who died before the war and

    God help us

    require searching of EVERY annual list from 1899 to 1913 until he is found.


    Guest Rick Research

    Here's a prime example of another Weird Awards Group which could NOT have been identified without a photo of the wearer in uniform, with photographer's studio cities as CLUES.


    That guy also got an HEK3-- for no apparent "reason" whatsoever!!!! :speechless1: :banger:

    Guest Rick Research

    No joy with the 1914 List, Luke?

    I just finished the 1909 with no match found. :( :banger:


    Big negative - a few "foul tips" but no matches!

    No joy with the 1914 List, Luke?

    I just finished the 1909 with no match found. sad.gifbanger.gif


    Every now and then research pays off - no I didn't find the owner of this bar, but going through my 1914 Ranklist I bought from some dealer in Germany (who probably never opened the thing) I stumbled on this along the way. Must be the Irish blood in me cheers.gif

    If the picture isn't great, ya its a real (old) 4 leaf clover - lol.

    Guest Rick Research

    Not to get discouraged as this wonderful Old Style bar languishes--I can't for the life of me figure out the career path that got this guy these awards--

    but here is an example where a PHOTO reveals rank/branch/place and those clues are often the essential missing element--


    because "usually" a combination like yours would leap off the page. ONE of us would remember having turned pages by it. :banger:

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