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    EK1 >opinion's please

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    Hi all,I am new here and thought I would ask your opinion's on this item. I am told it has a magnetic core although as yet I do not have it in my hand's. I am also told that it has no mm. Better picture's can be placed upon it's arrival however as of now these are the only picture's which I have. Your opinion's are valued on the three picture's which you see.

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    As a learner to this area of collecting could you please elaborate on why this is a copy?

    It would be most appreciated.



    Please I want to know as well, I saw a few of these for sale at a local antique store for 150.00-200.00.


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    As a learner to this area of collecting could you please elaborate on why this is a copy?

    It would be most appreciated.



    Hi, Brian.

    Please look at the "1939", especially "3". This is the key. IMHO.

    Regards, Ivan

    Edited by stukapilot
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    Thank you for the replies given. I should say that on studying many of the EK1's that are featured on various site's including those of Experienced dealer's with many many year's in this field giving Lifetime guarantee of it's authenticity (as with this one) that there are very subtle difference's with the numeral "3" as is the case with this one. It could invariably mean that it was a different maker that resulted in this subtle variation of the numeral "3".

    I feel that with No Concrete proof at this time could it be 100% certain that this particular piece is a copy. I also feel that as is the case in most item's of the TR era nothing is just Black & White ,to name just one in the case of Medal Manufacture's is the Pilot Observer's Badge. A close look at these can give very subtle variation's in the wing's from more than 2 differing Manufactures of the EK1.

    Alas,it is a subject that continue's to evolve with time as more of this particular award come to light to gain knowledge from very detailed close examination of this particular piece.

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    It could invariably mean that it was a different maker that resulted in this subtle variation of the numeral "3".

    I feel that with No Concrete proof at this time could it be 100% certain that this particular piece is a copy.

    No problem. Just tell us the name of that "different maker".

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    If I knew the Answer to that then it would of been placed in my post. What I should say is that after declining to purchase this Award the dealer rather annoyed told me (Quote "I have been collecting and dealing for 30 years and this is the first time I have heard this load of B/S, believe me I am quite able to tell the difference between a copy and a real medal and this is a genuine example, the (3) denotes the maker, Experts would have know this, I authenticate and value for some of the top auction rooms in this country and also in Canada, so I am very insulted"). However I passed the shot's of this EK1 to another very respected dealer for there opinion who came back with (Quote "EK1 looks ok from the picks").

    Furthermore the date "1939" on your picture's is indeed Lower on the Floch Crosses (Reproduction's) although on this EK1 to which this discussion is based, It is not. The Numeral "3" is a very very close call.

    Lastly,if this EK1 was indeed a Copy as you say then why would one go to as much work to manufacture a piece to put on the reverse something as blatently obvious as a "hooky catch". This Catch in Question may well have been replaced Post-War as the original was broken off at some point, (as many are in all Award's). My gut feeling on this particular piece (which is very important as we all know) is that it is "okay" although as said I have now declined it to which I may well regret.

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    If I knew the Answer to that then it would of been placed in my post. What I should say is that after declining to purchase this Award the dealer rather annoyed told me (Quote "I have been collecting and dealing for 30 years and this is the first time I have heard this load of B/S, believe me I am quite able to tell the difference between a copy and a real medal and this is a genuine example, the (3) denotes the maker, Experts would have know this, I authenticate and value for some of the top auction rooms in this country and also in Canada, so I am very insulted"). However I passed the shot's of this EK1 to another very respected dealer for there opinion who came back with (Quote "EK1 looks ok from the picks").

    Furthermore the date "1939" on your picture's is indeed Lower on the Floch Crosses (Reproduction's) although on this EK1 to which this discussion is based, It is not. The Numeral "3" is a very very close call.

    Lastly,if this EK1 was indeed a Copy as you say then why would one go to as much work to manufacture a piece to put on the reverse something as blatently obvious as a "hooky catch". This Catch in Question may well have been replaced Post-War as the original was broken off at some point, (as many are in all Award's). My gut feeling on this particular piece (which is very important as we all know) is that it is "okay" although as said I have now declined it to which I may well regret.

    No problem - you can believe or not for it's originality. I don't care it's your money ). Of course we know this kind of "bla-bla-bla" from every dealer. This is nothing but words... The question can be solved by posting the original cross (the same as you show but with maker mark for example) or by telling us the name of this maker. Just name!

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    I Think this debate just show's the difficulty facing collector's when trying to purchase Original period made Item's of this particular era. As said,I have passed on this piece. The hunt resume's... Thank you for the Opinion's given.

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